Rachel Sinclaire
Character Information
- Full Name: Rachel Annalise Sinclaire
- Race: Human
- DoB: 236504.10
- Age: 24
- Birthplace: Paris, France
- Gender: Female
- Father: Fredrick Sinclaire
- Mother: Elise Sinclaire
- Siblings: None
- Height: 5'4
- Weight: 130 lbs
- Hair: Back length Jet black hair
- Eyes: Deep blue
- Skin Tone: Normal caucasian
- Face: Light and youthful, typically wears light make-up.
- Build: Slim, hourglass shape, athletic.
- Identifying Marks: None
- Lips: Full lips, typically wears a mocha shaded lipstick
- Jawline: distinct
- Clothing (Off-Duty): Prefers Earth style clothing, jeans and T-shirt type.
- Shoes: Sneakers off duty, boots (standard issue) when working.
- Voice:
- Handednesss:
- Tattoos:
Personal Friends and Relationships
- Marital Status
- Single
Minor Details and Mannerisms:
- Favorite Drink:
- Music Tastes:
- Religious Beliefs
- Languages spoken
- English
- French
- The Good
- The Bad
- The Ugly
- Other Details
- Favorite Holodeck Program: