Template:UnderConstruction: Difference between revisions

Making the template nicer.
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(Making the template nicer.)
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<div style="background: LightYellow; border: 1px solid black; margin: 1em auto; padding: 0 10px; width: 75%; align: center; text-align: left;"><center><big>'''Note: This page is currently under construction.'''<br></big>
<small>'''This notice was placed here by [[User:{{{1|}}}|{{{1|}}}]], so go bug them to finish the page if nothing's happening.'''</small></center></div>
<big>'''Note: This page is currently under construction.'''</big> <br>
<small>'''This notice was placed here by [[User:{{{1|}}}|{{{1|}}}]], so go bug them to finish the page if nothing's happening.'''</small>
[[Category:Pages Under Construction]]
[[Category:Pages Under Construction]]
