Jenatris Cloud Satellite Network

Revision as of 10:07, 7 July 2019 by Sky Blake (talk | contribs)
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Known Information about the Satellite:

  • Function: to catalyze, exacerbate and direct ion storms
  • Uses Romulan circuitry
  • Part of a network
  • Likely has a large control device that is housed somewhere such as a base or planetoid.

Found out during the mission "The Gathering Storm"

  • The original Romulan circuitry was modified by the Sicarians
  • The original satellites were designed to be communications and sensor buoys
  • It was the Sicarian modifications that allowed the satellites to control ion storms
  • The satellite network was linked with tachyon pulses
  • The satellites controlled ion storms though the ability to manipulate subspace anomalies on a varying scale which greatly exacerbated the storm qualities in the Jenatris cloud.
  • The satellite network was destroyed at the end of the mission "The Gathering Storm" - two satellites remain in the custody of Starfleet intel.