Maia Hanstead
Vital Statistics
Rank: Ensign
Position: Beta Team Leader
Species: Terran
Gender: Female
Place of birth: St Louis, North America, Earth
- Born in St. Louis, Missouri, North American Continent, Earth.
- Kidnapped and raised by Grandfather Richard Beeman on Rendari III.
- Age 13/ Rescued by Kodiak crew and reunited with father Jake Hanstead, Kodiak security officer.
- Age 15/ Entered SF Academy
- Age 20/ Graduated SF Academy with officer training, posted to USS Kodiak as COS, served 2 years.
- Age 28/ Posted to USS Triumphant to serve as Security Team Leader.
Maia is a beautiful young woman with short blonde hair and a slender athletic figure. She is 5 foot 8 inches tall and weighs apx. 140 lb. Rugged, yet feminine, she has both a good sense of humor and a strong devotion to duty.
Maia is an NPC previously played by both Lt. Graves, and Commander T'Lara. Don't kill her, maim her, nor corrupt her virtues, please. Thank You.