Dial/Long version: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "{{DialNav}} Dial is a Nurse on the USS Apollo. <h4 style="margin:0; background:#19646a; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #000000; text-align:center; col...")
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* '''Race''': [[Bolian]]
* '''Race''': [[Bolian]]
* '''Date of Birth''': 236608.09
* '''Date of Birth''': 236608.09
* '''Place of Birth''': Aoay, [[Bolias]]
* '''Place of Birth''': [[Aoay]], [[Bolias]]
* '''Age''': 25
* '''Age''': 25
* '''Gender''': Female
* '''Gender''': Female
Line 14: Line 14:
* '''Height''': 1.62m (5’4”)
* '''Height''': 1.62m (5’4”)
* '''Weight''': 59kg (130 lbs)
* '''Weight''': 59kg (130 lbs)
* '''Haircut''': Bald
* '''Hair Color''': None
* '''Hair Color''': None
* '''Length of Hair''': Bald
* '''Eye Color''': Yellow
* '''Eye Color''': Yellow
* '''Skin Tone''': Light Blue
* '''Skin Tone''': Light Blue
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* '''Arms''': 2
* '''Arms''': 2
* '''Legs''': 2
* '''Legs''': 2
* '''Carriage''': On duty relatively stiff
* '''Carriage''':  
* '''Poses''': Folded arms, hands on her hips
* '''Poses''':  
* '''Taste in Clothing (off duty)''': Long and wavy robes (casual clothes); close-fitting suits (evening attire)
* '''Shoes (off duty)''': Low heels (casual clothes); high heels (evening attire)
* '''Voice''': Mezzo-soprano
* '''Voice''': Mezzo-soprano
* '''Handedness''': Left-handed
* '''Handedness''': Left-handed

<h4 style="margin:0; background:#19646a; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #000000; text-align:center; color:#ffffff; padding:0.2em 0.4em;">Family</h4>
{| border='2' cellspacing='0'
* '''Marital Status''': Single
* '''Parents'''
!  colspan="1" style="background:#19646a; width:1200px;" |<font color=#ffffff>'''Personal Relationships'''</font>
** '''Father''': Iom (85). Bolian, born at Stardate 230601.29 and raised on Bolias. Iom was raised in a great family clan, somthing quite unusual among Bolians. During his teen years he profited highly from the education system that allows any Bolian to take all time they need for self-development. He studied many subjects almost without any need to look out for jobs for education had always been free and like the Bolian society in general very non-economic. After graduation and getting an employment at Daystrom Institute he met Nao for the first time. The engineer was assigned to his research team but it were rather her philosophical views and knowledge of Bolian literature that interested him. After getting to know Nao better he decided to stay with her and get children.
{| border='1' cellspacing='0'
** '''Mother''': Nao (89). Bolian, born at Stardate 230203.20 and raised on Bolarus IX. Nao was all her life a technician ever since she helped her father repair home appliances. When she became older she took a shuttle flight to the Bolian colony Bolias. There she settled down and built a home of her own in Bolian fashion. When the work was finished she applied for a job at the local office of the Daystrom Institute. There she fell in love with Iom, a native Bolian from Bolias. They decided to live together and get children.
* '''Siblings'''
! style="background:#19646a; width:150px;" |<font color=#ffffff>'''Name'''</font>
**'''Boe (male, 27)''': Bolian, born at Stardate 235802.03 and raised on Bolias. Dial's elder brother was always caring for his little sister. When their parents grew older, Dial and Boe had to care for their younger siblings and housekeeping more than they liked to. Boe feld more responsible for repairing stuff while Although he did not like her decision to apply for Starfleet Academy, he accepted it after some time. He thought about reestablishing contact to her but his pride kept him from doing so. As far as Dial knows he still lives on Bolias and plays the nanny for the younger children.
! style="background:#19646a; width:150px;" |<font color=#ffffff>'''Status'''</font>
** '''Noam (male, 22)''': Bolian, born at Stardate 236309.12 and raised on Bolias. He was the second-eldest of Dial's siblings and during his childhood he and Dial often played together. When Noam got older he developed interests for arts and left the family home very early at the age of 16. Dial visited him rarely while she was still living on Bolias but broke ties with him when she left for Earth.
! style="background:#19646a; width:900px;" |<font color=#ffffff>'''Description'''</font>
**'''Saja and Taja (female, 17)''': Bolian, born at Stardate 237107.29 and raised on Bolias. Saja and Taja are twins and have always isolated themselves from their siblings. Dial still has contact to them because they both try to become nurses at a Bolian hospital whose reputation is very high in the whole sector. Except for correspondence about professional details Dial and the twins do not exchange much information, though.
