Nishikanta and Vijanyendra Kapoor

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Nishikanta Delran Chandni Kapoor & Vijanyendra Delran Chandni Kapoor are the twin sons of Chandni Kapoor and PNPCs, played by Jalana Laxyn

USS Apollo

Nishikanta & Vijanyendra Kapoor


  • Full Names: Nishikanta Delran Chandni Kapoor & Vijanyendra Delran Chandni Kapoor
  • Nicknames: Nishi and Vija
  • Race: Human/Betazoid
  • Date of Birth: September 2384
  • Age: 5
  • Place of Birth: Earth, San Fransisco
  • Gender: Male
  • Telepathic status: none yet, though connection through the Twin status
  • Religion: Hinduism
  • Languages: Hindi, Standard
  • Position: Children, Civilian


  • Height: 1.05m (41.5)
  • Hair Color: Dark Brown
  • Hair Style: Short
  • Eye Color: Black
  • Distinctive features: Identical Twins

Visual File Name Information
Chandni Kailashnath Sanjushree Kapoor Mother
Delran Rennan Father, Betazoid
Kailashnath Penjal Hanila Kapoor Grandfather
Sanjushree Roshan Neelah Kapoor, Khan before marriage Grandmother

Personal History

Nishikanta Delran Chandni Kapoor and Vijanyendra Delran Chandni Kapoor were both just two minutes apart in September 2984. Their parents Chandni Kapoor and Delran Rennan were a Cadet in Starfleet Academy and already seperated at this time. They have seen Delran when being on Campus, but never had contact to him.

Because Chandni had a lot to do with studying, she had help by her friends taking turns to watch the boys. So they basically had four parents: Chandni herself, Ranjid (her best friend), Karen (another friend), and Pey (her roommate).

Nishikanta and Vijanyendra have not met their grandparents, though they think it is because they are too far away.

The boys moved with their mother on the USS Apollo after her graduation.


  • Nishikanta Delran Chandni Kapoor

Nishikanta is two minutes older than his brother. He is a little bit more serious and shows a bit more responsibility, trying to make his brother do the right thing - but only if there is no other way to get out of a situation.

  • Vijanyendra Delran Chandni Kapoor

Vijanyendra is two minutes younger than his brother. He is more mischievous and usually gets the most ideas on how to have fun (or cause trouble) of the duo.

  • Both

If they see a chance to have fun, they take it. They are very curious and want to try out everything they see. They usually try to get out of trouble with the 'hide' tactic and if that does not work, they try to be very cute to get away. They are very lively and active, by her mother lovingly called the tornados. Due to their twin status they have a connection to communicate a lot without words, though their telepathic and empathic abilities are not active yet and unknown how far these will progress.