Va Wreth

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Intelligent Lifeform Index

Va Wreth
Va wreth.jpg
Four Letter Code
Federation Status
Planet of Origin Unknown
T/E Rating T0/E0
Current Tech Level
List of Named Va Wreth

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The Va Wreth are a poorly understood, nomadic species. What is known is largely through the records of other species in the Menthar region.

Historical Records

  • A nomadic species, traveling in single large colony ships, or small groups of the same. They follow cyclical routes that may take hundreds of years to complete.
  • A trading people, they have dealings with many other species and will buy or sell anything for a price. Some say that this includes slaves.
  • They have passed through the Menthar region of space on a number of occasions. Ten thousand years ago they were at war with the Ancient Alliance over attempts to block or regulate their trade routes which now ran through the middle of Alliance space. Despite heavy losses the Va Wreth eventually overwhelmed the majority of Alliance species. "They just kept coming, we don't know from where." There are Peppalexan records that they cannibalised their fallen foes.
  • The Romulans record a very different peoples, eager to trade, communicate and make connections for the future. Two thousand years ago the Va Wreth passed through what became Romulan space and helped those fleeing Vulcan to establish themselves by trading supplies. Some were traded for 'future considerations'.
  • The Kubarey have had no direct contact but they have unearthed records from the Ancient Alliance regarding the war with the Va Wreth and their attrocities, and are very wary of them.
  • The Peppalexans regard the Va Wreth as monsters and stories circulate of the attrocities that they committed during their war with the Ancient Alliance.
  • The Va Wreth were invited to join Astrofori One by the Tholians, who have had contact with them. Given the Tholians normally xenophobic nature, the move is surprising. The proposal was seconded by the Romulans.


  • Not warp capable when they left their home-world, the Va Wreth use large generation ships in their travels through space. Whether or not they are now warp capable is not known. Given the time taken to complete their travel routes, if they have the capability they do not use it constantly.


  • The Va Wreth are blind. They navigate by using echolocation and changes in air pressure sensed using the torus on their heads and their shoulder protrubances.
  • Originally a subterranean species, they are universally grey-white, having no use for colour and no way in which to perceive it.

Known Individuals