
Revision as of 23:27, 8 September 2024 by Indrid Yirah (talk | contribs)
Intelligent Lifeform Index

Four Letter Code
Federation Status Not members
Planet of Origin
Encountered VOY: Critical Care
T/E Rating T0/E0
Current Tech Level
List of Named Dinaalis

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Home System

  • Quadrant: Delta
  • Location:
  • Proper Name:
  • Star:
  • Classification:
  • Distance from Star: Fourth planet in the system.
  • Companions:
  • Moons:

Home World

  • Proper Name: Dinaal
  • Diameter:
  • Gravity:
  • Axial Tilt:
  • Orbital Period:
  • Rotational Period:
  • Classification: M
    • Surface Water:
    • Atmosphere:
    • Climate:
    • Terrain:
    • Population: 18.7 billion (as of 2378)


By the 24th century the Dinaali homeworld was desnely populated, filled with high-rise buildings. Over-industrialization and over-population resulted in a heavily polluted atmosphere, ecological disasters, and famine throughout the planet. The Dinaali health care system could not effectively provide medical care to the population. To sort out the crisis the Dinaali government asked the Jye, reowned administrators, to reform their health care system in the mid-24th century.[1][2]


Dinaal is governed by the Dinaali Corporate from the planetary capital of Dinaal City. As of the mid-24th century, the health care system is administered as a blind bureaucracy by the Jye.[3] The Jye use an artifical intelligence called the Allocator to distribute the amount of medical treatment and medication a person receives.[4]


Dinaali are humanoid in appearance, being outwardly identical to humans.[5]


While being outwardly undistinguishable from humans, internally they have several differences. They are susceptible to chromovirus, a pathogen, which is fatal unless treated with cytoglobin.[6][7]





After the Jye reorganization of the Dinaali health care system resulted in the creation of the Treatment coefficient, or TC. The TC is a number assigned to each person living on, or visiting, Dinaal. The amount of medical treatment and medication a person receives depends on how high a person's TC is. The TC was, supposedly, a complex formula of a person's education and general usefulness for society. Known treatment coefficients included TC 15 and TC 4.[8]

Dinaali hospital ships are staffed by a contracted Jye Administrator, a Chief of Medicine, and numerous other nurses, doctors and medical professionals that work various shifts. They are built with the TC in mind, with levels of the hospital based on the level of care a patient receives. These levels included:

Level Blue which is where patients with high TC are treated. This level has the best conditions and treatments, because patients there are deemed to be the most valuable to society. Level Blue is also the location of the ship's Jye Administrator's office, the primary assignment of the Chief of Medicine, and featured a surgical ward.

Level Red was where patients with a lower TC are treated. Such patients are deemed to be less valuable to society, and thus fewer resources are given to this level. Due to more people being on this level, there are often long waits for what few resources are available.

Level Yellow is where some patients from Level Red are sent after they are stabilized enough to be moved.

Level Green is for patients with an even lower TC. This level has even less medical equipment than Level Red.

Level White was the ship's morgue.[9]

Patients in the lower levels might be allowed treatment for one affliction but not another, or denied medication that was plentiful in higher levels. The Dinaali accepted the system as a necessity for their large society.[10]





Dinaali hospital ships are capable of levitating over a city.[11] Proton imaging is a type of medical test used by the Dinaal.[12]



Starfleet Intelligence Files


  1. "Dinaali", Memory Alpha
  2. "Dinaal", Memory Alpha
  3. "Dinaal", Memory Alpha
  4. "Allocator", Memory Alpha
  5. "Dinaali", Memory Alpha
  6. "Dinaali", Memory Alpha
  7. "Chromovirus", Memory Alpha
  8. "Treatment coefficient", Memory Alpha
  9. "Dinaali hospital ship", Memory Alpha
  10. "Dinaal", Memory Alpha
  11. "Dinaali hospital ship", Memory Alpha
  12. "Proton imaging", Memory Alpha

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