Ensign Aitoj is a Boslic training for a position in Communications and Operations on a Federation starship.
- Full Name: Aitoj
- Race: Boslic
- Date of Birth: 236507.17
- Place of Birth: Boslik freighter near the Orion sector.
- Age: 23
- Gender: Female
Boslics are often characterized as the "Beautiful Ferengi." They are often described as alluring and seductive, and Aitoj considers herself no exception.
- Height: 6" 5'
- Weight: 120 lbs.
- Hair Color: Light lavender
- Length of Hair: Long -- usually down to her waist.
- Eye Color: Translucent, almost white.
- Skin Tone: Light peachy tone
- Build: Slender and tall
- Face: Y-shaped indentation in her forehead
- Eyes: Striking ridge-line along her brow
- Mouth: Exceptionally wide smile
- Poses: Tends to put her hand in her chin when listening but disinterested.
- Voice: Very soft soothing voice. Occasionally she has trouble being taken seriously.
- Quarters: Aitoj keeps her bedroom in the larger main room and has a meeting room ("negotiations table") tucked in the rear of her quarters.
- Habits: Aitoj is keenly aware of her good looks and doesn't mind using them to her advantage.
- Hobbies and Pastimes: She can often be found gambling when on shore leave. Also plays a few instruments.
- Likes: Making a smart deal. Catching the attention of attractive crewmembers...
- Dislikes: Being compared with Ferengi. Tedious briefings.
- Ambitions and Goals: To buy her own starship.
- Temperment: Generally is the one to help relax a situation.
- Physical Limitations: Tall, but fairly weak.
- Marital Status: Very single.
- Siblings: Three siblings who still live aboard the family's freighter.
Professional History
- Date Graduated from Academy: 238807.20
- Current Rank: Ensign
- Current Assignment: Starbase 118
- Duty Post: Operations