Hi! My name is Erin and I sim Counselor Zinna.
More to come soon
Name | Status and Position | Rank | Description |
None | Civilian | Taxo is Zinna's son. | |
KIA | Lieutenant Junior Grade | Lt. JG Drexley Shorfuule, an 81-year-old Edosian, was serving as a medical officer on the USS Tiger-A before he died. Drexley was killed in action on 239001.14. | |
Not Active | Lieutenant JG | LtJGs 10010010 & 10010011 aka Digits, a pair of Bynar were former science officers aboard the USS Tiger-A. | |
Not Active | Petty Officer 3rd Class | PO, Ssesskis, a 23-year-old Selay, was a former HCO Officer on the USS Tiger-A. | |
Security Officer | Crewman 2nd Class | Crewman Jacob McFarland, a Terran, is current a security officer on the USS Tiger-A | |
Tactical Officer | Ensign | Ensign Arrianna Grey, an Orion, is currently a tactical officer aboard the USS Tiger-A. | |
Engineer | Ensign | Ensign Lathu, a Suliban, is a systems diagnostic engineer on the USS Tiger-A. | |
Operations | Crewman 2nd Class | [Crewman T'kahr'!'op, (or Khara to those who can't pronounce her name), a Pak'shree, is a computer specialist on the USS Tiger-A. | |
Not Active SECONDARY CHARACTER | Ensign | Ensign Celestor Elipir Suwa Vee, a male Pahkwa-thanh, was a former medical officer stationed on Starbase 118 Ops. |