Drexley Shorfuule
Lt. JG Drexley Shorfuule, an 81-year-old Edosian, is currently serving as a medical officer on the USS Tiger-A.
- Full Name:Drexley Shorfuule
- Race: Edosian
- Date of Birth: 230807.27
- Place of Birth: Edo
- Age: 81
- Gender: Male
- Height: 7 ft
- Weight: 145 lbs
- Hair Color: N/A
- Length of Hair: N/A
- Eye Color: Yellow
- Skin Tone:Bright Orange
- Birthmarks, Scars: None
- Build: Somewhat skinny but has three legs. Most Edosians have 3 arms as well, but Drexley had a birth-defect causing him to grow three extra arms; meaning he has 3 legs and 6 arms. He has a huge rigid head, bright orange skin, huge bright yellow alien almond shaped eyes, no nose only two nostrils, a long curvy neck, three legs, six arms with three fingers of each. His body is tall and gaunt.
- Marital Status: Single
- Children: None
- Parents
- Father: Gladdun
- Mother: Wesslora
- Pet: Holographic Cockroach named "Skippy"