Tactical Officer Simming Guide

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Tactical Primer

All right you have chosen Tactical for your character, I think it is one of the best positions for simms there is so much you can do with it and what we endeavor to do is bring some of the positions alive and give you some ideas what you can do with it and they are not all on the bridge!

But we will start with the Bridge.

If you have more that one tactical officer, I have found it good to do some JP’s from that position, either with another primary character or a PNPC or an NPC position.

OK we have the tactical board, remember it is a standing position on most starships.

Also on the tactical board you have the various sensors for the ship both active and passive and if a probe is launched you have the telemetry that may come into the science station as well.

If there are positions not filled like communication the captain may have you do communications as well as well as almost anything.

On the tactical board think of it as a control to almost anything in the ship, you might bring up security as well, tractor beams, almost anything. It is a fully programmable board, you might configure any way that you need.

You should also try to monitor other things that are going on the bridge, remember in some respects you are the eyes and ears for the captain or who ever may have the deck duty, which may be you. I like to remain at tactical if I have the duty unless there is another tactical officer with you.

When in a combat situation and there are two tactical officers, I like to have one take sensors and the other the weapons, while the weapons are the flashier of the two the sensors are just as important.

Shield Control

The constant shifting of the shields is very important, if the enemy ship or ships find your weak point, one well placed torpedo can damage a vital system. the defense of the ship is just as important as the offense. Remember that you have some auxiliary shield controls that can cover some damaged shields, but they are not too strong.

If you have some weak shields you will want to tell the captain, which shields are weak to present a stronger position to defend the ship.

Remember you and project your shields, to protect another ship, but this is very dangerous and cause damage to your ship quickly.

Torpedo Bay

A tactical officer will have knowledge of the quantum, photon, and other types of torpedoes at his/her disposal, but he/she will have done a visual inspection and make sure that they are accounted for you are only as strong as you weakest link. It is not flashy duty but it is gives you excellent chances to meet others in the crew, and know the personnel about the ship.

Phaser Control Room

The area usually set up in different regions, of the ship there the main controls are located. As a tactical officer you can monitor systems related to the type of phasers you have on your ship.

Main Sensor controls

You will have control of the main sensors on the ship, and how you use them to detect threats from other ships and conditions is very important. Do you use the long range scanner and give away you position, or do you use more passive systems. Of course keeping the rest of the crew informed as well.

Computer systems

While not a direct concern of Tactical, attacking one’s computer system had been used, thus one must make sure that yours is secure. This is important to coordinate with Security forces aboard the ship.


There are a vast array of different probes that can be use, a tactical officer will be in charge in most situations of the launch, and with science getting the data from the probe. You should also monitor what is coming in on the science department and have a good working relationship with your science department.

Combat Tactics

Your job as the tactical officer is give information and suggestions to the Captain, unless they give you Cart Blanche to do the fun part of the battle, remember to give it a great description, this is your time to shine!

In a combat situation the tactical officer can offer detailed information of the surrounding system. that can mask and hide the ship from attack. This action can coincide with the science department’s information and sensor readings. Nebulas can offer some kind of cover when the ship is outnumbered. This where combat tactics come into play. Tactical officers will need to work very closely with the helm officer to gain some type of advantage.

Nebulas tend to blank out sensors and gives you the chance for manual firing of the weapons on a visual firing without computer control, but can even the odds if you are at a disadvantage. Examples, Balance of Terror, Wrath of Khan, The Best of Both Worlds Part I.

The use of a wide spread attack can be useful against a cloaked target. It may be firing blind, but it just may damage the enemy just enough for a plasma trail to be detected. For example, The Balance of Terror.

Playing possum, is another tactic that can be used, to draw a opponent in close, but it also has huge risks involved. (Dropping shields and power to draw an opponent in) For example, Journey to Babel.

Of course, bluffing has been used, as a tactic, and you merge them all as well. For example the classic Corbomite Maneuver.

The tactical officer is in charge of all drills, with of offensive systems, and defensive systems. For example, Corbormite Maneuver.

General Notes

Be aware if you are on a deck, what tactical substations are there, there are lot of things to check out.

When I start on a new vessel, I will walk the entire ship knowing were everything is, while diagrams and schematics are great, there is no substitute to having been there before and having first hand knowledge of its location. A good tactical officer has been to every station and knows that station inside and out.

Also when you know the mission, one should look at potential risks, and if you feel the need is to have a briefing of the captain, FO, and others about the risks, potential tactics to employ, example, Balance of Terror. One should also look at allies in the area, a great way to do a simm, is perhaps bring a member UFOP member in as a side.

The captain will look for each department for suggestions and concerns, we need to make sure that tactical is always ready.

The one thing a good tactical officer needs is constant training to keep the skill of combat fresh. In some cases when off duty, simulated holodeck battles can be helpful. Placing yourself in a very tough situation will make you think about what you are going to be dealing with and how to react to it.

by LT. Eerie and LT (jg) Matthews USS Avandar.