
Revision as of 16:23, 11 April 2007 by Varaan (talk | contribs) (started to add MA links)
Intelligent Lifeform Index

Four Letter Code HRTA
Federation Status Member
Planet of Origin Janus VI
Encountered by the USS Enterprise (TOS: The Devil in the Dark
T/E Rating T0/E0
Current Tech Level C-
List of Named Hortas

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A highly intelligent silicon-based species capable of tunneling through solid rock like humans are able to walk through air. Horta are silicon based 'blobs' that live underground. They move through the rocks using powerful acids secreted from their glands. The Horta is female and lives below the Federation mining facility, she can only be contacted telepathically. Around stardate 3196.1, the Janus VI miners are suddenly attacked repeatedly by this creature, who as it turns out, is merely trying to protect her young. They are unaware that by mining, they were destroying her children, and in fact, the future of the Horta species entirely.