Ra'Dar Dregen

Revision as of 16:07, 2 February 2016 by Mathias Duncan (talk | contribs)
USS Darwin
Ra'Dar Dregen


  • DoB: 236604.13
  • Weight: 200 lbs
  • Height: 6' 0"
  • Eye color: Blue (Iridescent)
  • Hair Color: Deep Dark Brown

Awards and Service Ribbons

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Ra'Dar Dregen
  • Full Name: Ra'Dar (R-ah Dar) Dregen
  • Race: ¾ Human ; ¼ Worene
  • Date of Birth: 236604.13
  • Place of Birth: Dublin, Ireland; Earth
  • Age: 26
  • Gender: Male
  • Telepathic status: N/A
  • Height: 6'
  • Weight: 200 lbs
  • Hair Color: Deep Dark Brown
  • Length of Hair: Short, Thick
  • Eye Color: Blue (Iridescent)
  • Skin tone: Olive
Ra'Dar Nails
  • Distinguishing Feature(s): Fingernails are similar to Terran cat claws; they can extend (3 inches) and retract to normal length. Hearing, Smell, and vision are heighten 25% above standard human senses. As easier time seeing in dim or low light environments than standard humans. As feline-like canine teeth
  • Tattoos: Buddhist symbol for balance on upper back between shoulder blades.
  • Build: Solid athletic muscle
  • Movement: Slightly more agile than a stanard human
  • Voice: Deep Baritone
  • Orientation: Homosexual
Ra'Dar Back Tattoo


Ra'Dar Roars
  • Mannerisms: Outgoing, Adventurous, Sarcastic 
  • Religion/Spiritual Devotion: Buddhist Meditation
  • Hobbies and Pastimes: Martial Arts, Hiking, Climbing, Reading, Art, Sport Cars (20th-21st century), Underground Car Racing (holo-deck program), and UFC fighting (holo-deck program)
  • Ambitions and Goals: Keep his IED in check, Making it in Starfleet,
  • Achievements in Life: Control of his IED; Graduated from Starfleet Academy
  • Temperament: Controlled; but explosive if push to hard.
  • Mental problems (complexes and phobias): Diagnosed with Intermittent Explosive Disorder, controlled that meditation and martial arts training allows his aggressive impulses to be channeled.
  • Quirks: Makes purring sounds when pleased and growling/roaring (lion sounding) feline-like ones when extremely upset



  • Oliver Dregen (Father)
  • S'Hara Dregen (Mother, Human/Worene; Decreased)
  • Roselynn Dregen (Step-Mother, Betazoid/Human)
  • Lilannra Dregen (Half-Sister, Betazoid/Human)
  • Zachriah Dregen (Half-Brother, Betazoid/Human)


  • William Jacobs (Ex-Boyfriend)



2366-2379: Ra'Dar Dregen was born the first son of a human xenon-biologist, Oliver Dregen and his late human/worene hybrid wife, S'Hara Dregen. S'Hara passed away when Ra'Dar was five. This was when his intermittent explosive disorder first appeared. As Ra mourned his mother he began to lash out in sudden; sometimes violent outburst of anger. Oliver immediately got Ra counseling to help deal with the problem. When he was eight Ra took an interest in martial arts, and this seemed to help him channel his aggression in a productive manner.

2379-2386: The counseling and martial arts training helped greatly with Ra's IED, but he was still have outburst more often than he or his family liked. He also at thirteen took an interest in joining Starfleet Academy. He knew would have to have hus condition under control. Ra turned to Buddhist and meditation for further control. He also discovered a Buddhist saying the seemed to help him focus and to gain control back when needed. “What three things can not long be hidden? The Sun, the moon, and the truth.”

2386-Present: Ra entered the Academy late, but took an immediate interest in become a security officer. It seemed the best way to put his skills and talent to their best use. He was still plagued with occasionally outburst of anger, but without any acts of violence. He majoring in Security and minor in Tactical while at the academy.