Medicines and Dosages
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Medications sorted by scope of application
Medicines - Stimulants
- Hyperzine - Cardiac stimulant. Used when someone suffers cardiac arrest.
- Inaprovaline - A stimulant commonly used in Starfleet. Can be used to avoid cardiac arrest, or to help raise autonomic response of badly wounded patients.
- Netinaline - Pharmaceutical stimulant. Used to waken a patient from unconsciousness.
- Stokaline - Used to revive an unconscious or stunned patient. Extended use decreases its effectiveness.
- Tricordrazine - A refined version of Cordrazine that lacks the delusional paranoia side effects, but will not revive as well. It is still addictive. Can be used for neutral injuries.
- Netinaline - Used to waken a patient from unconsciousness. Stimulant used in a 2-cc dose when reviving a patient.
Medicines - Burns
- Dermalplast and Dermaline Gel - Medical preparation used to treat chemical burns
* Kelotane - Medical drug used to treat radiation burns and sickness.
Medicine - Pain Relievers
- Asinolyathin - This substance is used as a pain-killer for muscle spasms
- Hydrocortilene - Analgesic medicine used to alleviate pain, such as headaches
- Morphenolog - Used to ease pain and stop convulsions.
- Neuroelectrical Suppressors - Medical instrument used to suppress pain. An alternative to the delta-wave inducer
- Triptacedrin - A narcotic used to relieve pain. It is noted that 30cc's would anaesthetize an Algorian Mammoth, but it hardly dents the Cardassian physiology.
Medicine - Sedatives
- Anesthezine - This is an inhalant (gas) that can be used as a general anaesthetic, but is more often used by Security as an intruder control measure. A concentration of 70 parts per million is more than enough to render humanoids unconscious
- Improvoline - Medicine used as a calmative. Not to be confused with inaprovaline, which is a cardio-stimulant.
- Kayolane - This pharmaceutical causes immediate unconsciousness and the patient will remain asleep for 1-6 hours.
- Melorazine - This pharmaceutical causes immediate unconsciousness. The patient will remain asleep for 3-8 hours
- Merfadon - A Cardassian sedative
Medicine - Anesthetics
- Axonol - Axonol was among the emergency crowd control anaesthetics on board the starship Prometheus. Aerosol-based
- Neurozine - Neurozine was among the emergency crowd-control anaesthetics onboard the Prometheus and was used to incapacitate Romulans who had commandeered the ship in 2374. Aerosol-based
Medicine - Cardiac
- Benjisidrine - An anti-arrhythmic used to regulate some heart conditions.
- Impedrezene - Cardiac medication used to follow up use of an osteogenic stimulator
- Inaprovaline - Cardiostimulatory pharmaceutical in use by Starfleet medical personnel.
- Lectrazine - Lectrazine was used to stabilize cardiovascular and renal systems in humanoid patients.
- Metrazene - Cardiac antiarrhythmic medication, used aboard the Enterprise-D.
Medicine - Resuscitative
- Cortolin - Used on station Deep Space 9. Used to treat a wound inflicted by a compressor beam weapon
- Leporazine - A resuscitative drug; used aboard Federation starships
Medicine -Respiratory
- Dexaline - Useful in the treatment of oxygen deprivation and life support systems failure.
- Pulmozine - Pharmaceutical used to stimulate breathing in a patient having respiratory difficulties. Administered to treat conditions caused by inhalation of noxious fumes.
- Tri-Ox Compound - Medication used to help a humanoid patient breathe more easily in a thin or oxygen-deprived atmosphere.
Medicine - Alien
- Benzocyatizine - Medication used to adjust the levels of isoboramine in joined Trill. A benzocyatic regimen generally involves frequent doses of benzocyatizine.
- Desegranine - A Cardassian (Obsidian Order) drug used to reverse memory loss and/or allow blocked memories to resurface
- Makara Herb - Bajoran herbs, recommended during pregnancy; they help maintain progesterone levels, though they taste horrible. They also act as a counteragent against sedatives
Medicine/ Substances - Miscellaneous
- Acetylcholine - Biochemical substance, a neurotransmitter that promotes the propagation of electrical impulses from one nerve cell to another in carbon-based life. Julian Bashir used a medication designed to increase acetylcholine absorption to increase Melora's tensile muscular strength, thus enabling her to walk
- Alizine - Used to counter an allergic reaction
- Anticoagulant - Chemical that prevents the clotting of blood.
- Anti-intoxicant - Medicine that is taken to allow one to drink alcoholic beverages without becoming inebriated
- Antipsychotic - Psychotropic pharmaceutical used to reduce psychotic tendencies in sentient humanoid patients
- Arithrazine - Powerful pharmaceutical used to treat theta radiation poisoning. Starfleet regulations stipulate that a physician must be present whenever arithrazine is administered.
- Cateline - Cateline simulates aphylactic shock.
- Cervaline - Antirejection drug, for example used after receiving an implant.
- Corophizine Antibiotic - Corophizine was prescribed to Miles O'Brien to prevent secondary infection when he was critically ill due to the aphasia virus in 2369.
- Cortical Analeptic - Pharmaceutical used to reinvigorate the tissues of the cerebral cortex.
- Dermatiraelian Plastiscine - Medication used to maintain the effects of cosmetic surgery. Aamin Marritza took it for five years after altering his face to that of Gul Darhe'el.
- Genetic Resequencing Vector - Medical suspension formulated to shut down Borg nanoprobes as they emerge from dormancy
- Hyronalin - The standard treatment for radiation since the late 2100s.
- Immuno-Suppressant - Any of several pharmaceuticals designed to limit immune response in humanoids. Dr. Crusher used immunosuppressants in 2367 to help William Riker successfully carry the Trill symbiote
- Intraspinal inhibitor - Intraspinal inhibitor induces paralysis.
- Kironide - Artificially generated by aliens. Induces telekinetic powers.
- Lexorin - A neurotransmitter inhibitor. This drug temporarily diminishes intelligence, but each dose also makes psychic and psionic intrusions harder.
- Neodextraline Solution - Liquid medication administered intravenously for the treatment of severe dehydration. ("Ex Post Facto" [VOY]).
- Neural Paralyzer - Medication that can cause a cessation of heartbeat and breathing in a humanoid patient, creating the appearance of death.
- Ovarian Resequencing Enzymes - Complex organic compounds used in medical fertility treatments.
- Psilosynine - Neurotransmitter chemical used for telepathy by the brains of telepathic species, such as Betazoids.
- Polynutrient Solution - Restorative formula given to patients suffering from malnutrition.
- Stenophyl - Powerful anti-allergen. Primary treatment of Anaphylactic Shock
- Tesokine - Dr. Julian Bashir gave Kira Nerys tesokine in 2372 so that the O’Brien’s' baby that she carried could metabolize Bajoran nutrients.
- Trioxin - A drug used to treat a patient with damaged lungs or oxygen deficiency
- Tripamine - Biochemical substance which can sometimes be detected as a residue in the cerebral cortex following a temporal shift.
- Vertazine - Medication used by Federation medical personnel to combat vertigo.