Delete/Discusson Tags?

Is there any way to mark pages/images for deletion or discussion to draw people attention to them? Thanks -Sirkit


Were we planning on revamping the missions? I thought we were just talking about revising the tutorials? --Wolf 23:37, 19 Aug 2005 (CDT)

Let's start with the tutorials. We can move on to missions after that. I don't want us to be working on too many things at once. I think we can still test-run the new mission(s) in the meantime, though. --Wolf 22:45, 20 Aug 2005 (CDT)

Ship classes

Wouldn't we be better off just putting all the ships on one page, each with a subheading or something? I think the only time we really need a whole page for a vessel is when it's non-canon. Seems a bit superfluous to have all these ship pages that just have "examples within our fleet" when we can put all of them into a page with subheadings. Thoughts? --Wolf 19:05, 14 January 2006 (CST)

Well, if you remember the discussion we had with Maximoff, I'm really not interested in having all of the canon stuff on this wiki, because there are other places (, MemoryAlpha, Wikipedia) that have better, more complete listings for these things. So, if we do want to have a list of ship classes on here, that's fine by me. My only objection is that we don't need a seperate page for each ship class if there's only "examples within our fleet" and a picture or two. They can all go on one page, then, and make it easier to access all the information. --Wolf 12:05, 15 January 2006 (CST)
Hehe... no, that was not my intention. I just want to make sure we don't have 50 individual pages for ships with very little information or information that is better found elsewhere. So why don't we do this: let's have one page for each "type" of ship -- Explorers, Cruisers, whatever. On each of these pages we'll have a list of each ship class in a subheading. For all the canon ships which we don't have any information on and/or information is better found elsewhere, we'll just have a small picture and a list of "examples within our fleet." For all non-canon ships and/or ships where we have the best information or unique information, we'll do the same thing, but also do like Wikipedia does and have a link which states "Main articles: [[Name of Noncanon Class]]". That way, the appearance is uniform, and we don't have unnecessary pages, and it's easy to find the ships. Agreed? --Wolf 12:39, 15 January 2006 (CST)
The starship classes page is looking much better. --Wolf 01:32, 29 January 2006 (CST)


The redirects I created are shortcuts. i.e.- "Independence" to "USS Independence". Best to create and keep these, because it makes it easier for people to find the pages. We really only need to delete redirects when the source file is incorrect, or it's a double redirect. But otherwise, redirects are good because it helps people find things faster :) (See also --Wolf 14:21, 29 January 2006 (CST)

Oh, also, you can see what the source of a redirect is by clicking on the "what links here" link on the left-hand "toolbox" thing. Just go to the redirect's actual page (not where it redirects to) and click on that link, and it'll show you what goes there. Should help you find the source of redirects. --Wolf 14:22, 29 January 2006 (CST)
Hehe, that's ok. It's a useful endeavour for most pages to remove the redirects. The only ones we really need are the ones that are more commonly referred to as a shorter name. I.e.- most people are going to search for "independence" and not "USS Independence," so the redirect is good there. --Wolf 14:27, 29 January 2006 (CST)

Chief Engineers Office (Wallace)

Thanks for that, forgotten I hadn't tweaked the menu template for the Wallace yet... Just tweaked it so hopefully that should be harder to forget for Wallace articles in future... :) - Jay 07:00, 28 March 2006 (CST)