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Intelligent Lifeform Index

Four Letter Code MIKU
Federation Status Allied
Planet of Origin Unknown
Encountered TNG: "Hollow Pursuits"
T/E Rating T0/E0
Current Tech Level N, Unknown, but space-faring
List of Named Mikulaks

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  • Proper Name: Mikulak

Home System

  • Quadrant: Alpha
  • Location: TBD
  • Proper Name: Miku
  • Star: G3V
  • Distance from Star:
  • Companions: 6 other planets

Home World

  • Proper Name: Mikula
  • Diameter: 136,989km (8,512 miles)
  • Gravity: 1.2 (Earth = 1)
  • Axial Tilt: 22%
  • Orbital Period: 250 days
  • Rotational Period: 29 hours
  • Classification: M
    • Surface Water: 33%
    • Atmosphere: 30% CO2, 20% Ar, 30% O2, 15% Ni, 5% misc.
    • Climate: Arid, but seasonal.
    • Population: 820 Million


The history of the Mikulak people before they were warp capable was like many other planets, broken up in to factions and fighting periodic wars. When they launched their first warp ship in 2266, the Mikulak found a passing federation starship and hailed it. First contact was simple and open as the Mikulak were well aware of other alien races out in space for their mythos told of them.


The government is built upon a tribal confederacy where each tribe elects a leader and then they vote on one leader to rule them for a set period of time. It was the way that they were able to stop the bloodshed and focus on the stars. As the Mikulak do not like change and only moving forward, they continue to use this system of government today.


Described as having brown leathery skin, this species probably evolved from a species of toad that was common in the planet's ancient past and when the planet was covered with more water. They are bipedal and have smooth facial features with different mottled patterns on their faces.

The dominant spoken Mikulak language is largely agglutinative, adding syllables to words to form new words with different properties. In written form, this is often indicated with apostrophes, although some traditions leave them out. Here's some basic grammar around one of the major root words: rosh.

rosh is a being; it can be used where we might use 'man' or 'woman' or 'he' or 'she'. It doesn't have any gender or other such implication to it; there were debates amongst the Mikulak people in the past as to whether aliens were rosh, or whether animals were, et cetera. It is a positive term, and implies wholeness. It is neither plural nor singular in its root form. When incorporating it into an English sentence, one would say "I am rosh" or "he is rosh", and never "I am a rosh". (Although such sentences would generally be considered tautological.)

rosh'a is the spirit or soul of the rosh. As the Mikulak are telepaths, (although those that leave the planet are deadened artificially) they can feel another's rosh'a with their own.

a'rosh are beings that do not have a rosh'a, but would otherwise be expected to. Data would be a'rosh; Voyager's Doctor would be a'rosh. A brain-dead patient might become a'rosh. Arguably, Q is also a'rosh. In practice, this is determined by whether a Mikulak's telepathy can feel them rather than any philosophical concern. The debate over whether a'rosh are actually rosh continues to this day for any individual a'rosh.

ti'rosh are non-Mikulak; specifically, non-Mikulak that are liked. It is not a pejorative term, but rather an acknowledgement that we are all rosh, despite our differences.

ti'rosh'a would, thus, be the spirit of an alien. ti'a'rosh would be an alien with no spirit.

ele and ana refer to genders; ti'ele is female, ti'ana would likewise be male.

When in doubt, just using "rosh" is generally considered polite, if not particularly intimate.


Mikulak are natively telepathic; they developed telepathic communication before they developed speech. Their telepathy is specific to their race; they cannot read other races (although they can sense and be aware of their presence), nor can other races read them.

Mikulak telepathy also tends to cause headaches in non-Mikulaks in range, due to the inherent incompatibilities of the telepathy. When combined with the complexities of their telepathic-based language stopping the universal translator from functioning naturally, this has caused little intermingling between Mikulak and the rest of the universe. (There is an implant that can be used to turn off or down the telepathy for Mikulak who choose to journey offworld).

Their DNA is also highly resistant to diseases and virus' making DNA samples very important as they can be used to design antibodies and other medical defenses. The Mikulak have always been happy to help in that respect.


They are a deliberate people and do not rush in to anything. They believe that haste is what leads to destruction and so plan everything with a slow precision that once they begin construction, there is no need for a revision. This leads to an individual to be very set in his ways, having a routine already designed, and very resistant to changes.


Not much is known about their religion at this time.


Only one major part of the Mikulak Mythos is really known. It is the story of a great bird of rock that fell from the sky and it's inhabitants teaching their ancestors how to build and how to plan. They also told them that they should seek them in the sky one day.


Humanoid race with devotion to the biological sciences. Their donation of special tissue samples is meant to help stop an outbreak of Correllium fever on Nahmi IV circa Stardate 43807, but almost doomed the Enterprise with unintentional Invidium contamination.


Not much is known at this time about their culture except they are tribal and what tribe you are part of has a big impact on the social status of the individual.


Nothing is known at this time.


Their technology is slightly behind the Federate standard, but make up for it in their medical prowess. The Mikulak believe in a unity of tech and nature.


A few corporations from different governments have mining treaties with the Mikulak, but at times it can take awhile for an approval as they weigh every pro and con before making a decision.


They have about a dozen police skiffs that keep the trade ships in line.

Federation Intelligence Files


Not much is mentioned in canon and non canon records about this race, so much is extrapolated from their description and mention.