
Intelligent Lifeform Index

C tongo.jpg
Four Letter Code CATL
Federation Status Member
Planet of Origin Catulla
Encountered TOS: The Way To Eden
T/E Rating T0/E0
Current Tech Level O
List of Named Catullans

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Humanoids, Catullans are noted starship engineers and many successful design yards are based out of the Catullan system. The well-known Yoyodyne Propulsion Systems was co-founded by Terrans and Catullans and is headquartered on Catulla. Their other sciences and society are slightly less advanced, but well up to Federation standards.


  • Proper Name: Catullan
  • Pronunciation:

Home System

  • Quadrant: Beta
  • Location: ?? Sector (coordinates B27-0002-1300 )
  • Proper Name: Cendo Ipraem
  • Pronunciation:
  • Star: It orbits a class G (Yellow) star
  • Distance from Star: orbit is approximately 148 million km
  • Companions: 4 other planets. It is the 3rd planet in the system

Home World

  • Proper Name: Cendo Prae
  • Pronunciation:
  • Diameter: 13,585km (8,441 miles)
  • Gravity: 1.3 standard gravity with a density of 6.3
  • Axial Tilt: 6.4%, slight seasonal variance
  • Orbital Period: 339 days
  • Rotational Period: 27 hours
  • Classification: M
    • Surface Water: 82.1%
    • Atmosphere: 1.2 is a standard pressure with 75% nitrogen, 24% oxygen, 1% trace chemicals
    • Climate: Bulk of land masses occur within semi-equatorial and true equatorial zones
    • Population: Just over 2.28 billion


Follows standard species development on many M-class worlds:

Tribes became small city-states.
City states combined into larger economic and political units (kingdoms, empires, republics) by aggression or treaty.
Larger units fractured back into smaller ones as conditions changed: earthquake/famine/plague/storm decimated critical population centres, inherited leadership failed, technological discoveries granted temporary economic or military advantage to rivals, etc.

The peninsulas and islands of Catulla ensured that smaller city-states lasted longer and occurred more frequently in Catullan history than on drier planets. Amalgamation under a single world government was achieved much later than for the average Federation member world.

Not all, but most of planet's arable/inhabitable land is within two days' foot travel from sea, and generally slopes perceptibly upward from coast into mountains. There are very few plateaus or plains above sea level. This makes foot travel slow and arduous compared to travel on water, and as a consequence naval power rather than infantry was traditionally the dominant means by which control of territory was asserted.

Some scholars assert that the necessity to make the most of every single accessible resource in order to survive and progress has contributed to Catullan engineering prowess. They point to the need for

- terraced agriculture and irrigation,
- freshwater conservation,
- earthquake/storm-resistant architecture,
- gains in arable land by early terraforming (berms and seawalls),
- mining which caused the minimum possible disruption of other surface uses,
- ships which made the best possible use of rare timber and metals,
- technology for navigation and cartography,
- portability and durability (water-proofing?) as a dominant feature in item development.

Other scholars dispute this, pointing out that on many worlds cultures which develop in warm, welcoming tropical climates have the least pressure to evolve. Academic consensus nonetheless is that expertise in shipbuilding has translated into expertise in space vessel design and construction.













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Memory Alpha

This profile was revised by the Species Development Committee.
REV 239008.23
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