
Revision as of 01:14, 25 October 2012 by Verana (talk | contribs) (→‎Psychology: Adding psychological notes)
Intelligent Lifeform Index

Four Letter Code KALE
Federation Status Neutral
Planet of Origin Unknown
Encountered DS9: Dramatis Personae
T/E Rating T0/E0
Current Tech Level N
List of Named Kaleans

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There not much known about this species, other than while on Rochani III, Curzon Dax and Ben Sisko were once confronted by an unfriendly group of Kaleans.


  • Proper Name: Kalean
  • Pronunciation: 'Kaeyl-lee-an'

Home System

  • Quadrant: Beta
  • Location: Gamma Hydra Sector
  • Proper Name: Issara System
  • Pronunciation: E-saar-a
  • Star: It orbits a class G (Yellow) star
  • Distance from Star: 224,396,806 KM
  • Companions: 15 other planets. It is the 5th planet in the system

Home World

The icy homeworld of the Kaleans, the volcanic centers dot the surface where the Kaleans make their home.
  • Proper Name: Lazow
  • Pronunciation: 'La-zow'
  • Diameter: 12,749 km (7,968 miles)
  • Gravity: 1.16 standard gravity with a density of 5.8
  • Axial Tilt: 5.87%, Marginal changes in season
  • Orbital Period: 412 days
  • Rotational Period: 28 hours
  • Classification: P
    • Surface Water: 15%
    • Atmosphere: 1.07 is a standard pressure with 65% nitrogen, 24% oxygen, 9% Trace chemicals
    • Climate: Cold over most of the surface, near tropical climate within the Volcanic Zones.
    • Population: 1.34 Billion



Kalean society is divided up into many smaller Sects, small research crews that perform their own experiments in their own fields for their own personal glory. Sects of similar specialization will often compete against one another in a heated race of who can build it best. These Sects are often lead by the one or two most senior or most accomplished members of the group.

All Sects are overseen by the Kalean Court and the Techart who oversee the foreign relations and mundane day to day running’s of Kalean society. The Techart choses his or her successor and they are expected to rule for no less than 2 years and no more than 10. Most do not aspire to become Techart since it takes them away from their individual research. The few Kaleans devoted to political or social sciences become members of the Kalean Court by default though are never chosen to lead, only advise in order to prevent a dedicated ruling class from emerging once again.


  • Blue skinned, pointed eared (Al-Leyan like), white haired.
  • Four clawed digits
  • Telekenetic ability, only able to move things up to 1.1x their normal carrying capacity
  • All Kaleans are born T1/E1 and once they reach puberty these abilities will reach T2/E2, after fully developed physically their Empathic abilities will increase gradually increase to the point of E6 by the end of their lives but their Telepathic abilities will never go beyond those of a Vulcan. Most telepaths find Kaleans extremely hard to read.
  • Through genetic engineering the Kalean average lifespan is 850 years, the oldest lived Kalean was 1,003.



  • Kaleans have an elitist view of the rest of the galaxy and see the other races as quaint and inferior and most Kanarians see them as intellectual subordinates but useful for a few, select purposes.
  • The Kaleans have a deep distain for those completely useless to society in the form of the very rich or the very poor though their disdain for any sort of ruling or upper class is intense and inbred. The poor are only seen as useless if they should begin to leach off of the rest of society but Kaleans recognize that the poor are often victims of the rich.
  • Sociopaths and narcissists are more common in Kalean society though these disorders (Despite common belief) are quickly taken care of through intensive therapy, death of personality if needed.









Federation Intelligence Files
