

Allen O'Malley


  • DoB: 234912.04
  • Weight: N/A
  • Height: 5'11"
  • Eye color: Green
  • Hair Color: Red/Blond


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Captain Allen O'Malley is the former commanding officer of the USS Hammond. He is currently retired.


  • Full Name: Allen O'Malley
  • Race: Terran, Bajoran
  • Date of Birth: 234912.04
  • Place of Birth: Scotland, Earth
  • Age: 39
  • Gender: Male
  • Telepathic status: None


  • Height: 5'11"
  • Weight: N/A
  • Hair Color: Red/Blond
  • Length of Hair: Short
  • Eye Color: Green


  • Marital Status: Widower


  • Children: KayDee (With O'Malley's Parents on Earth)


  • Father: Andar Vreeda (Bajoran) a contractor in the Utopia Planitia Shipyards.
  • Mother: Rose O'Malley (Terran), a Civilan Professor of Cultural Dynamics at StarFleet Academy.


  • Sister: Fresa DeVreeda (age 25) Attending Yale
  • Sister:Hanna DeVreeda (age 16)


  • '"Tribble: Qaw' (Klingon for destroy)- Tribble. Fixed, mutated, assumed deceased.

Personal History

234912.04 Born in Lockerbie, Scotland

236809.21 Studying Bajoran Cultural Habits and practices on Bajor. During this time he was emmensed deep within Bajoran Society. For a time, he lived with a Bajoran Family and found out first hand what life on Bajor was like.

237106.05 Graduated Bajoran Studies Program with B.A. in Multi-Species Studies. Specialized in Bajoran, Klingon, Cardassian, and Ferengi societies.During this time he went through Klingon Offense and Defense training.

237401.01 Doctorate finished in Multi-Species & Multi-Cultural Dynamics.

Professional History

237503.27 Applied to StarFleet.

237504.15 Finished training on Starbase 118.

237504.20 Assigned as Tactical Officer with rank of Ensign to the USS Isannah.

237505.01 Recieved news aboard the Isannah that Holald sta' (mate) had died in shuttle accident. Daugther enroute to Isannah.

237505.16 Promoted to Lieutenant in the Alpha Quadrant enroute to Federation Space.

237505.21 Recieved news that daughter's transport was attacked by supposed Maqui ships and she was taken hostage. Her location is unknown.

237506.18 Transferred to the USS Indria as Deck/2nd Officer.

237507.28 Promoted to Lieutenant Commander at Starbase 118. Offered position on SB118 under direct supervision of Fleet Captain Elinor. Turned down promotion to remain on USS Indria-A

237510.21 Promoted to Commander.

237603.01 (General date) KayDee O'Malley is rescued aboard the Starbase (118) and joins her father on USS Indria-A

237603.16 Prmoted to First officer.

237604.31 Commander O'Malley was awarded the TOSMA I by Commodore Marlin.

237606.25 Commander O'Malley and KayDee are transferred to the USS Hammond, and he is given command of that vessel.

237609.30 Promoted to Captain, given permanant command of the USS Hammond.


237704.22 Allen O'Malley is arrested after an assassination attempt on an Starfleet Admiral was defeated. O'Malley was sent to an unnamed penal colony to serve a life sentance for treason.

237812.04 O'Malley was given three missions to complete. If they were completed to the Admiralty's satisfaction, he would be released.

237908.01 Completed final mission. Was order to return to StarFleet, under the watchful eye of Admiral Wolf, Starbase 118. He was assigned to Black Tower, the StarFleet Intelligence wing based at 118.

237909.01 Arrived at Black Tower as Field Operative.

237909.08 Posted on USS Kodiak, Commanding officer of the Marine Detachment.

237912.16 re-Promoted to Commander, and offered position of First Officer on Kodiak-B


Hobbies and Pasttimes: Rockclimbing, Tenns and reading.

Drink of Choice: Orange Juice.

Dislikes: Admirals.

Temperament: Calm, Can be annoyed greatly by reminders of the past.

Mental Problems: Cannot deal with tragedy in his own life.