Tobias Malik

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USS Avandar
Tobias Malik


  • Gender: Male
  • Position: Engineer
  • Rank: Ensign
  • Race: Koropian/Human

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Ensign Tobias Malik, a Koropian/Human hybrid, is currently serving as an Engineer aboard the USS Avandar. He grew up in a harsh training environment, pushing himself through Starfleet to completion. He is young and inexperienced and is eager to prove himself in the field and earn his pips.


  • Full Name: Tobias Malik
  • Nickname: Toby, Spurius
  • Race: Koropian/Human
  • Date of Birth: 236608.10
  • Place of Birth: City of Laconia, Marathon, Koropia
  • Age: 23
  • Gender: Male
  • Telepathic status: None


  • Height: 5'11
  • Weight: 164 lbs.
  • Hair Color: Light Brown
  • Length of Hair: Short
  • Eye Color: Dark grey, in the right light they turn a pale green.
  • Skin Tone: Light
  • Birthmarks, Scars, Tattoos:
    • Face: 2" scar on right temple.
    • Tattoo: Black numerals "MMCCCLXVII" tattooed down the right hand side of his torso. The date corresponds with the USS Bellerophon was lost in the Battle of Wolf 359.
  • Build: Athletic. He exercises daily, however his physical fitness is also part of his heritage.
  • Taste in Clothing (when off duty):
    • Typically dressing casually in a hooded jumper, cargo pants and boots or training shoes.
    • In his quarters, when the mood takes him, he will dress in a short linen tunic and soleae, a type of sandal worn specifically with the tunic consisting of a leather sole attached to the foot with interlacing thongs just to feel a little closer to home.
  • Shoes: Starfleet regulation black boots on duty. Nothing much changes off duty.
  • Voice: His voice is deep and soft. He speaks slowly but purposefully.
  • Handedness: Right.



  • Quarters:
    • Unlike the domus he shared with other Legion recruits at home on Koropia, his quarters are kept rather spartan.
    • His nature is to keep the area clean and tidy. It is a place of comfort and reflection, however he does currently share it with another Ensign, who never seems to be there when he is...
  • Mannerisms:
    • Toby is kind, friendly and warm-hearted. He is a private person, taking solace in the activities he does alone.
    • He will speak slowly and confidently, assessing the lay of the land first before committing himself to words.
    • He prefers to stand than sit.
    • He thrives on a challenge.
  • Religion/Spiritual Devotion: There is no official religion on Koropia but there are several different religions from the mingling of species over time. Most tend to prefer the spiritual devotions to the old Gods. Toby is a follower of Jupiter.
  • Hobbies and Pastimes:
    • Keeping fit is his main hobby, bringing him closer to his young life.
    • He likes sports, mainly wrestling and athletics.
    • He enjoys running, swimming and reading, though not necessarily at the same time.
    • Collects relics from ancient civilisations from throughout the Galaxy. His sister shares this passion.
  • Likes:
    • He enjoys reading about the history of the Federation, especially the worlds within the Federation. He is fascinated by the Romulan ancestry.
    • He also enjoys swimming, taking long baths and spending time in gardens, reading peacefully.
  • Dislikes:
    • Mainly being incapacitated, either by sickness or injury.
    • He doesn't like inaction, especially if there's an action that could be taken to ensure success.
    • Believes respect should be given with every word spoken and tends to bristle when not.
  • Ambitions and Goals:
    • His main ambition is to be able to perform the cursus honorem, scaling the mountain region of their homeland. Those who reach the summit without the aid of technology are granted the status of dominus, a citizenship, a place within the Senate and an area of land.
    • Since his father's death, their ancestral land had been distributed to other members of the Senate.
  • Physical Limitations:
    • Koropian's are known for their extensive stamina, especially when faced with extreme situations.
    • Being only part Koropian, there are elements of his Human physiology that act as a bar to him performing some of the feats that other Koropian males can.
    • This is a great detriment to the psychology of Koropians, who strive for perfection. He has sought to overcome these physical limitations from childhood.


