239807.18 Starfleet and the State of Weirdness

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//Personal Log 239807.18

So plenty has happened since I last made an entry and it's still blowing my mind! So what happened was upon approach of the moon, we were supposed to be investigating an NX era shuttle that crashed on the surface. But all of a sudden, Captain Rahman was possessed by… well…. It was something. She blew up the shuttle! If I didn’t take a tricorder scan of her during this episode, I wouldn’t have believed what I just saw. Thankfully, I have hard evidence of something. Hard to say what it actually was, though. But….

I’m absolutely REFUSING to call it a ghost.

I once took a ham sandwich on the Pali highway while I was on a roadtrip with Kai and our hovercar stopped. The engine was entirely dead. We only got it started again when I ate the sandwich and it was the fastest I’ve ever devoured a sandwich! But see? That curse? That really happened. But this thing with the Blue Moon? That’s no curse. That’s something entirely out there. The thing about most ghosts is that they have an entirely reasonable explanation. Take for instance Doctor Crusher’s “Ghost.” That story has been circulating the fleet for years. But it did have an explanation to it as it was an alien entity. But the thing about ghost stories is that even if they have a perfectly logical and reasonable explanation behind them, they still have a nasty habit of actually circling the fleet. I still haven’t forgotten the time someone left a lit candle outside my office door. That was also the same day that someone switched my coffee with decaf! Ugh…..! So it really messed with my head that day! Still have no idea who pulled that prank on me either…..

But I’m getting distracted. The point is I can’t call this a ghost in any stretch of the imagination. So at best… at least in private… I’ve been actually calling them Wong’s Species because I think we may be dealing with a previously unknown alien entity. Not sure yet. I don’t have enough to write a paper on, let alone a thesis. But I was able to produce a report of the situation medically that satisfied JAG. Yes. I actually got a call from JAG about why we have a crater instead of an NX era shuttle. Having them breathing down my neck was enough to give me goosebumps! And that was NO small report. Easily one of the biggest reports I’ve EVER had to write…. OoooOOOoooo ha! Still gives me goosebumps. While my investigation and report may have satisfied JAG, I will admit the mystery still lingers with me. I’m continuing the investigation on my own because something isn’t adding up at least in my mind. But anyways, I am going to have to actually get the Captain in for another check-up. I don’t know if there’s any lasting effects from Wong’s Species. Also, she needs one anyway. She’s long overdue for one.

As for the trip back from the Blue Moon, it was actually mostly uneventful. Ensign Thorne and I had a chance to clear the air between each other. I also learned a lot about leadership during the trip too. It actually turned out to be very educational. Honestly, I’m glad I actually went even if I did get a little queasy some days during the trip. I think the stuff that the Captain has spoken to me about really helped and it came at a time where I really needed to hear it. As for all the work on my path to become CMO is still on track. I’ve actually been working hard on it since I made my intentions known. I’m learning everything that I can. I remember something my mom once told me - whatever it is that I’m planning to do, at least be a good one. Of course, she never said what the “one” was. But I do intend to be a good CMO. The only way I get there is by learning everything I can and then applying it.

But this all brings me to the present - we now have Doctor Orrey joining us. I managed to get him cleared at least medically. No word on why he’s been transferred here yet. Although, I suspect I’ll hear about it soon.

Sooooo….I think I figured out how I’m actually going to die - mountains of PADD work! HA! I’ve been getting a LOT of that lately. Either that or my desk kills me. I absolutely CANNOT let patients into my office right now. (Can I even actually legally call it MY office?) The replacement desk I got has these built in holographic projectors and a mind of its own! So right now it has transformed itself into this… this… I dunno… but it’ll scare patients if I allowed anyone to step foot in that office! Hamasaki and I are trying to solve either the puzzle of the desk or trying to get rid of it which is proving DIFFICULT. I’ve tripped over that desk again recently. It’s out to get me, I’m SURE of it!

Also…. Side note: I should probably call Alieth again soon. We need to catch up again!

I think that pretty much brings us up to speed, Computer. I think that’s where I’m going to stop things for now.

Computer, end log.