Akyra Venroe

Revision as of 23:34, 10 June 2012 by Sky Blake (talk | contribs)

Template:Venroe Ensign Akyra Venroe, otherwise known as "Kira", "Vee" or "Vaan" and previously Akyra Sentoss, is a joined Trill, and is currently a Counselor aboard the USS Avandar.



  • Is a very confident officer, but most of her personality came from that of her previous host (Ethan Venroe).
  • Doesn't push people into talking to her. She has sat there for a couple of hours staring at someone until they finally gave in and started talking.
  • Has way too much patience.


Akyra and her previous host, Ethan
  • Height: 5'4
  • Hair Color: Brown
  • Length of Hair: Just below shoulders
  • Eye Color: Black
  • Birthmarks, Scars, Tattoos: Trill spots. Has a tattoo of the name "Meeka" (in Trill spelling) on her wrist.
  • Build: Athletic, and does her fair share of running
  • Taste in clothing (Off Duty): Is a fairly laid back person, and picks what she feels like (usually the "colour" of her mood).
  • Taste in clothing (On Duty): StarFleet uniform just like everyone else.
  • Voice: Soprano, although, isn't extremely high.


  • Habits: Tends to laugh and smile at things that aren't funny.
  • Religion/Spiritual Devotion: Nothing really, although, she accepts other species religions.

Hobbies and Pastimes

  • Communicating:
    • Seems to find it easy to talk about personal life.


All of the above should be counted.

  • Smiling:
    • Smiling makes the universe go 'round, ya know!


  • Marines
    • Has an unusual distaste for Marines, although, she won't admit it. Tends to steer clear of them. Apparently, it's something that's been passed on from Ethan.


Her current quarters on the Avandar are bare, as she hasn't had the chance to decorate or unpack yet.


Sitting and talking in the counselling offices doesn't realy appeal to her, as she believes that her patient might feel intimidated here. She prefers to speak in the Mess Hall or in her patients work place, and, if necessary, their quarters.

Ambitions and Goals

  • None that are major to list. They're mostly things like "find that missing sock"

Personal Achievements and Disappointments

  • Achievements:
    • Was joined to the Venroe symbiont
    • Became a Counselor
  • Disappointments:
    • Being joined to an extremely young symbiont, but she lives with it and enjoys the fact that she is less likely to get confused as to who she is in the morning.


  • Father: Jensen Sentoss
  • Mother: Victoria Sentoss


Younger brother by the name of Meeka Sentoss.


None currently, although, her previous host was married to Abigail Isidora before he was killed. There is some chemistry between the two now and then.

  • Past Relationships
    • None Currently


None Currently

Personal History

For full article, see Venroe, Akyra/Personal History


USS Avandar
Luna Class


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Majored in almost everything Operations whilst on Earth. However, just before and after she was joined, she started Counselling courses. She continued this during her years at StarFleet Academy.


Majored in Counselling and Operations and minored in Security twice, Akyra has a bright record, but was slow in gaining the points she needed to graduate. None the less, she graduated on time with a lot of double classes. She excelled in Counselling and Operations, but was unable to complete some of the minor classes. In Security, she was unable to defend herself from another female due to her previous host interferring.

Venroe Symbiont History


She considers herself as a subordinate.

Military History

Professional History
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
  Ensign 238812.06 - Present USS Avandar Counselor


None Currently


USS Avandar Missions


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