Din Pomel
Vital Statistics
Name: Din POMEL
Rank: Petty Officer
Position: Brig Rating
Species: Andorian
Gender: Female
Place of birth: USS Sunrider
- Born onboard USS Sunrider.
- Raised by Mother, Hepol and Father, Bordeil aboard the USS Nightingale, USS Shimmering Sun, and USS Sunrider.
- Age 16/ Father posted to Starfleet research facility as lead technician, Family moved to Earth.
- Age 17/ Entered SF Academy
- Age 21/ Graduated SF Academy with officer training, Posted to USS Triumphant to serve as Security Team Leader.
Raised in Starfleet, Din is used to taking orders. Aboard her Father's former postings, she learned discipline, and how to adapt quickly to change. She is roughly 5 foot 10 inches tall and weighs a trim 130 lb. She has a bit of a playful side and is always willing to make friends, but when it comes to business, she takes things a little more seriously.