User:Mei'konda/Nar Ylsin

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Cadet Nar Ylsin is a final year Starfleet Cadet attending the Academy in San Francisco in preparation for his training cruise. A Xenosociologist, the young Bajoran has a passion for alien cultures in his professional life, and fine dining as a hobby.


  • Full Name: Nar Ylsin (Properly referred to as Cadet Nar, or Ylsin by friends.)
  • Race: Bajoran
  • Date of Birth: Winter, 2371
  • Place of Birth: Bajor, Relliketh Province
  • Age: 20
  • Gender: Male
  • Telepathic status: N/A


  • Height: 6'0" / 1.82m
  • Weight: 140 lb / 63.5kg
  • Hair Color: Brown
  • Length of Hair: Short, styled
  • Eye Color: Green
  • Skin Tone: Pale
  • Birthmarks, Scars: None - numerous childhood scars were dermally regenerated.
  • Build: Tall and lanky.
  • Face: Angular, chiseled.
  • Eyes: Often narrowed in thought.
  • Mouth: Thin lips.
  • Arms: Proportional, a little on the thin side.
  • Legs: Proportional, a little on the thin side.
  • Carriage:
  • Poses (Hands/Gestures, Feet/Legs, Torso/Head): When thinking, tends to cup one elbow atop one hand over his chest and brush his chin thoughtfully with his other fingers.
  • Taste in Clothing (when off duty): Tends to dress in casual garb of whatever species has his current interest.
  • Shoes: Prefers sandals.
  • Voice: Soft spoken, tenor.
  • Handedness: Left.


  • Quarters: Academy Dorms
  • Favorite Room: Science labs when on duty, Academy gardens when off.
  • Habits: Occasionally bites his nails when nervous.
  • Mannerisms: Quiet introvert under many circumstances, eager extrovert when talking about his interests.
  • Religion/Spiritual Devotion: Bajoran spirituality (Casual, not really practicing).
  • Hobbies and Pastimes: Voracious reader of alien literature.
  • Likes: Alien cultures, fine cuisine, beautiful landscapes.
  • Dislikes: Cardassians, belief before evidence.
  • Ambitions and Goals: To be an essential part of a successful first contract.
  • Achievements in Life: Won first place in a cooking competition the year before his entrance to the Academy.
  • Disappointments in Life: Recently turned down for marriage by fellow Academy classmate and Bajoran Shena Prissya.
  • Temperment: Calm, slow to anger, not a mean bone in his body.
  • Mental problems (complexes and phobias): Slightly uncomfortable around Cardassians due to stories of the occupation told by his parents. Unaddressed fear of extra-vehicular-activities - he intensely dislikes being in a space suit.
  • Physical Limitations: Not physically powerful and slightly uncoordinated. Only squeaks by Academy fitness requirements.


  • Marital Status: Single
  • Children: None
  • Parents
    • Father: Nar Himso - Farmer during the Cardassian Occupation.
    • Mother: Nar Brenna - Botanist, former resistance fighter during the Cardassian Occupation.
  • Siblings: None.

Personal History

  1. 237112.05: Born to Nar Himso and Brenna the year that the Federation became aware of the Dominion's presence in the Gamma Quadrant.
  2. 237303.05: Distrusting the Dominion, Ylsin's parents go into hiding on Bajor following the Second Battle of Deep Space Nine, during which time the Dominion takes control of the Bajor Sector.
  3. 237405.05: Ylsin's family resumes their work on their farm following Operation Return, and the Federation's recapturing of the space station.
  4. 238508.02: Ylsin wins a junior cooking competition and becomes convinced he'll be a chef for the rest of his life.
  5. 238612.14: On a class field trip to Earth, Ylsin is exposed to Starfleet Academy for the first time. Surrounded by members of many alien species and utterly fascinated by their different quirks and points of view, he decides that Starfleet is for him.
  6. 238705.20: Granted entry to Starfleet Academy. Meets another Bajoran Cadet, Shena Prissya, and begins a whirlwind romance that affects his performance in school.
  7. 239001.17: Turned down for marriage by Shena Prissya. Dives head first into his studies to compensate.
  8. 239109.27: Nearing graduation and preparing for training crew.

Professional History

  • Date Graduated from Academy: N/A
  • Current Rank: 4th Year Cadet
  • Current Assignment: Starfleet Academy
  • Duty Post: Science Division, Xenosociology specialty.

Awards & Commendations

For award descriptions, see: Awards and Service Ribbons


  1. 232001.01: Event.
  2. 232001.02: Event, etc.

Introductory text goes here. For example: Ensign Joe Bloggs, a Terran, is currently the chief science officer aboard the USS Independence.

Bio Section (Change Stardates as Necessary)

  • Full Name: Nar Ylsin
  • Date of Birth: 237112.05
  • Species: Bajoran
  • Gender: Male
  • Hair Color: Brown
  • Eye Color: Green
  • Height: 6'0" / 1.82m
  • Family: Nar Himso and Nar Brenna
  • Siblings: None
  • Spouse: None
  • Children: None
  • Chronological History

237112.05: Born to Nar Himso and Brenna the year that the Federation became aware of the Dominion's presence in the Gamma Quadrant.

237303.05: Distrusting the Dominion, Ylsin's parents go into hiding on Bajor following the Second Battle of Deep Space Nine, during which time the Dominion takes control of the Bajor Sector.

237405.05: Ylsin's family resumes their work on their farm following Operation Return, and the Federation's recapturing of the space station.

238508.02: Ylsin wins a junior cooking competition and becomes convinced he'll be a chef for the rest of his life.

238612.14: On a class field trip to Earth, Ylsin is exposed to Starfleet Academy for the first time. Surrounded by members of many alien species and utterly fascinated by their different quirks and points of view, he decides that Starfleet is for him.

238705.20: Granted entry to Starfleet Academy. Meets another Bajoran Cadet, Shena Prissya, and begins a whirlwind romance that affects his performance in school.

239001.17: Turned down for marriage by Shena Prissya. Dives head first into his studies to compensate.

239109.27: Nearing graduation and preparing for training crew.


  • Height: In feet or meters.
  • Weight: In pounds or kilos.
  • Hair Color:
  • Eye Color:


  • Spouse:
  • Children:
  • Parents
    • Father:
    • Mother:
  • Siblings:


  1. 232001.01: Event.
  2. 232001.02: Event, etc.