William Haase/Personal Log

Revision as of 19:25, 14 March 2015 by Adam Haase (talk | contribs)
Haase's Personal Logs {[ {[
Log Title Stardate Log Body
Transfer to the Atlantis 239201.01 I am so happy! This is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me! I go from being a worthless head engineer on Lunar Outpost I to being an engineering officer on board an Intrepid class starship! I mean, how cool is that? I have yet to meet anyone yet, but I just can't wait until I do. I'm going to grab something to eat.
Meeting Ensign Fenelli 239201.01 My heart is in distress. I can not show it outwardly, but my mind is sending waves of emotions through me. Ensign Fenelli has caught my eye, and there she will remain. My heart flutters when she looks at me, and my mind goes blank. Oh, what am I to do about this problem? But love is truly never a problem, so I shall remain silent for the time being - and give myself the chance to breathe.
Nervous Chatter 239202.03 I finally went to see the captain and report to him for duty. It was one of the scariest things of my life! I'm sure it was easy for many to meet their captain for the first time, but I get anxiety just thinking about it. I guess this is why I never joined the diplomatic corps or counseling. I could never handle first time meetings! But I know that I must eventually get over this. But, back to what I was saying. I meet the captain, we talk briefly, and then I leave. But now I am fully assigned to the Atlantis as an engineering officer! Next task, meet Lt. Gardener, my boss.
Meeting the Boss - Well, Boss #2 239202.03 I just got to meet Lt. Gardener. Lovely woman, although she seemed a little on edge about the whole Janeway thing. We ended up walking to the briefing room together, and I covertly stole one of her donuts, but don't tell her. I got to know a little about her in the time that we spoke, and I hope that we become better friends in the future.
First Assignment 239202.07 I got my first assignment today. As the captain phrased it, I am to, "...make sure that power to the storage units and experimentation suites are at optimal levels. Also make sure that the lack of communication isn’t due to some fault in the power generators. Liaise with Chief Gardener and report to her all your findings. She will advise accordingly." He is so formal, but I guess I should expect that. I mean, he's the captain. But all in all, I am just happy to finally be doing something! Routine maintenance only excites for so long.
Project Dilithium 239202.10 Lt. Gardener and I have gotten together to finish some unfinished research about a Dilithium Densification technique, originally theorized by former Lt.JG. Thomas Janeway. Eventually, we got it to work! We even headed down to the Trident for some drinks, and that amazing ensign, Mary Fenelli joined us there! This has been an incredible afternoon. Not to steal from Gershwin, but, "Who could ask for anything more?"
A Call upon the Captain 239202.15 It has finally come down to prison. Not exactly a Federation penitentiary, but I still lie behind a forcefield. Whatever it takes I will maintain dignity, respect, and honor. I will not allow this to be the end of my career, nor allow it to be a cause for demotion. Let this be a lesson to those behind me. (THE FOLLOWING TEXT IS ENCRYPTED) Never go through Pon Farr without one of these three things:

1. A Vulcan Master 2. A Mate 3. A sickbay with a specific hormonal lowering hypospray. I made the mistake of having neither of those three.

A Talk with the Captain 239201.17 We finally introduced our working version of Project Dilithium to Captain Blueheart. It seems like a well though scientific endeavor, and I am hoping that he will approve it for use aboard our ship. In the mean time, I'm going to see if Mary will allow me to take her to the engagement party. It'll be a great way for us to bond.
What Happened??? 239202.21 I can't even believe that today wasn't a dream. All of a sudden, as we were enjoying the party (which Mary accepted my request to...YAY!) we were thrown across the room, and now Mary is in critical condition. I'm going to see how I can help, but this worries me. Is this subspace phenomenon what is causing Outpost Bravo and the Prometheus station to go quiet? We shall all see in the end.
Shield Problems 239202.21 The shields are down, navigational deflectors are down, and all but two torpedo bays are inoperable. Why is it that they design these ships to be so flimsy! Ugh. To be honest, it isn't the ship's fault, but don't you think that it should be able to survive a little turbulence? Ok, a lot of turbulence. I better start fixing things before this bucket of bolts (respectively) falls apart.
Outpost Bravo - Finally 239203.10 Disaster. That's the only word for it. Not only is it freezing on the planet, but the stupid planet had to cave in on itself in a huge sinkhole and swallow half of the outpost! I mean, how inconvenient is that? And right as we were getting inside, too. Now I'm paired off with LtCmdr Townson, Zinna, and Ensign Yukimura. I hope that we can get inside the other half without any serious problems.
Serious Problems 239203.12 Not only did we have to cut our way inside of the ruins, but we had a ceiling practically collapse on our heads! The scientists are spread sporadically throughout the outpost, and there just isn't much of a way for us to get them without a functioning transporter. Even worse then that, we can't get into the main cargo hold, so the Tiger Shark is probably going to have to make a wide range beam-out for the rest of the scientists. On top of all of that, there is an unknown vessel lurking near the Atlantis, and with no way to contact them, we can't figure out if it's peaceful or hostile. I guess we'll all find out, one way or another.