User:Stevecox/Zev, Raylon

Introductory text goes here. For example: Ensign Joe Bloggs, a Terran, is currently the chief science officer aboard the USS Independence.


  • Full Name: Raylon Zev
  • Race:Bajoran
  • Date of Birth: 236502.07
  • Place of Birth: Jhovan, Kendra Province, Bajor
  • Age: 24
  • Gender: Male
  • Telepathic status: E0


  • Height: 1.79M
  • Weight: 81.5Kg
  • Hair Color: Dark Brown
  • Length of Hair:Short
  • Eye Color: Green
  • Skin Tone: Light
  • Build: Medium/Athletic
  • Taste in Clothing (when off duty): Simple and functional.
  • Voice: Generally calm, Can be authoritative when needed.
  • Handedness: Left


  • Marital Status: Single
  • Children: None
  • Parents
    • Father: Prylar Raylon Bakal
    • Mother: Raylon Auriana
  • Siblings: Raylon Kalani (Sister, DOB: 236307.09)

Personal History

  1. 236502.09: Born Jhovan Civilian Medical Center, Kendra Province, Bajor
  2. 238508.22: Graduated from Kaifa Academy, Jhovan, Kendra Province, Bajor
  3. 238510.03: Accepted to Starfleet Academy

Despite being born during the final, and most violent, years of the Cardassian Occupation of Bajor, Raylon Zev experienced very little of the trauma that could accompany a world rife with conflict, ue in equal parts to his age and circumstance. Jhovan, while a reasonably sized city, held little strategic value to either side during the final years, and was therefore spared the worst of the fighting.

Zev was born into a modest but comfortable life. His father Raylon Bakal, having risen to the title of Prylar, was in charge of maintaining the Jhovan Archives, while his mother was a biologist. After the end of the occupation, Zev and his sister split their time between Jhovan and occasionally traveling with their mother, who joined the agrobiology teams working to restore fertility to the plains of Rakantha Province.

Zev's father had always hoped he would follow in his footsteps, or perhaps even exceed them and become a Vedek. And, for a time, Zev did as well. But during the Gratitude Festival, Zev's family travelled to Deep Space 9, where Zev met with, and shook the hand of, the Emissary of the Prophets, Starfleet Captain Benjamin Sisko. After that meeting, Zev's goal became a career in Starfleet. despite this change of heart, Zev maintains a good relationship with his father, and is as devoted to the Prophets as most Bajorans.

In an effort to help his son with his goals, Bakal used is influence as Prylar to ensure a place for his son at the Kaifa Academy, where Zev's sheer force of determination carried him as far as his skills did. His grades and his determination gained him acceptance to Starfleet Academy, where his confidence, which occasionally bordered on arrogance, would have been more frustrating for those around him had he not also had the skills with which to back his boasts.

Despite occasional frustrations with his attitude, Zev was popular among his classmates, always willing to help a friend, of which he gained many, with any problem they might have.