Prometheus Station

Revision as of 04:12, 20 December 2014 by Nugra (talk | contribs)
Still in development. May change without notice.
If you have any questions contact Cmdr Nugra.


The Prometheus Station was established in 2385 in the Piktar System as a research and development facility for the Starfleet Sciences and Technology Division. The large station housed multiple experients and its most notable breakthrough was in slipstream technology.

An Eidyia class station, it houses over one thousand scientists and personnel on its fifty-four deck structure. (NOTE: There are no deck plans on file for the station to help with securing the facility from outside intrusion.)

USS Thomas Edison

USS Thomas Edison

The USS Thomas Edison is a Nova Class starship assigned to Prometheus Station as patrol and also to help field test any technology the director decides. She is under the command of Captain Morgan Vance and has been assigned to the station since 2387.