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Intelligent Lifeform Index

Four Letter Code CENT
Federation Status Member
Planet of Origin Alpha Centauri IV, Beta Quadrant
Encountered TOS: "Tomorrow is Yesterday" & "Metamorphosis"
T/E Rating T0/E0
Current Tech Level N
List of Named Centaurans

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Home System

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Home World

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Starfleet Intelligence Files


In certain works set in the fictional Star Trek universe created by Gene Roddenberry, the Centauran race originated on the planet Alpha Centauri IV (or Velestus in their native language) which orbits the binary stars Alpha Centauri A, a yellow dwarf(G2V) and Alpha Centauri B, an orange dwarf (K0-3V). There is no mention of this planet in the shows (where Alpha Centauri is merely an early Earth colony); however, it features prominently in many other non-canonical sources, such as novels, sourcebooks, and role-playing games.


Centaurans, as a rule, tend to be artistic, contemplative and analytical; many are pacifist and think deeply about any significant action before taking it. Of course, as each city-state is distinctive, this stereotype can change radically.

Physical Description

Centaurans are outwardly indistinguishable from humans, and are sexually compatible with them, able to interbreed with little difficulty. Indeed, there is only a minor difference in organ placement and DNA between Humans and Centaurans, but on the grand scale of things, these are fairly minor. Human-Centauran breeding requires only minimal medical supervision. One thing to note, however, is that as a whole the Centauran people are a very attractive people. This comes, probably from having had a few more centuries of evolution wherein good hygiene was figured out. They also are capable of manifesting empathic/telepathic abilities anywhere from E1 to E4 and T1 to T3, though most Centaurans do not. This ability may stem from their concern of others' emotional state and well being.

Centaurans are, as a rule, the most invisible people in the Federation. While carrying a great deal of pride in their homes, they also know that they are members of the Federation, as is everyone. Thus asserting their own race above being a Federation citizen reminds them of the city-state patriotism that led to the Plague Wars. Because of this belief, and a lack of assertion of their own racial identity, they are often mistaken as either human or Betazoid. They don't mind. They know the truth in their hearts, and they know that just because they aren't rubbing peoples' faces in their culture doesn't devalue it. This is evidenced by the fact that they let themselves be called Centaurans. Such is a Terran term; they call their planet Velestus. They know it is Velestus though, so they don't need others to call it such.


Unlike Earth, there are no truly large continents on Alpha Centauri IV. Nothing at all like the Eurasian-African mass, or like the Americas. The sum of the landmasses on Alpha Centauri are numerous islands: large and small. No land-bridges nor any small straits connect any of the islands to each other. There is but one polar continent, in the northern hemisphere and two major oceans. Because of this physical isolation from other landmasses, each island would develop one large city, which would form the center of power for that island. And the Centauran people would develop a great deal of pride in their own city-state. So of course tensions would arise as exploration occurred. Searching around for resources only to find another people occupying that land, people fiercely loyal to their city-state. Rampant factionalization highlights the ancient history of Alpha Centauri IV.

During Earth's 19th Century, the Centaurans faced the threat of extinction. Many city-states experimented with biological weapons following a worldwide nuclear weapons ban. Either by design or accident, a genetically engineered retrovirus was released on one of the northern continents. This retrovirus quickly mutated into several deadly strains and spread to the four corners of the globe. Millions sickened and died. The different city-states declared war on the virus and on each other. World leaders desperately searched for an antidote or a vaccine. When that search failed, governments looked for scapegoats.

The Centaurans refer to this time of death and disease as The Plague Years. It lasted over a decade. Strains continued to mutate, exacting a terrible toll in lives. Billions of Centaurans would die before the plague ran its course. The different governments of Alpha Centauri eventually ceased fighting--armies died faster than they could be trained--and began pooling their resources to combat the virus. The best scientists and doctors gathered in an Emergency Medical Council to coordinate their efforts in fighting the plagues.

Finally, in Terran Year 1871, this international team developed an effective antiviral agent and vaccine. The Centaurans stopped the plagues, but they did not forget the lessons The Plague Years had taught. The Emergency Medical Council became a full-fledged world government only five years after the end of the Plague War, as every surviving Centauran city voted to make Dr. Kulei Asephas, the discoverer of the vaccine, its leader. Despite Dr. Asephas' objections, she became global president by popular acclamation. Her government outlawed biological weapons and laid the foundations for a lasting time of world peace. This time of horror made the Centaurans realize how easily conflict could result in the destruction of all life on their planet. They learned to put aside their differences and work for the common good of all.

