File:Miri - 2266-2341-SUP

Revision as of 14:16, 1 November 2008 by Canreb (talk | contribs) (added data)

During the 75 year period (2266 to 2341), the Federation sent 328 advisors, medical support and technical staff to Miri IV to assist with the education, training and general needs of the fledgleing colony.

During the first 25 years 185 Federation advisors of all kinds served on Miri IV with little to no problems. For a breakdown of the various work projects, educational results and medical records for the people of Miri IV and the reports filed by the advisors themselves see files - Miri - 2266-0001-ADV to Miri -2911-0389-ADV.

Over the next 50 years 143 Federation advisors served on Miri IV. Of these 23 died while working from various accidents. For a breakdown of the various work projects, educational results and medical records for the people of Miri IV and the reports filed by the advisors themselves see files - Miri - 2291-0001-ADV to Miri -2341-0236-ADV.

Federation Files regarding Advisor Casualties

Sven Odlafson

File: Miri - 2292-0086-STA - Sven Odlafson, male, Terran, age 39, senior mechanical engineer, Stockholm, Sweden, Earth, Chief Engineer for Miri IV Federation advisor group, died 229201.17 at approximately 1438 hours. Chief engineer Odlafson and team were doing repairs and maintance in the lower levels of the access tunnels under the main capitol city of Cru'ela. An explosion resulted in the death of him and his entire team. It took 11 days to dig them out. Examination of their bodies was performed by Dr. Tra Bin Drok. Results indicate that Odlafson died from massive internal damage caused by the explosion.

Boris Kristakoff

File: Miri - 2292-0087-STA - Boris Kristakoff, male, Terran, age 44, senior power and control engineer, Stalingrad, Russia, Earth, Assistant Chief Engineer for Miri IV Federation advisor group, died 229201.17 at approximately 1438 hours. Assistant Chief engineer Kristakoff was a member of a team that was doing repairs and maintance in the lower levels of the access tunnels under the main capitol city of Cru'ela. An explosion resulted in his death and the death of the entire team. It took 11 days to dig them out. Examination of their bodies was performed by Dr. Tra Bin Drok. Results indicate that Kristakoff died from internal damage and severe 3rd degree burns caused by the explosion.

Oayer Miana

File: Miri - 2292-0088-STA - Oayer Miana, male, Terran, age 27, engineer, Imdari, Kenya, Earth, Engineer with the Miri IV Federation advisor group, died 229201.17 at approximately 1438 hours. Engineer Miana was a member of a team that was doing repairs and maintance in the lower levels of the access tunnels under the main capitol city of Cru'ela. An explosion resulted in his death and the death of the entire team. It took 11 days to dig them out. Examination of their bodies was performed by Dr. Tra Bin Drok. Results indicate that Miana died from decapitation caused by the explosion. The head was so badly damaged that they had to use DNA in order to confirm his identity.

Cara O'Sullivan

File: Miri - 2292-0089-STA - Cara O'Sullivan, female, Terran, age 31, engineer, Dublin, Ireland, Earth, Engineer with the Miri IV Federation advisor group, died 229201.17 at approximately 1438 hours. Engineer O'Sullivan was a member of a team that was doing repairs and maintance in the lower levels of the access tunnels under the main capitol city of Cru'ela. An explosion resulted in her death and the death of the entire team. It took 11 days to dig them out. Examination of their bodies was performed by Dr. Tra Bin Drok. Results indicate that O'Sullivan died from severe burns to the entire body caused by the explosion. The body was so badly damaged that they had to use DNA in order to confirm her identity.

Hans Mueller

File: Miri - 2292-0090-STA - Hans Mueller, male, Terran, age 25, engineer, Hamburg, Germany, Earth, Engineer with the Miri IV Federation advisor group, died 229201.17 at approximately 1438 hours. Engineer Mueller was a member of a team that was doing repairs and maintance in the lower levels of the access tunnels under the main capitol city of Cru'ela. An explosion resulted in his death and the death of the entire team. It took 11 days to dig them out. Examination of their bodies was performed by Dr. Tra Bin Drok. Results indicate that Mueller died from massive internal damage caused by the explosion.

