USS Thor

Revision as of 21:04, 7 June 2017 by Oddas Aria (talk | contribs)



“For every minute, the future is becoming the past.”

- Thor Heyerdahl

Under Construction

The USS Thor is a Vesta Class, currently under the command of Rear Admiral Toni Turner, categorized as a multi-mission explorer. The ship was built in 2385, and is part of a recent initiative of Starfleet's to refocus on exploration and fleet-wide modernization.

While turning an eye to exploration, Starfleet recognizes that the threats against Federation worlds are myriad, and growing. The defensive and combat capabilities of the ship have therefore been refitted with cutting-edge technologies that ensure it is able to defend itself, and the people of the United Federation of Planets.

USS Thor NCC-82607

The mission profile of the Thor is as follows:

  • Protect our diplomatic allies the Laudeans against the ongoing incursions or attempts at coercion;
  • Be prepared to act as a front-line defense for Federation worlds and our allies;
  • Act as a platform for scientific research.


  • Name: USS Thor
  • Registry: NCC-82607
  • Motto: "For every minute, the future is becoming the past." - Thor Heyerdahl
  • Class: Vesta
  • Commission: Rear Admiral Toni Turner
  • Category: Multi-mission explorer
  • Strength Index: 1,643
  • Dimensions
    • Height: 88 m
    • Width: 195 m
    • Length: 672 m
    • Number of Decks: 23
  • Crew
    • Complement: 745
    • Officers: 264
    • Enlisted: 396
    • Marines
      • Officers: 25
      • Enlisted: 60
    • Civilians: Not Permitted
  • Evacuation Capacity: 3,500
  • Engineering
    • Warp Engines: One Class 12 Enhanced 1,500+ Cochrane warp core feeding two nacelles
    • Impulse Engines: FIG-9 Subatomic Unified Energy Impulse Unit
    • Quantum Slipstream Drive: Mark II Quantum Slipstream Drive Core Prototype
  • Speed:
    • Cruising: Warp 8
    • Emergency: Warp 9.95 (18 Hours)
    • Maximum: Warp Factor 9.992 (12 Hours)
    • Slipstream: Equivalent of Warp 9.9999952 (20,406,011.7 x the speed of light)
  • Computer Systems:
    • Class XIX Bioneural/Isolinear Computer Core - LCARS
    • RAV/ISHAK Mod 7 Warp Celestial Guidance
  • Tractor Beam: Multiphase Subspace Graviton with a 30,000 Km range
  • Hull Duration: 100 years
  • Resupply Cycle: 6 months
  • Refit Cycle:
    • Minor: 3 years
    • Major: 9 years
  • Armament
    • Beam Weapons: 15 Type XII phaser arrays (10 fore, 5 aft) for a total of 93,750 TerraWatts
    • Torpedo Launchers: 3 Type 1 Burst Fire tubes (2 fore, 1 aft) capable of firing 4 every 3 seconds within a 1600 km range.
  • Defensive Systems
    • Shield Capacity: Auto-Regenerative Adaptive Shield Matrix, total output: 3,500,000 TeraJoules
    • Armor Type: Heavy Duranium/Tritanium Double hull plus 8 centimeters of ablative hull armor
  • Support Vessels
    • 2x Type 9 short-range shuttles
    • 2x Type XI-S long-range shuttles
    • 2x Arrow class runabouts
    • 2x Argo class shuttles
    • 2x Work bees


Main engineering is a three-level complex that spans decks 11-13 across the length and width of the ship. Within this area, the main warp core is centralized. The slipstream core is also housed here, below and aft of the main core, with restricted access on deck 13. Though comprised of three separate decks, the central part of engineering is more of an open bay area with catwalks allowing access to the other decks. Enclosed rooms on the edges of engineering serve as the Chief Engineer’s office, offices for engineering personnel as needed, and meeting rooms for teams working on specific projects. Engineering labs and holosuites are located on the outskirts as well. Two wholly enclosed and reinforced test bays near the forward part of the compartment serve as safe rooms for the testing of experimental or unknown tech as needed.


The Thor has an innovative new Tactical headquarters onboard, built around a three- dimensional tactical planning system called the "War Room." This system acts as a counterpart to the Stellar Cartography dome introduced on the USS Enterprise-D and carried through to other ships built recently. Instead of focusing purely on cartographic display, the War Room is a training and planning facility that provides the tactical department with simulations and projections regarding tactical encounters. While things generally move too fast in actual tactical encounters to utilize the room for planning, it is equipped with the ability to provide live data projection and A.I.-assisted strategic outcome planning. Adjacent to the War Room are the office of the Chief Tactical Officer, a two-corridor phaser range, the ship's secondary armory, and a small briefing room for tactical officers.


The Chief of Security's office, the brig, and the main armory are located on Deck 3. This ship's configuration forces all brig access through the security office with multiple levels of protection to keep those in holding contained. Three cells have space for double occupancy. In addition, one auxiliary cargo bay on Deck 22 can be re-configured as an emergency brig. The hazard team and Marines deployed under the command of the Chief of Security also have muster areas located within the security area.

The main armory is located adjacent to the security area, and has Marine guards posted at all times. Access is restricted to senior staff. All weapons are located in secured lockers and while a maintenance bay provides space and tools for repairing disabled weapons. Heavy ordnance is stored here.

The Thor carries enough weaponry for all members of the crew in case of a hostile boarding situation, although some weapons are located in the auxiliary armory and in smaller lockers around the ship. The auxiliary armory is located on Deck 1, adjacent to the bridge, and is also guarded by Marines.


The Thor has a standard complement of science labs. Two labs located at the hull are configured for high-level containment, and have special access to the outer hull via doors that double as both loading and emergency blast-release. Shuttlebay 2 also has placement that facilitates loading of materials in and out of the ship to the science labs, and that deck has been configured with compartmentalization and facilitates de-pressurized movement of materials. The astrometrics and astrophyics dome are also located on Deck 10. This location is configured for microgravity, allowing crew to work in multiple dimensions without the confines of gravity-defined spatial orientation.


The Thor has a larger-than-normal sickbay in anticipation of its role as a front-line ship and a diplomatic envoy in places where Federation medical assistance is rarely provided. The main treatment ward has 15 biobeds, an ICU unit with 3 biobeds, and two surgical suites. A quarantine unit provides safe containment for individuals with highly contagious illnesses. The Chief Medical Officer's office is located in sickbay, while the ship's counselor's offices are located outside sickbay, but adjacent. A state-of-the-art EMH program enables even more capacity, and is able to access most areas of the ship via holoemitters.


Two teams of Marines are stationed aboard the Thor, working closely with the Security team, as well as the Engineering department in a Hazmat/Rapid Response capacity. The main office for the Marines, including their Mess Hall and other muster areas, are located on Deck 19. They maintain a separate armory for their weapons in this area, as well.

Deck_LayoutUSS Thor