The people of Alpha Centauri never managed to break the light barrier on their own. First contact between the Terrans and the Centaurans was in the Terran Standard Year 2066, when a human scouting vessel detected radio transmissions around the fourth planet. Approaching, they saw an advanced satellite network, and a moonbase, and, much as the Vulcans had done with them, they made first contact.

The Centauran impact on Earth is immeasurable. While the Centauran's had never managed to develop warp drive, their terraforming capabilities were well beyond anyone else's, and were instrumental in reclaiming the ruin that was Earth. They were equally as instrumental in helping the Earth develop a single world government. After 2066, the various Terran nations, now that the Earth was being rebuilt, turned their attention to the stars, racing to colonize various planets, both within their own system and in other areas. Such races led to conflict, and the people of Alpha Centauri were enraged when a South American spacecraft fought with one from the European Hegemony in orbit of Alpha Centauri. With that, the Centaurans withdrew their terraforming technology, and along with the Vulcans, stated that they would be willing to deal with "any single unified Earth government." When Zefram Cochrane, Earth's number one citizen at the time, emigrated to Alpha Centauri, stating that he would sooner not see the Earth go through another world war, this shocked the Earth into action. Once the United Earth Government was started, relations resumed and the Centaurans returned with their terraforming equipment.

The other major advance of the early days of the proto-Federation was a simple esoteric one, but one which has much impact. The Centaurans were able to make the early scouting ships much more livable, so that the long treks between stars became actually bearable. These livability touches continue to this day; it was a Centauran who invented the Federation Holodeck, which aid modern starships in training and recreation.


Alpha Centauri IV (Velestus) is one of thirteen planets orbiting the binary stars Alpha Centauri A, a yellow dwarf (it is Sol's "twin", though it is a little more massive thus a little more luminous) and Alpha Centauri B, an orange dwarf. The first two planets are F class with only orbital scientific stations. Alpha Centauri III and IV are the two planets that have large colonies. Planets V through X are class V gas giants varying in size. Several of their moons are home to starbases and small colonies. A lot of free traders have scouted Alpha Centauri XII for valuable ores among the distant meteorites and comets.

Alpha Centauri IV's most distinguishing celestial feature is its series of rings. It has two small moons, Nykos and Tharon, which are home to mining colonies. The planet's atmosphere is an oxygen-nitrogen mix with pressure close to Earth normal. Eighty percent of the planet is covered with water making it not M-class but Class-N. There are hundreds of small islands scattered across the surface. The average temperature is 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Widely varying solar radiation levels, tectonic stress and other problems beset the Centauri homeworld driving the Centaurans to develop terraforming technology early in their history. Their scientists believe that, over ten million years ago, a third moon orbiting the planet was ripped apart by tidal forces as it descended too close to the planet, producing a rare ring system around the inner planet.

The current population of Alpha Centauri is around 3 billion people, plus a small human and Vulcan population. Many of the humans living on Alpha Centauri are descended from the first immigrants from Earth, dating all the way back to the 21st century. The capital city is Tarola'n, with features the famous Monument of Visions Art Museum. Alpha Centauri is a major exporter of art and is a popular tourist destination. Their holographic art is highly collectable. Centauran artists are sought out to design specialized holodeck programs.

Two native species have become well known to Federation visitors. The kerra'vein are canine-like animals similar to huskies. They are a popular local pet. In the wild these animals live on fish and carrion. The lala'vel is a small winged creature that closely resembles the terran bat except for color which ranges from pure white to blue to green. Lala'vels sleep in caves or dark areas during the day and feed on insects at night.


Without usurping the rights of the individual, the Centaurans have managed to find a fine balance in a loosely structured communal society. The population is spread out into self-contained communities across the planet's many island -- each settlement known as a da'den can exist alone but they regularly trade goods and knowledge and breeding stock.

Family life on Alpha Centauri is very loose -- traditional families giving way to a very cautious breeding plan that allows the genetic material of the population to be as diversified as possible. Couples might pair-bond for life, but more than one child is rarely born to the same couple. Children on Alpha Centauri are raised in a grouping that translates as a crèche until they are five years old and are then either raised by their biological family or, if the parent or parents are not interested, by some other pairing to be supervised and mentored. It is not as cold as it seems -- the Centaurans are naturally affectionate, if at times a bit intense. They take pride in what they can contribute to the community and that pride shows up in their children.

A good source on Alpha Centauri A & B: http://www.glyphweb.com/esky/stars/alphacentauri.html

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