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Intelligent Lifeform Index

Four Letter Code VLCN
Federation Status Member
Planet of Origin Vulcan
Encountered Part of the crew of the USS Enterprise, NCC-1701, Where No Man has Gone Before, TOS. First Contact occured on Earth in Bozeman Montana, April 5, 2063, (Star Trek: First Contact). An earlier and undocumented first contact, however, is hinted at having happened during October of 1957 Carbon Creek, ENT.
T/E Rating T0/E0
Current Tech Level N+
List of Named Vulcans

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A humanoid race, with copper-based blood, slightly green-tinted complexion and notably pointed ears, they are responsible in a large part for the founding of the Federation. Over the centuries, Vulcans have developed a culture dedicated to the complete mastery of logic, learning to suppress their once-violent emotions in nearly every aspect of their existence. In the mid-22nd century, Vulcans still carry remnants of their more emotional selves. The captain of Enterprise NX-01, Jonathan Archer - who numbers amongst his crew a Vulcan science officer/liason named T'Pol - has frequent dealings with the Vulcan high command. In these dealings, it is evident that some sense of emotion has been retained. At this period in their history, they are secretive and, according to the Andorians, perpetual liars. Ambassador Spock realized the irony of Data's search for humanity, and told him that many Vulcans try all their lives to gain Data's built-in lack of emotions.

In the 23rd century a Vulcan, Commander Spock, served as Captain James T. Kirk's first officer and science officer aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 for many years. At least one Vulcan has served as Starfleet Academy superintendent, one who memorized every cadet's personal file, during all or part of Commander Riker's years in 2353-57.

In ancient times, Vulcans were a war-like race, leading to their near extinction. Its ancient ancestors believed in gods, such as war, peace and death. Chief O'Brien quoted a phrase when meeting Tosk that he attributed to the logical, pointy-eared Federation race: "We're here to serve." Their honest and stoic nature made them a bad choice for Nog's lie about who "stole his homework."

Commander Sisko's late captain on the U.S.S. Saratoga was a Vulcan. Before the Vantika incident, Vulcans were the only race Dr. Bashir knew of who had ever performed a synaptic pattern displacement, or the transfer of one individual's consciousness into another: in their case, the transfer of the katra.

An unspecified Vulcan ship was the first to make formal contact with a Gamma Quadrant civilization, the Wadi. As with other space-faring groups, the Vulcans used an easily identifiable subspace band frequency in communication. Over a hundred years ago, a Vulcan science mission responded to the Hanoli rift but was lost along with the Hanoli system when the rupture expanded while probing it. There were no reports of imagination manifestations, perhaps not too unusual considering their nature. Vulcans are typically stronger than Humans, though they do not boast of this strength. Dr. Bashir beat an otherwise unidentified Vulcan in the finals to lead the Starfleet Medical School team to the sector tennis championship his final year (2368-69).

Vulcans were brewing wines at least 300 years ago circa 2070 - or since before the United Federation of Planets was founded. Sakonna's request for weapons blew away the pacifist Vulcan stereotype for Quark. She's not the only one in the Maquis: another was likely a settler on Volan III. Vulcan honesty is legendary, even to the Ferengi, but despite his crush on Sakonna, Quark agreed to count her Latinum payment for illegal Maquis arms anyway. Although Cardassian mental disciplines may be a match for the Vulcans, they do not employ telepathy.

Vulcan IDIC pins, highly collectible, were not usually available on Deep Space Nine - one of Quark's would-be expanded sales items by inter-station monitor. The Vulcan healer Senva was nominated for the Carrington Award in 2371. The species is made up of many varied skin tones, including a dark brown. Lieutenant Tuvok serving on the U.S.S. Voyager is a full Vulcan, while legendary Ambassador Spock is half Vulcan and half Human. The Romulans are an offshoot of the Vulcan species.