Angelo Valentino

Revision as of 01:37, 3 August 2009 by Valentino (talk | contribs)



  • Species: Terran
  • Place of birth: Corleone, Sicily, Earth
  • Nationality: Italian
  • Gender: Male
  • DOB: 236412.25
  • Age: 22 yrs
  • Marital Status: Single

Appearance & More

  • Weight: 70kg
  • Height: 6'1
  • Build: Slim and athletic
  • Hair colour: Dark Brown
  • Hair style: Medium/long and styled.
  • Eye colour: Emerald
  • Face: Light olive complexion. Smooth and unblemished. Light stubble at times.
  • Speach: Slight Italian accent. Smooth and melodic voice with a light bass to it.
  • Carriage: Confident with a swagger.
  • Tattoos: Chinese calligraphy on the inside of his left bicep; Strength, Courage, Honour, Love.
  • Off duty clothing: Cargo or three quarter length pants and a sleeveless t-shirt.
  • Jewellry: A diamond shaped pendant, worn off duty. Handed down from father to son for the past twenty-one generations.
  • Aliases/Nicknames: Casanova, Paris, Romeo.


  • Father: Vito Valentino
  • Mother: Maria Valentino
  • Siblings: None.
  • NB: Michael Valentino and Tommy Fontaine grew up together, and as Italians, their bond grew to the extent that they are now considered Fratellos (brothers) by all who know them.

Ristorante Valentino

The family own a thriving restaurant that is renowned on Earth for serving the best sea food. Ristorante Valentino has been a family run business for generations and has evolved with the times. It's location is prime and has allowed a fantastic development; the underwater section of the restaurent.

It's unique view and atmosphere is a favourite!


Michael was born to a Sicilian father and an Italian mother. He grew up in the town of Corleone, Sicily, Earth.

He and his best friends Olivia and Tommy spent their youth exploring the town of Corleone, climbing the foothills and swimming and getting into trouble. Michael had always excelled at school and was a bright child. At the age of 9, it was discovered that he had developed an eidetic memory. After studying an image or scene for ten seconds, he is able to maintain a nearly perfect photographic memory of that image in his short term memory.

When Michael turned 16, the Minister of the V'Shar (Vulcan Ministry of Security), arranged to have Michael train with them. The Minister, Satok, was indebted to Michael’s father for saving his life 5 years earlier, and have been close friends since.

Michael found the transition difficult at first as the Vulcan’s were superior in terms of strength and logic. After a few weeks, he learned to use his assets, which were his agility, speed, intelligence and superior memory. After the first year, it was evident and for all to see that Michael was a natural leader and tactical strategist. The second year saw Michael promoted to the elite security detail for the V'Shar, called the Sim're'Pelq'Ari (Elite Vulcan Defence Force). Here, he improved many aspects of his physical state, his strength, speed, agility as well as strategic thinking, tactical analysis and psycho-analysis; a method of investigation of the mind.

During his time with them, he also mastered many forms of martial arts as well as becoming skilled in covert operations, unarmed combat and information extraction. He was the youngest human ever to have the honour of being a Sim're (Elite member of the V'Shar).

By the time Michael was 18, he joined Starfleet Academy with a glowing reference from the Vulcan High Command and the head of the V'Shar, Minister Satok.

Although Michael excelled at Starfleet Academy, it also allowed him time to express himself. Michael was known for his legendary examination preparations, revise the night before an exam! He was able to do this because of his eidetic memory. His athletic prowess was also renowned, as he was the 100 metre sprint champion for three consecutive years, still holding the Earth record of 7.12 seconds. Michael’s reputation with the ladies was as famous.


Michael is a very calm and composed individual who is always in control. Due to his sociable and friendly character, he is a popular person to have around. He is an approachable individual with a killer smile. His charming and charismatic personality combined with his handsome Italian features make him a modern day Casanova.

Michael suffers from mild claustrophobia and this is because as a child, he became trapped in a walk-in refrigerator at his family restaurant, Ristorante Valentino.



Click here to see some of Michael's relationships.


2364: Born in Corleone, Sicily, Earth.

2373: Discovered eidetic memory aged 9.

2380: Joined the V'Shar, Vulcan High Command aged 16.

2381: Promoted to the Sim're'Pelq'Ari (Elite Vulcan Defence Force) aged 17.

2381: Captured by The elite Romulan intelligence agency, the Tal Shiar.aged 17.

2382: Joined Starfleet Academy aged 18.

2383: "Alpha Quadrant Under 21s All Styles Martial Arts" champion aged 19.

2383: Sets Earth record for the 100 metre sprint in 7.12 seconds aged 19.

2384: Sets Earth record for total recall memory; memorised the first 103,431 decimal integers of pI aged 20.

2385: Graduated from Starfleet Academy aged 21.

Modular Excellence

As member of the V'Shar and Sim're'Pelq'Ari, Michael excelled at;

Armed and Unarmed Combat



Strategic Planning

Information Extraction



Mission Leader


Interpretting Microexpressions


Located on deck 3, opposite the first officer's quarters.

Michael's quarters are lavish compared to other quarters on other ships. This is primarily because the Eagle has a little more space. Red carpet and cream coloured walls give the room a nice contrast with antique Italian furniture. He has a passion for botany and his quarters have quite a few plants. He has a desk facing the large windows and a large comfortable couch. As he loves to entertain and have guests over, he also has a dining table.




  • 238102.12: Was captured by The elite Romulan intelligence agency, the Tal Shiar for 4 days until rescued by his fellow members from Sim're'Pelq'Ari (Elite Vulcan Defence Force).

Michael suffers from mild post traumatic stress due to this incident.

Unique Achievments

  • 100 metre sprint champion for three consecutive years.
  • Holds Earth record for the 100 metre sprint in 7.12 seconds.
  • Holds Earth record for memory total recal. For this record, he memorised the first 103,431 decimal integers of pI after reading the integers once!
  • Youngest human ever to have the honour of being a Sim're (Elite member of the V'Shar).
  • One of the highest paid male models on Risa for two years running.
  • "Alpha Quadrant Under 21s All Styles Martial Arts" champion at the age of 18.


  • 238504.17: Michael was re-assigned by Starfleet Intelligence. The V'Shar and Starfleet Intelligence combined intelligence and forces to carry out a number of classified missions.

He was an important member of this taskforce as he served with the V'Shar for a year and the Sim're'Pelq'Ari (Elite Vulcan Defence Force) the year after, prior to joining Starfleet. His expertise was crucial to the successes of these missions.

After the missions had been completed, Michael returned back to the USS Eagle.

Current Rank and Post

Assignment: USS Eagle

Department: Tactical / Security

Position: Cheif Tactical Officer / Chief of Security

Rank: Lieutenant