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{{Heading|Personality and Mannerisms|Teal}}
{{Heading|Personality and Mannerisms|Teal}}
* '''Hobbies:''' Dressmaking, Reading (Especially Poetry), Writing Poetry, Storytelling
* '''Hobbies:''' Reading (Especially Poetry), playing with her cat, working on off-duty scientific discoveries or shenanigans, being social and around people.
* '''Likes:''' Music (personally preferring soul music originating from earth, or classical Yelikan folk songs), Games (Chess, Board games, etc), Animals, People, Cooking.
* '''Likes:''' Games (Chess, Board games, etc), Animals, People, Cooking, Physical Activity, Any kind of science or discovery
* '''Dislikes:''' Sudden loud noises, overly stressful or tense situations, being unwell, doing nothing
* '''Dislikes:''' Sudden loud noises, overly stressful or tense situations, being unwell, doing nothing, thunderstorms
* '''Demeanour:''' Sweet, quiet, ditzy, reserved, undisciplined, caring
* '''Demeanour:''' Sweet, quiet, ditzy, reserved, undisciplined, caring
* '''Mannerisms:''' Thinks out loud, Tends to talk to herself   
* '''Mannerisms:''' Thinks out loud, Tends to talk to herself   
* '''Taste in Clothing:''' Prefers something colourful and practical, opting for patterned shirts, dresses and pants with flat shoes. She prefers bright colours.
* '''Taste in Clothing:''' Prefers something colourful and practical, opting for patterned shirts, dresses and pants with flat shoes. She prefers bright colours.
Hallia can often find herself caught off guard in social situations, often getting herself flustered or confused in a conversation. She enjoys the company of others, embracing a different side of herself around those she's close to. Hallia can be seen as a little strange, a little bubbly and sometimes eerily happy. She embraces her humble beginnings, seeing the idea of helping and serving others as a blessing to be shared. However, Hallia is often a little too trusting, never always seeing the full picture of another's intentions.  

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* None
* None
'''Friends and "Work" Related Relationships'''
=== Meidra Sirin ===
{{Tile Officer|Meidra Sirin|Teal|Chaotic Counsellor}}
Hallia and Meidra met upon Hallia's first visit to the Resolution, arranging a first meeting between the two in the form of a psych checkup. Hallia was easily impressed by Meidra's love for behavioural sciences as a means for analyzing and helping a patient and the abundance of chocolate she kept in her office
=== Etan Iljor ===
{{Tile Officer|Etan Iljor|Blue|The Power of Science!}}
Sharing two different fields of science, and by extension different philosophies to view the universe, Hallia finds a lot of intrigue in picking apart everything from his approach to problems all the way to wondering exactly how the two seem to work so well in a pair. Investigating [[Vionus IV]] really seemed to bring the pair closer at the very least as fellow science officers.

{{Heading|Personal History|Teal}}
{{Heading|Personal History|Teal}}
Hallia grew up alongside her large family of 6 siblings in the brutal class-based society on Yelik as the 5th born child in her family. Hallia's parents both worked as merchants typically specialising in the selling of exotic fruits, meats and foodstuffs in general on Yelik. Oftentimes the family would travel in order to make use of business opportunities and obtain other wares that would be sold in different establishments. However, growing up in near poverty conditions, the family could barely afford to educate their children above basic reading and writing. There were few signs they were ever going to work their way out of their financial predicament, often living from payday to payday. Life only got harder for the family after Hallia was born, however, after the passing of her father in a freak accident, Hallia's mother was forced to run the shop on her own, until she began asking her children to lend a hand. The business became very family-oriented, teaching Hallia a lot about exotic, uncommon and common foods in the Alpha and Beta quadrants. She picked up on quite a few recipes as well, learning a thing or two in how to cook and what is and isn't edible. Stewed rodents were often her favourite, as they were easy to find and easy to prepare.  
Hallia grew up alongside her large family of 6 siblings in the brutal class-based society on Yelik as the 5th born child in her family. Hallia's parents both worked as merchants specialising in selling exotic fruits, meats, and foodstuffs in general on Yelik. Oftentimes the family would travel to make use of business opportunities and obtain other wares that would be sold in different establishments. However, growing up in near poverty conditions, the family could barely afford to educate their children above basic reading and writing. There were few signs they were ever going to work their way out of their financial predicament, often living from payday to payday. Life only got harder for the family after Hallia was born, however, after the passing of her father in a freak accident, Hallia's mother was forced to run the shop on her own, until she began asking her children to lend a hand. The business became very family-oriented, teaching Hallia a lot about exotic, uncommon and common foods in the Alpha and Beta quadrants. She picked up on quite a few recipes as well, learning a thing or two in how to cook and what is and isn't edible. Stewed rodents were often her favourite, as they were easy to find and easy to prepare.  

Seeking a means to educate herself higher, and perhaps even one day bring home a way for her family to live elsewhere, Hallia looked to Starfleet. Not only for her own benefit, but as a way for her to perhaps even help the people back home, Hallia began learning as much as she could and even working her way up as an officer in medical. She hopes that one day she can make Yelika a better place.   
Seeking a means to educate herself higher, and perhaps even one day bring home a way for her family to live elsewhere, Hallia looked to Starfleet. Not only for her own benefit, but as a way for her to perhaps even help the people back home, Hallia began learning as much as she could and even working her way up as an officer in medical. She hopes that one day she can make Yelika a better place.   
