SIM:Pints and strength through diversity

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((Starbase 118 - The Dungeon))

Brek: The question might be silly, Mister Sen, but do you happen to have friends in this er… tavern? There is someone staring at us, and I wouldn't say he looks very cordial.

Sen: Mr. Brek, in these surroundings, appearing "cordial" can and likely WILL get one killed. The gentleman to whom you refer might be contemplating bashing your head in just so he and his companions could bet on which way your blood will run across the floor; or maybe he actually LIKES Ferengi, but can't decide whether he likes Ferengi breaded and deep fried or marinated and grilled. Please stop looking around like a cadet in an Orion brothel and you might survive.

::Brek couldn't repress a grin at the tone of voice employed by Sen. All things considered, it hadn't taken all that long to figure the man out. Arthur Sen was a bully. He used a deferential voice with important people, and a defamatory one with those he regarded as insignificant. People with a very large ego were often like that.::

Brek: ::Folding his arm across his chest.:: You are right, once again, Mister Sen. There is no reason to fret, whatsoever. I can even imagine that in case of trouble, you'll prove yourself to be a master in some complicated martial art; The type of skill that can kill a man in 3 seconds, no doubt. As for looking nervous, this must be another joke on me, there is not one single person in this tavern who doesn't look dodgy. No offence meant, Mr Ambassador. It is just that in only 10 minutes spent here, I have already heard a dozen schemes purporting to steal from others or blackmailing their neighbours.

Frazier: The true is Mr Brek is that everyone here knows who we are without knowing who we are. No matter what we wear or how we act we stand out. Take that man who you spoke about. He is a Captain on a small transport freighter. I recognize him because he is a know smuggler and he had a few run in with the Challenger under my command. He recognizes me and is probably wondering why I, we are here.

Brek: Of course it is their territory. But they are on SB118 all the same, and as such, they aren't untouchable. I hope that this population realises it. There is nothing that a good harassment from health and safety couldn't solve down here. ::Thoughtful:: A reconstruction program could do the trick too, I suppose. This might become my new obsession if anyone in Malone's would want to accommodate a Ferengi the wrong way.

Sen: ::Leaning across the table and into his companions; speaking quietly:: Gentlemen, at the risk of speaking out-of-turn and demonstrating my severe lack of diplomatic skills – ensign, Mr. Ambassador – this pub and this level of the station are essential to the long-term legitimacy of the federation.

Sen: I understand your frustrations with me, Mr. Brek; please allow me to explain my academic theories. Call it the rantings of a mad Denobulan professor. At its core, the federation is based on mutual respect among a multitude of species, and through this respect, the federation achieves strength because disparate groups tend to discard mistrust and work together for mutual benefits when others clearly and overtly demonstrate non-threatening actions. I suspect that a good portion of the proposed actions you overheard were criminal in nature; however, I also suspect a good portion were cultural in nature. Imagine the Ferengi response if the federation declared for-profit commerce null-and-void within the federation simply because earth’s peoples ceased using money centuries ago. The federation understands that business is at the center of the Ferengi culture and accepts it as part of the diversity that gives the federation its strength.

Frazier: I agree with Mr Sen. You are right Ensign but you are thinking like a Starfleet officer. We are welcome here as long as they let us. This may be a Federation Starbase but this pub belongs to them.

Brek: Being a diplomat, albeit a tenacious one, I'll leave the last word to you, Mister Sen.

Sen: ::Chuckling, Sen raised his half-full glass to Brek:: Academics are like politicians; we like to hear ourselves talk. Through my various travels, I’ve developed the personal theory that there are few places in the galaxy better suited for a xenoarcheologist to observe inter-species interactions that a well-loved Irish pub. That’s why whenever I arrive at a new destination, among my first actions is to find the nearest keg of stout. Plus, if we did away with “The Dungeon,” where would the good ambassador and I go to slake our thirst? ::Sen, nodded at Frazier, smiled and winked.::

::Brek was determined not to say anything more, but one of the locals chose this moment to approach their table with the idea of selling some of his junk to them. The man smelled of cheap old spice aftershave and exhibited a selection of antique watches. As a testimony to their very old age, none of them worked. However, to Brek`s sharp eyes they looked very much like genuine fakes.::

Brek: ::Grumbling.:: Your efforts are wasted on me, Sir. I can`t even buy myself a meal. In fact, the only thing I ate today was humble pies. I got plenty of that.

Man: ::Brek couldn`t decide whether the merchant looked shocked or amused.:: Can't remember seeing a poor Ferengi... ever. You sure it was not porky pies you had instead?

Brek: You must go out more, mate, don't let Malone's foul atmosphere rot your brain.

Man: ::Turning to Sen and Frazier.:: What of you, gentlemen? Can I interest you in some fine time-pieces from Earth? They are all Swiss made. I feel sure your ladies would appreciate such exquisite jewellery. ::The man smiled some more, probably as a form of encouragement to himself.::

::Samal looked at the man running through his mind to see if their lives had ever passed before. He did not recognize him.::

Frazier: No thank you. I am just here to ejoy the wonderful atmosphere and to enjoy a good pint. ::Samal raises his glass.::

Sen: Sir, I have no need for a timepiece, but we’re all friends here, and so would you care to sit down and join us for good drink and conversation?

Ensign Brek


Starbase 118




Starbase 118


Captain Samal Frazier (Ret)


Starbase-118 Operations