Memory 118
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Intelligent Lifeform Index

Four Letter Code AMBR
Federation Status None
Planet of Origin Ambrosia, Alpha Quadrant
Encountered USS Columbia
T/E Rating T0/E0
Current Tech Level AR
List of Named Ambrosians

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The Ambrosian natives are a primitive species that live in the woodlands of the Planet Ambrosia. They are extremely altruistic despite their limited level of technology.


The Ambrosians are humanoid. They have just three fingers.



First Contact

After the Columbia was forced to leave a wormhole experiment they emerged near the planet of Ambrosia. The crew was forced to abandon ship. Lifeboats crashed onto the surface. A party lead by Captain Avatar was confronted by the natives where they were well fed and treated with medicine.


The community is lead by a village elder named Kalavi. Other important positions include the village Witch Doctor and the Captain of the Guards.


The village elder is appointed.

Religion and Spirituality

The Ambrosians recognize gods that they refer to as the Ingoonothe. The Ingoonothe live behind a mysterious door that is refered to as a holy place.


The universal translator was not responsive on Ambrosia leading to a language barrier. Several keywords that have been learned so far are:

Ingoonothe: gods Lavilalader: leader

Culture and Society

The Ambrosians live in a camp hidden deep in the woodlands. Homes are typically smaller huts, and the main buildings are quite spacious. Structures are built and often inset around the larger curved trees, which help them survive the violent weather patterns that are common for the planet. Typically, the common men and women wear simple robes of varying lengths that are tied at the waist. Those of higher rank and stature may wear more complicated robes, with furs, feathers, and other decorations. The Witch Doctor is particularly known for his eccentric robes and headdresses.

They have a process of 'bonding' or wedding. Pregnant women who are not bonded may be killed to avert shaming the family. Other details are sketchy.

Ambrosians are generally peaceful, but they are easily capable of defending themselves from the local predators. The most prominant local predators would be the gangs of Pygmies that rove the forests. They are typically no more than 3 feet tall, and have only their incredibly sharp teeth to fight with, but have learned to use small weapons (rocks, stolen daggers) to aid them in their hunting. Most often they simply overwhelm their prey by sheer numbers, and quite literally tear it to bits. They are capable climbers, and may ambush their prey from the treetops. They tend to make a "chittering" noise.


Limited to basic metalworks. Hand weapons such as daggers, knives, and bows are common.

Holidays and Festivals

Food and Beverages

Naturally found and grown produce. Higher quality food is reserved for those of high rank or stature. Animals might be eaten should other forms of food be in short supply. Elebeasts are horse sized elephant-like animals with a thick fur covering, and can be used for food. They are commonly used for other duties such as riding or labor. Snorgian Croftnurtz's are docile medium sized pig-like animals, and can be eaten or kept as pets.


  • Lavilalader Kalavi
  • Captain of the Guards
  • The Witch Doctor
  • Puhvai, a young Ambrosian girl