Pods Lexicon

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Pods Lexicon

Pods Lexicon's origin occurred on an alternate time line. This time line was neither of a now instance nor part of any type of time framing at all. This “time-line” was a kind of thought field or matter stream of data in a data structured reality. As he was created he was created simultaneously across multiple time fields and non-now experiences of data and data structures. Bottom line: Pods awareness spans multiple experiences when he is concerned about these things.

Pods Lexicon's Abilities: 1. He can and sometimes does control the matter waves and mediums there of within their facets of beingness. 2. He was given a kind of power by the Rainbow Freedom Group but has never had to use it. 3. He was given an ability to cause, in another, there attention to be draw or directed to some object or thing.

Relationship status: Currently there is a long distance relationship that is on going. Of the one called Elizabeth in a galaxy far far away when any time line was not known at all. They acquiesce about love and how to live a life in love. Before this current affair is the broken heart of Pods that is to be a pivotal dilemma in his life. The relationship was all too serious for a safe way out of the connection that was going on. She had ended her life and he had also attempted the same but was unable to die. With his emotional scars as deep as life, he went on.