Tra Bin Drok

File: Miri - 2292-0248-STA - Tra Bin Drok, male, Terran, age 47, senior medical doctor, Hanoi, Vietnam, Earth, Chief Medical Officer with the Miri IV Federation advisor group, died 229207.03 at approximately 0200 hours. Doctor Drok was working late in the Cru'ela city Hospital. Upon leaveing the facility the engine controling the lift from the top floor malfunctioned. The lift was driven into the basement at 5 times it's normal speed. An examination of Dr. Drok's body by his assistant revealed that he died due to massive internal damage caused by the impact of the lift with the ground.

Torin Saval

File: Miri - 2293-0032-STA - Torin Saval, female, Vulcan, age 77, senior scientist, Prin'Tok, Vulcan, Chief Science Officer with the Miri IV Federation advisor group, died 229301.08 at approximately 1830 hours. Saval had 8 fields of expertise and was studying the history and genetic development of both the native and transplanted flora and fauna of Miri IV. While working in the main building donated to the Federation for their use by their scientists while on world helping out, Saval was the victem of an explosion that leveled the whole building. All data, research material and specimen's were destroyed. The explosion was caused by a collision between two vehicles that forced a tanker truck to impact with the building. Visual records as well as eye witness testimony from over 27 natives and 6 Federation staff confirm this. The explosion and the resulting fire burned so hot that not much of anything was left. It took weeks to sift the ash's in order to find enough DNA in order to confirm she was inside at the time of the accident.

Albert Rothman

File: Miri - 2293-0033-STA - Albert Rothman, male, Terran, age 54, scientist, Tel Aviv, Israel, Earth, Scientist with the Miri IV Federation advisor group, died 229301.08 at approximately 1830 hours. A noted geneticist, Rothman was assisting Saval in her research. At the same time he was complileing a complete genetic record of all the colonists. While working in the main building donated to the Federation for their use by their scientists while on world helping out, Rothman was the victem of an explosion that leveled the whole building. All data, research material and specimen's were destroyed. The explosion was caused by a collision between two vehicles that forced a tanker truck to impact with the building. Visual records as well as eye witness testimony from over 27 natives and 6 Federation staff confirm this. The explosion and the resulting fire burned so hot that not much of anything was left. It took weeks to sift the ash's in order to find enough DNA in order to confirm he was inside at the time of the accident.

Tish Covar

File: Miri - 2293-0034-STA - Tish Covar, female, Terran, age 23, lab technician, San Bernadino, USA, Earth, Lab tech with the Miri IV Federation advisor group, died 229301.08 at approximately 1830 hours. Covar was assisting Saval in her research. While working in the main building donated to the Federation for their use by their scientists while on world helping out, Covar was the victem of an explosion that leveled the whole building. All data, research material and specimen's were destroyed. The explosion was caused by a collision between two vehicles that forced a tanker truck to impact with the building. Visual records as well as eye witness testimony from over 27 natives and 6 Federation staff confirm this. The explosion and the resulting fire burned so hot that not much of anything was left. It took weeks to sift the ash's in order to find enough DNA in order to confirm she was inside at the time of the accident.

Grover Smyth

File: Miri - 2293-0035-STA - Grover Smyth, male, Terran, age 28, Socialogist, Manchester, England, Earth, Smyth was with the Miri IV Federation advisor group, died 229301.08 at approximately 1830 hours. He was involved in a study of the development and dynamics of the population on Miri IV. Smyth was leaveing the main building donated to the Federation for their use by their scientists while on world helping out. Smyth was a victim of an explosion that leveled the whole building. An examination of his body confirmed that he was died due to the injuries he suffered from being next to the initial explosion.

Avir Noval

File: Miri - 2293-0548-STA - Avir Noval, male, Bolian, age 52, Doctor, Pre'da, Bolarus IX, Doctor with the Miri IV Federation advisor group, died 229306.21 at approximately 0400 hours. Found dead at the bottom of a long flight of stairs at the building he lived in. Examination of the body showed he died of a broken neck. Numerous bruses and minor bone damage consistant with a fall down the stairs. A loose section of stone at the top of the stairs seems to have been the culprit.

Tira Bokar

File: Miri - 2293-0892-STA - Tira Bokar, female, Risan, age 23, nurse, Corva, Risa, Nurse with the Miri IV Federation advisor group, died 229312.01 at approximately 1330 hours. Killed on her way back to work by an out of control cargo vehicle. Driver of the vehicle was also killed. Numerous eye witnesses to the incident.

