
Revision as of 03:51, 8 August 2014 by James T. Kolk (talk | contribs) (adding switch for font colors)

A template for navigating through various SIMs in chronological order. To use, type the following at the bottom of your SIM Archive Page:

| Color = your character's department color (Red, Orange, Gold, Green, Teal, Blue, Violet, Black, Silver, & White available)
| Rank = character's rank
| FirstName = Jane
| LastName = Doe
| Post = character's job
| Ship = ship name (e.g. USS Enterprise)
| ShipReg = ship registry number (e.g. NCC-1701)
| PrevSIM = page name of the preceding SIM (e.g. SIM: Ens. Doe - "Before Now") - (if non exists, leave blank)
| PrevTitle = shorter name for the link ( e.g. "Before Now") - (if non exists, leave blank)
| NextSIM  = page name of the following SIM (e.g. SIM: Ens. Doe - "After Now") - (if non exists, leave blank)
| NextTitle = shorter name for the link ( e.g. "After Now") - (if non exists, leave blank)


With other sims listed

Previous sim
>"Before Now"
Ensign >Jane Doe
Turbolift Janitor
USS Steampunk NCC-ID10T
<font color=blackNext sim
color=navy>>"After Now"

Without other sims listed

Previous sim
Ensign >Jane Doe
Turbolift Janitor
USS Steampunk NCC-ID10T
<font color=blackNext sim