
Revision as of 18:17, 11 June 2015 by Canreb (talk | contribs) (update)

Intelligent Lifeform Index

Four Letter Code LOTH
Federation Status Allied
Planet of Origin Lotha
Encountered DS9: Melora
T/E Rating T0/E0
Current Tech Level N
List of Named Lothras

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"Add a saying."
a Lothra saying.
The Lothra are a species of - add a short description here

Home System

  • Quadrant: ??
  • Location: ??? Sector (coordinates B27-0002-1300 ??)
  • Proper Name: ???
  • Star: It orbits a class ? (??) star
  • Distance from Star: it's orbit is approximately ?? million km
  • Companions: It is the ?? of ?? planets in the system
  • Moons:

Home World

  • Proper Name: Lotha
  • Diameter: 20,308 km (12,619 miles)
  • Gravity: ?? standard gravity with a density of ??
  • Axial Tilt: ??%, with
  • Orbital Period: ?? days
  • Rotational Period: ?? hours
  • Classification: M
    • Surface Water: ??%
    • Atmosphere: 1.07 is a standard pressure with 75% nitrogen, 24% oxygen, 1% trace chemicals
    • Climate: ??
    • Terrain: ??
    • Population: Just over ?? million





As with most intelligent humanoid species they have a very complex system with specialized organs, and unique hormones, chemicals and enzymes. They are typical humanoids with most of the physical, mental and biological medical problems that seem to plague most humanoids.

The Lothra are a long lived species that typically live 250-280 years of age.

They have coloured bands on the side of their head that change colour to reflect their emotional state:

  • Light green reflects happiness and joy.
  • Blue reflects nervousness or stress.







Family and Naming Customs

Lothra family members live together in large groups called lounges. They eat together, enjoying large banquets held in great halls dedicated to this purpose. This coming together time is of great importance to them and chefs are held in high regard in their society.

The first name a Lothra has indicates what lounge they come from and the second indicates the order they hatched from their clutch in.

Known Lounges: Sratha - Members of this lounge are reowned for having the traits of great compassion and self-sacrifice.




Federation Intelligence Files

A sentient, space-faring species of hydrogen breathers capable of inhabiting Class-M environments with adaptive gear. The species was known to Curzon or a previous Dax host, since Jadzia talked of a Lothra who mated with an oxygen breather for 57 years. They could only spend 40 minutes a day together without their breathing apparatus.


Both Memory Alpha and Memory Beta were used as references as well as the following TV episode, DS9: Melora.

Further data has been created for this species by PNPC Crewman Srath Aegis - Nurse, ​USS Darwin NCC-99312-A

Content from this article may have
come partially, or entirely from
Memory Alpha

This profile was revised by the Species Development Committee.
REV 239206.11
Please add any new information discovered during the course of a mission or shore leave.