Nijva Kyrik

File: Miri - 2294-0261-STA - Nijva Kyrik, male, Haliian, age 42, medical lab technician, Tikki, Halii, Medical lab tech with the Miri IV Federation advisor group, died 229404.13 at approximately 2030 hours. He was working late in the lab and accidently was exposed to a highly toxic substance that destroyed his ability to breath. Examination showed traces of the toxin and a search of the lab shows that some chemicals had been mislabled resulting in his mixing the toxin himself. Room was secured from the inside.

Hiro Hodoshi

File: Miri - 2294-0526-STA - Hiro Hodoshi, male, Terran, age 28, systems technician, Hiroshima, Japan, Earth, System tech with the Miri IV Federation advisor group, died 229407.30 at approximately 1400 hours. He died while installing a major upgrade in the capitol city's main computer network. An unexplained power surge jumped the safety control circut and electrocuted him.

Sindari Lindrok

File: Miri - 2294-1453-STA - Sindari Lindrok, male, Efrosian, age 33, biologist, Trebor, Efrosian, Biologist with the Miri IV Federation advisor group, died 229411.27 at approximately 1030 hours. He was returning from one of the outlying villages when his vehicle lost control and went over a cliff.

Grek Porkin

File: Miri - 2296-0429-STA - Grek Porkin, male, Tellerite, age 44, engineer, Razik, Tellar Prime, Engineer with the Miri IV Federation advisor group, died 229606.17 at approximately 0900 hours. He was working on one of the large earth moveing construction machines for the new expansion complex when the hydrolic fluid line ruptured allowing the bucket to drop. He died from extensive internal injuries.

Darvi Morin

File: Miri - 2298-0094-STA - Darvi Morin, female, Deltan, age 26, nurse, Palarii, Delta IV, Nurse with the Miri IV Federation advisor group, she went missing 229801.06 at approximately 1200 hours. She was never seen again. No trace of her was ever found.

Bob Arden

File: Miri - 2301-0813-STA - Bob Arden, male, Terran, age 36, teacher, Millhaven, Maine, USA, Earth, Teacher with the Miri IV Federation advisor group, died 230107.21 at approximately 1930 hours. He was leaveing a dinner when he was crushed beneath a large slab of rubble. A major portion of the building broke off killing him and 3 other people. Investigation showed the building material was substandard and had become brittle.

Christina Grant

File: Miri - 2304-0946-STA - Christina Grant, female, Terran, age 24, nurse, Montreal, Canada, Earth, Nurse with the Miri IV Federation advisor group, she went missing 230409.16 at approximately 0001 hours. She was never seen again. No trace of her was ever found.

Nickolas Pradif

File: Miri - 2306-0461-STA - Nickolas Pradif, male, Terran, age 39, doctor, Saris, Romania, Earth, Doctor with the Miri IV Federation advisor group, died 230603.18 at approximately 1500 hours. He was examineing a injured patient who suddenly exploded in rage. He grabbed the doctor killed him and then killed himself. Numerous eye witnesses confirm the sudden and unexpected events that resulted in this loss of life.

Sam Donaldson

File: Miri - 2311-0343-STA - Sam Donaldson, male, Terran, age 34, research scientist, New York, New York, USA, Earth, Research scientist with the Miri IV Federation advisor group, died 231104.10 at approximately 1100 hours. He was studying the history and background of the inhabitants and how their environment had affected their society. He and his wife were both killed when the shuttle they were useing lost power and then crashed. The shuttle lost power when a series of circuts failed resulting in loss of power and control.

Erica Donaldson

File: Miri - 2311-0344-STA - Erica Donaldson, female, Terran, age 29, research scientist, New York, New York, USA, Earth, Research scientist with the Miri IV Federation advisor group, died 231104.10 at approximately 1100 hours. She was helping her husband by studying the history and background of the inhabitants and how their environment had affected their society. She and her husband were both killed when the shuttle they were useing lost power and then crashed. The shuttle lost power when a series of circuts failed resulting in loss of power and control.


File: Miri - 2332-1831-STA - Jorum-Indil, male, Grazerite, age 41, doctor, Gorvum, Grazerite, Doctor with the Miri IV Federation advisor group, died 233212.31 at approximately 2200 hours. He was working late compileing and recording any and all medical documents that had not already been recorded by the Federation medical advisors. He was double checking the records for the period 2292 to 2302 when a fire broke out. The door to his office locked and he was unable to open it from inside. He died from smoke inhilation but also suffered extensive burns that required the use of DNA to confirm his identity. All the records and most of his office was destroyed.

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