Marital Status





Father: Robin Malik, a Human, was raised on Earth. He enjoyed an extensive career in Starfleet, acting as an Ambassador to those integrating more readily with the Federation. He was stationed on Koropia, where he met Mariella. After the birth of his second child, Tobias, he was stationed on the USS Bellerophon and in 2367, was lost at the Battle of Wolf 359.

Mother: Mariella Annari, a Koropian, is a native of Koropia, educated in their culture and immersed in their way of life. She trained with the honour guard and the female Legionaries, learning to fight, use strategy and negotiate. She was the inspiration for Tobias to become a Tactician. She also worked in Xeniobiology through Starfleet, although not in the military. His mother taught him battle technique until he was old enough to be taken for military service education. She moved the family to Vega Colony, Vega IX to enable her children to have a career in Starfleet without being bound by the strict dictations of Koropian society.


Sister: Laelia Annari, a Koropian/Human, born to the same parents. She is the older of the siblings, born on Koropia and educated in their military practice. She is an excellent marksman, both rifle and composite bow. When the family moved to the Vega Colony, Vega IX, she joined Starfleet, qualifying in Medicine and becoming a Medical Officer stationed throughout the region.

Personal History

Toby was raised in the large city of Laconia, Marathon by his mother and elder sister. He and his sister were reared by their mother until they were at a suitable age to be given over to the city elders and enrolled in the military academy. The Koropian military is built upon strict foundations that dictate a level of physical discipline, courage and loyalty to Koropia. He learnt to endure the harshest of conditions and accepted into the Legionaries of Koropia. Having lost his father at a young age and barely remembering him at all, Toby has relied upon the elders and the Senate of Koropia for guidance in his young life, relying on their wisdom. His grandfather proved to be the better educator and taught Toby how to function, how to behave and how to be respectful in all situations. At the age of eighteen, the family moved to Vega Colony, Vega IX so that Toby could enroll in Starfleet and have the best education possible. It was on Vega that Toby declared his ambitions and joined Starfleet, enrolling in the Academy as a Tactical major.

  1. 236608.10: Tobias is born to Robin Malik and Mariella Annari in the city of Laconia, Marathon.
  2. 236705.12: Robin Malik is killed in action serving on the USS Bellerophon. The vessel is lost in the ensuing Battle of Wolf 359.
  3. 237307.14: Military training begins at the foot of the Koropian mountain range. Toby would not see his mother again for six years.
  4. 237908.23: Released from the young military academy to be trained as a Legionaire in the garrison. Educated by his mother int he art of strategy.
  5. 238403.21: Honour bound into the Koropian Legion. Emigrated from Koropia to Vega Colony, Vega IX.
  6. 238502.13: Enrolls in Starfleet Academy under a Tactical major. Immediately joins the Starfleet Marines.
  7. 239001.01: Finished Cadet Cruise and posted to the USS Tiger-A as Tactical Officer.
  8. 239005.05: Reassigned to the USS Avandar as an Engineering Officer.

Academy Records

  • Date of Entry into Starfleet Academy: Stardate 238502.13
  • Date of Graduation: Stardate 239001.01
  • Major: Tactics: Combat, Major Starships; Tactics: Large Units; Tactics: Strategy of Battle 1
  • Minor: Engineering: Introduction to Warp Systems; Engineering: Operations and Command Functions
  • Specializations: Tactics: Small Units, Piloting: Major Ships

Professional History

  • Current Rank: Ensign
  • Current Assignment: USS Avandar
  • Duty Post: Engineering Officer


Professional History
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
  Cadet, 4th Class 238502.13 - 238602.21 Starfleet Academy,
Starbase 118
Major: Tactical
Minor: Engineering
  Cadet, 3rd Class 238602.21 - 238703.01
  Cadet, 2nd Class 238703.01 - 238804.01
  Cadet, 1st Class 238804.01 - 238902.03
  238902.03 - 238912.01 USS Tiger-A Tactical Officer
  Ensign 238912.01 - 239005.05
  Ensign 239005.05 - Present USS Avandar Engineering Officer