Artemis Manual/The Crew: Difference between revisions

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*<font color=steelblue>'''Sciences (Blue)'''</font> - Science, Medical, Counseling
*<font color=steelblue>'''Sciences (Blue)'''</font> - Science, Medical, Counseling

The Starfleet [[combadge]] and uniform worn on Amity Outpost is the standard duty uniform introduced in the 2390s - though the station has begun a gradual rollout of the new 2400 uniform variant.
The Starfleet [[combadge]] and uniform worn on the USS Artemis-A is the standard duty uniform introduced in the 2400s - though Starfleet has instituted the uniform rollout gradually through 2400, so it is not uncommon to see officers still donning standard 2390's-era uniforms as well.
