Isaac Bale

Crew of the USS Mercury
Isaac Bale Thumbnail New.jpg
Lt. Commander Isaac Bale


  • Rank: Lieutenant Commander
  • Ship: USS Mercury
  • Position: Intelligence Officer
  • Race: Betazoid
  • Gender: Male
  • DoB: 235101.07 (39 years old)
  • Birthplace: Betazed
  • Height: 6'2"(1.88m)
  • Weight: 209lb(94.8kg)
  • Eye color: Black
  • Hair Color: Black
  • Skin:
  • Build: Athletic
  • Handedness: Right
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Ensign Isaac Bale, a Betazoid, is currently an Intelligence officer aboard the USS Mercury. As a young man, Isaac threw off the pacifist mantle that most associate with the Betazoid species when the Dominion War threatened to engulf the entire Alpha Quadrant. He joined the Federation Marine Corp to defend everything that he held dear. Due to his advantageous physical abilities, and his formidable telepathic strength, he was quickly assigned to their Special Forces division to receive further training. During a mission on [CLASSIFIED] Isaac was rendered unconscious in battle and captured by Cardassian forces. He underwent extreme [CLASSIFIED] at their hands, but later escaped to find that the war was over. After finishing his tour as a Marine, Isaac went on to join Starfleet Intelligence, where he still serves.



  • Isaac Bale is what most people would call cold hearted. He has witnessed the horrors of war as a Marine. He has endured unimaginable torture and torment at the hands of his Cardassian captors. He has experienced extreme physical and psychological conditioning during his Intelligence training. Somewhere along the way, something inside of him died. He went numb. Now he values the mission over saving lives. He will follow orders, but in his mind the end justifies the means. If he saves a life, or spares one, it is because of orders or protocol... not compassion.


  • Mannerisms:
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Hobbies and Pastimes




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Ambitions and Goals

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Personal Achievements and Disappointments

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  • Disappointments:
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  • Siblings:
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Personal History

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USS Mercury
Oracle Class

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Military History

Professional History
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
USS Mercury


(Year) Awards

Awards Recieved
Award Name Date Presented By Ship
[[Image:]] USS Mercury


USS Mercury Missions

  • Ghosteroid


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NPC Listing   ·   USS Mercury Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Commanding Ofc.
Tara Mirza
Chief Engineer
Juanita Sanchez
Chief Medical Ofc.
Pouge Romey
Science Officer
Jackson Hendricks
Executive Officer
Gabriel Evanston
Engineering Officer
Medical Officer
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