User:Kael Thomas/Isaac Newman Mock Cadet


  • Full Name: Isaac Newman
  • Current Rank: Cadet
  • Race: Terran
  • Date of Birth: 237010.02
  • Place of Birth: USS Bravehound
  • Gender: male


  • Height: 5'10
  • Weight: 75kg
  • Hair Color: Blonde
  • Eye Color: Greenish Blue


  • Spouse: Anita Blackburn
  • Children: Nil
  • Parents
    • Father: Richard Newman
    • Mother: Ariella Newman
  • Siblings:


Isaac grew up with overprotective parents. Consequently Isaac joined Starfleet to learn to be more independent and to break away and become his own individual. Isaac had a difficult time during his academy years because his parents had failed to condition him to be a forward and creative thinker. Meeting those challenges head on, Isaac worked as hard as he could in the Academy and is on track to Graduate well.

Isaac is a gentle person, and very slow to anger. He will defend himself if attacked personally, but not always. He works hard at everything his does, but has little confidence in his ability. Isaac struggles to work on his own but functions well in a group/peer setting. Isaac is eager to mark his mark on the world, but would feel better if it was in his comfort zone.

  1. 232001.01: Event.
  2. 232001.02: Event, etc.