Alix Harford: Difference between revisions

reinserted family section
(added JP to Sim Archive)
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|BLURB= Alix Harford met Alex Forsyth at the award ceremony held on Denali just after she arrived on the Station. Since then the two women have spent a little time together and are quickly becoming friends.}}
|BLURB= Alix Harford met Alex Forsyth at the award ceremony held on Denali just after she arrived on the Station. Since then the two women have spent a little time together and are quickly becoming friends.}}
{{LCARS Toggle
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|Title = Family
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|Content = {{Relationship
|Alex Dane Harford
|PICTURE= Harford Father.jpg
|BLURB= An Earth traditionalist who owns a farm in rural Texas. He always saw the potential in Alix and pushed her to pursue science and medicine after the two of them were in a shuttle accident the summer before Alix started high school. He does not condone space travel but was secretly proud of his daughter's accomplishments and sense of adventure when Alix joined Starfleet Academy.}}
|Renae Stefanie Harford
|PICTURE= Harford Mother.jfif
|BLURB= An Earth traditionalist and deeply religious woman. She helps her husband run a farm in rural Texas. She has always kept her daughters close, raising them with antiquated values which put emphasis on a woman's appearance and ability to care for a husband and children. She does not condone space travel and was very upset by Alix's decision to join Starfleet. They have not spoken since.}}
|Abigail Jewel Harford
|PICTURE= Harford Abigail.jpg
|BLURB= Younger, currently 22 years old}}
|Amanda Marie Harford
|PICTURE= Harford Amanda.jpg
|BLURB= Younger, currently 20 years old}}
|Allison Nicole Harford
|PICTURE= Sister Allison.png
|BLURB= Younger, currently 17 years old}}

