Family photos

Hey, I noticed your "family photos" for Alexander Richards are all distorted because it looks like they were resized to 300x300 instead of cropped. You could revert them back to the original versions you uploaded and then specify the images be set as thumbnails at 300px like this: [[File:Nameofimage.jpg|thumb|left|300px|caption]] or [[File:Nameofimage.jpg|300px]] if you don't want the frame and caption.

Or if you could go back to the originals and recrop them. If you need help with either, let me know. –Rich(talk page) aka Lt.Cmdr. Rahman/MCpt. Kadosh 14:52, 12 December 2012 (UTC)

I tried that last night and got frustrated because of the server update. I'll try the revert on the pictures and put the thumb in, may even shrink the all to 250px doing thatEns Alexander Richards 14:59, 12 December 2012 (UTC)