Constitution-B Staff Helpers: Difference between revisions

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Image:EdwardSpearsPortrait.jpg|'''[[Edward Spears]]'''<br>Wiki Helper (Bios/Sim to Wiki edits)
Image:EdwardSpearsPortrait.jpg|'''[[Edward Spears]]'''<br>Wiki Helper (Bios/Sim to Wiki edits)
Image:Lazarus Davis.png|'''[[Lazarus Davis]]'''<br>Achievement Overseer
Image:Lazarus Davis.png|'''[[Lazarus Davis]]'''<br>Achievement Overseer
Image:Ravenna Carter-New.png|'''[[Ravenna Carter]]'''<br>Quote of the Month Facilitator
Image:Jacob Horne.png|'''[[Jacob Horne]]'''<br>Crew Birthdays / SB104 Info Maintenance
== Open positions ==
The following tasks are performed by the staff members, but they would be happy to share and welcome you to the team of helpers, if you are interested.
Image:Noimage.jpg|'''Open'''<br>Forum Helper
Image:Noimage.jpg|'''Open'''<br>MSNPC writer

[[Category:USS Constitution-B]]
[[Category:USS Constitution-B]]