Please do not delete this page till the information is moved to the page for the ship itself.
Short introduction for the vessel here.
- Name: ship name with trailing-letter designation, if applicable, i.e.- USS Phoenix-C
- Registry: registry number, i.e.- NCC-48921
- Class: Miranda
- Commission: Captain Samal Ezra Frazier
- Category: Escort
- Strength Index: strength index from Daystrom Institute Technical Library
- Motto: ship motto
- Height: 237.6 meters
- Width: 141.7 meters
- Length: 58.0 meters
- Mass: 720.000 metric tons
- Number of Decks: 12
- Complement: 120
- Officers: 30 (with Marine contingent Officers)
- Enlisted: 90
- Civilians: not permitted
- Evacuation Capacity: 450
- Warp Engines: Two 920 LF-50 Advanced Linear Warp Drive Units
- Impulse Engines: Two FIG-7 Subatomic Unified Energy Impulse Units
- Speed:
- Cruising: 6.2
- Emergency: 9.982
- Maximum: maximum speed Warp 9.982 for 12 hours
- Quantum Slipstream Drive: EQUIPPED
- Computer System: Library Computer Access and Retrieval System (LCARS) Class XV Bio-neural gel pack/Isolinear circuitry Computer Core
- Secondary
- Hull Duration: 50 years
- Re-Supply Cycle: 2 years
- Refit Cycle: 20 years
- Minor: 5 years
- Major: 30 years
- Beam Weapons: 2 type 12 phaser emitters 10 type 10 collimated phaser emitters
- Torpedo Launchers: 1 forward quantum launcher
- Torpedo Payload: 200 quantum torpedoes
- Tractor Beams: 6 tractor beam emitters
Defensive Systems
- Shield Capacity: total shield capacity, in TeraJoules
- Armor Type: Duranium/Tritanium Double Hull with Ablative Armor
Support Vessels
- 2x Type IX shuttles
- 1x Type XI shuttles
- 2x Work Bees
Important Note: The features listed are not an exhaustive account of all facilities/components installed, but rather "points of interest". Escape access is available on all decks.
Weapon pod
- Sensor dome (Long range and Science sensors)
- Secondary Deflector Control
Deck One
Internal Features
- Bridge
- Captain's Ready Room
- Captain's Mess
- Captain's Quarters
- EVA Lockers
External Features
- Airlock (aft)
Deck Two
Internal Features
- Briefing Room
- Holosuit 1 (Reserved for Bridge Crew Analyses)
- Transporter Room 1 (Personnel Only)
Deck Three
Internal Features
- Officers' Lounge
- Chief Tactical Officer's Office (aft)
- Strategic Operations Office
- Stellar Cartography
External Features
- Access to weapon pod (aft)
- Phaser arrays
Deck Four
Internal Features
- Cargo Bay One (upper)
- Dorsal Shield Generators (port & starboard)
- Senior Officers Quarters
- Diplomatic Suite
- Diplomatic Quarters
Deck Five
Internal Features
- Cargo Bay One (lower)
- Shuttle Bay
- Junior Officers Quarters
Deck Six
Internal Features
- Security Offices
- Brig
- Armoury
- Junior Officers Quarters
- Transporter Room 2 (Personnel Only)
Deck Seven
Internal Features
- Holodeck One
- Recreation Deck/Gymnasium
- Secondary Shield Generators (fore & aft)
- Enlisted Crew Mess Hall
- Enlisted Crew Quarters
Deck Eight
Internal Features
- Enlisted Crew Quarters
- Transporter Room 3
- Torpedo Magazine
External Features
- Torpedo Tube
Deck Nine
Internal Features
- Sickbay with 3 BIObeds
- Medical Lab
- Surgery Suite
- Medical Holosuite
- Main Operations
- Chief Operations Officer's Office
- Quartermaster's Office
- Communications & Xenolinguistics
- Computer Labs
- Cargo Bay One
- Main Deflector Control
- Sensor dome (Navigational/Lateral sensors)
External Features
- Main Navigational Deflector
Deck Ten
- Marine Quarters
- Gym
- Bedrooms
- Mess Hall
- Holodeck 2(Reserved for Marines)
- Armory
Deck Eleven
Internal Features
- Engineering Workshops
- Ventral Shield Generators (port & starboard)
External Features
- Phaser arrays
- Tractor beam arrays (aft)
Deck Twelve
- Holodeck 3