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The perimeter includes laser triggered mechanisms called vonwI' 'uD'a' used by Klingons, that can be connected to any mechanism. The laser is like a primitive trip wire but invisible and one doesn't feel it when stepping through it. It is easy to hide the emitter pins -for example between or under foliage- to not be seen. <ref>[https://groups.google.com/g/sb118-constitution/c/TO3Ldav6ii0/m/LMjAJJW8AQAJ "Warrior at work!"], Sherana, {{USS|Constitution-B}}), SD240203.31</ref> The perimeter was set out by Thoth -the resident zoologist- after being hired for that by Bolen. <ref>[https://groups.google.com/g/sb118-constitution/c/VL7m7Hn9Tlc/m/vF8nhpYgAQAJ "You Shall Not Pass"], Thoth, {{USS|Constitution-B}}), SD240204.17</ref> | The perimeter includes laser triggered mechanisms called vonwI' 'uD'a' used by Klingons, that can be connected to any mechanism. The laser is like a primitive trip wire but invisible and one doesn't feel it when stepping through it. It is easy to hide the emitter pins -for example between or under foliage- to not be seen. <ref>[https://groups.google.com/g/sb118-constitution/c/TO3Ldav6ii0/m/LMjAJJW8AQAJ "Warrior at work!"], Sherana, {{USS|Constitution-B}}), SD240203.31</ref> The perimeter was set out by Thoth -the resident zoologist- after being hired for that by Bolen. <ref>[https://groups.google.com/g/sb118-constitution/c/VL7m7Hn9Tlc/m/vF8nhpYgAQAJ "You Shall Not Pass"], Thoth, {{USS|Constitution-B}}), SD240204.17</ref> | ||
== Fauna == | |||
=== Blood Claws === | |||
Blood Claws are red furry predators with long red claws. Having grown arrogant in their position at the top of the food chain they do not expect their own method of hunting turned against them. They use stealth in their hunt, sneaking upon their prey and then sink the long claws right into their prey's back. <ref>[https://groups.google.com/g/sb118-constitution/c/RywL4ob4iKE/m/g9dSWWjbAgAJ "Daily Life"], Thoth, {{USS|Constitution-B}}), SD240203.25</ref> | |||
=== Walking Trees === | |||
Walking Trees are similar, although, far larger, to the walking stick bugs of Earth. While on the surface they had similarities internally they were very different in order to support their large size. One of these differences is their complicated respiratory system, which allowed the insects of Drever IV to get much larger without high levels of oxygen. Walking Trees eat leaves and bushes. <ref>[https://groups.google.com/g/sb118-constitution/c/RywL4ob4iKE/m/g9dSWWjbAgAJ "Daily Life"], Thoth, {{USS|Constitution-B}}), SD240203.25</ref> To move them to a different location it is sufficient to simply push them, though their offspring is very delicate and better be carried. <ref>[https://groups.google.com/g/sb118-constitution/c/zmn6tTPO7Nk/m/R0e1wvr-CwAJ "Calm before the storm"], Thoth, {{USS|Constitution-B}}), SD240204.29</ref> | |||
=== wejpuH yotlh === | |||
Large rainbow colored flying animal with a wing span of about two meters. They don't have all the characteristics to classify them as either a bird or a reptile. They are something of an inbetween state of the two. Their wings allow them to easily catch the aircurrents. The pattern of colors on their wings are different for each individual so they can identify their kin and confuse their enemies. When they hunt they use their large mouths to simply scoop up their prey. <ref>[https://groups.google.com/g/sb118-constitution/c/fuJxNBT_H3c/m/wI74wTNWAQAJ "Today is a good day... for bird watching"], Thoth, {{USS|Constitution-B}}), SD240204.11</ref> | |||
=== Vryar === | |||
Water dwelling birds. Migrated earlier in 2402 than usual. <ref>[https://groups.google.com/g/sb118-constitution/c/jrlxdzic9_o/m/wudntknAAgAJ "Tea With a Vulcan"], Atan T'Seva, {{USS|Constitution-B}}), SD240204.09</ref> | |||
=== Ash Spotted Mek'leth Tooth === | |||
A creature on Drever IV. Similar to the Long Tailed Mek'leth Tooth, though they have distintive roars. The name indicates that it has ash coloured spots and sharp teeth. They do not leave Methane traces. <ref>[https://groups.google.com/g/sb118-constitution/c/VL7m7Hn9Tlc/m/vF8nhpYgAQAJ "You shall not pass"], Thoth, {{USS|Constitution-B}}), SD240204.17</ref> | |||
=== Long Tailed Mek'leth Tooth === | |||
A creature on Drever IV. Similar to the Ash Spotted Mek'leth Tooth, though they have distintive roars. The name indicates that it has a long tail and sharp teeth. They do not leave Methane traces. <ref>[https://groups.google.com/g/sb118-constitution/c/VL7m7Hn9Tlc/m/vF8nhpYgAQAJ "You shall not pass"], Thoth, {{USS|Constitution-B}}), SD240204.17</ref> | |||
=== Unnamed large creature === | |||
A large creature living in the woods, making nearby ground shake with its running steps. Its roar is different from the Mek'leth Tooth. <ref>[https://groups.google.com/g/sb118-constitution/c/VL7m7Hn9Tlc/m/vF8nhpYgAQAJ "You shall not pass"], Thoth, {{USS|Constitution-B}}), SD240204.17</ref> It is about the size of an elephant (though not its shape), and is covered with fur. It gets scared if lightning hits too close nearby, possibly fear of fire. <ref>[https://groups.google.com/g/sb118-constitution/c/ev5VNy4Ckkg/m/LFoX8eGQAAAJ "THUD THUD ROAR"], Zylandra Sh'Prelleon, {{USS|Constitution-B}}), SD240205.01</ref> | |||
== Flora == | |||
=== Lerr Trees === | |||
Trees native to Drever IV, in full bloom in April. <ref>[https://groups.google.com/g/sb118-constitution/c/jrlxdzic9_o/m/wudntknAAgAJ "Tea With a Vulcan"], Atan T'Seva, {{USS|Constitution-B}}), SD240204.09</ref> | |||
=== Puffballs === | |||
Plants on Drever IV. These plants did not show signs of sickness, contrary to other plantlife, and might be resistant. Examples were taken to check if their resistance might be able to help other plantlife. <ref>[https://groups.google.com/g/sb118-constitution/c/hLgZn4GB3bI/m/1oWK_KTrAwAJ "Resistance...Futile?"], Atan Evria, {{USS|Constitution-B}}), SD240204.23</ref> | |||
=== Southern Fungus === | |||
Native to the southern hemisphere of Drever IV. Usually harmless fungus, that however, releases toxic spores when it comes in touch with the local rainfall, that is lethal to some fauna. <ref>[https://groups.google.com/g/sb118-constitution/c/1TE4x2VHK1o/m/eP0U17xrAAAJ "Things Combined"], Atan T'Seva, {{USS|Constitution-B}}), SD240204.20</ref> | |||
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