** '''Oak (male, 9)''': Bolian, born at Stardate 237603.19 and raised on Bolias. Dial didn't get to know the youngest of her siblings very well since he was three years old and barely able to speak when Dial left for Starfleet Academy. Through her parents Dial is informed weekly about the youngest of her brothers. When he got 8 years old, he started to mail Dial video messages every week which she is eager to return.
! style="background:#ffffff;" |'''[[Iom]] ({{age|2306|1|29}})'''
! style="background:#ffffff;" |'''Father'''
! style="background:#ffffff;" align="left" |'''[[Bolian]], born at Stardate 230601.29 and raised on [[Bolias]]. Iom was raised as part of a huge family clan, somthing quite unusual among Bolians. During his teen years he profited highly from the [[Bolian education system|deducation system]] that allows any Bolian to take all time they need for self-development. He studied many subjects almost without any need to look out for jobs since education had always been free and was like the Bolian society in general not dominated by economy. After graduation and getting an employment at the [[Bank of Bolias]] he met Nao for the first time. The engineer was assigned to help the bank improve its security systems. While they were working together they exchanged their views on philosophy and literature. After getting to know Nao better he decided to stay with her and raise children together.'''
! style="background:#ffffff;" |'''[[Nao]] ({{age|2302|3|20}})'''
! style="background:#ffffff;" |'''Mother '''
! style="background:#ffffff;" align="left" |'''Bolian, born at Stardate 230203.20 and raised on Bolarus IX. Nao was all her life a technician ever since she helped her father repair home appliances. When she became older she took a [[|Scheduled shuttle flight|shuttle]] flight to the Bolian colony Bolias. There she settled down and built a home of her own in Bolian fashion. When the work was finished she applied for a job at the local office of the [[http://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/Daystrom_Institute Daystrom Institute]]. While working together with Iom, a native Bolian from Bolias, she noticed a certain affection for him. They decided to live together and start a family.'''
! style="background:#ffffff;" |'''[[Boe]] ({{age|2364|2|3}})'''
! style="background:#ffffff;" |'''Brother'''
! style="background:#ffffff;" align="left" |'''Bolian, born at Stardate 236402.03 and raised on Bolias. Dial's elder brother was always caring for his little sister. When their parents grew older, Dial and Boe had to care for their younger siblings and housekeeping more than they liked to. Boe felt more responsible for repairing stuff and cooking while Dial kept the house clean and looked after the children.  Although he did not like her decision to apply for Starfleet Academy, he accepted it after some years. He thought about reestablishing contact to her but his pride kept him from doing so. As far as Dial knows he still lives on Bolias and plays the nanny for her youngest sibling.'''
! style="background:#ffffff;" |'''[[Illiya]] ({{age|2368|9|12}})'''
! style="background:#ffffff;" |'''Sister'''
! style="background:#ffffff;" align="left" |'''Bolian, born at Stardate 236809.12 and raised on Bolias. She was the second-eldest of Dial's siblings and during her childhood she and Dial often played together. When Illiya got older she developed interests for [[Bolian arts|arts]] and left the family home very early at the age of 16. Dial visited her rarely while she was still living on Bolias but broke ties with her completely when she left for [[Earth]].
! style="background:#ffffff;" |'''[[Saja]] ({{age|2373|7|28}})'''
! style="background:#ffffff;" |'''Sister'''
! style="background:#ffffff;" align="left" |'''Bolian, born at Stardate 237107.28 and raised on Bolias. Saja and Taja are twins and have isolated themselves from their siblings when they were younger. Dial still has contact to them because they both try to become doctors at the Bolian [[Namaejaan Hospital]] whose reputation is very high in the whole sector. Except for correspondence about professional details Dial and the twins do not exchange much information, though.'''
! style="background:#ffffff;" |'''[[Taja]] ({{age|2373|7|28}})'''
! style="background:#ffffff;" |'''Sister'''
! style="background:#ffffff;" align="left" |'''Bolian, born at Stardate 237107.28 and raised on Bolias. Saja and Taja are twins and have isolated themselves from their siblings when they were younger. Dial still has contact to them because they both try to become doctors at the Bolian Namaejaan hospital whose reputation is very high in the whole sector. Except for correspondence about professional details Dial and the twins do not exchange much information, though.'''
! style="background:#ffffff;" | '''[[Oak]] ({{age|2382|3|19}})'''
! style="background:#ffffff;" | '''Brother'''
! style="background:#ffffff;" align="left" | '''Bolian, born at Stardate 237603.19 and raised on Bolias. Dial didn't get to know the youngest of her siblings very well since he was two years old and barely able to speak when Dial left for [[Starfleet Academy]]. Her parents were informing Dial weekly about her younger brother. When he got 8 years old, he started to mail Dial video messages every month which she is eager to return.'''
! style="background:#ffffff;" | [[File:Ahmose_Hebeny.jpg|150px|thumb|link=Hebeny, Ahmose|[[Hebeny, Ahmose|Ahmose Hebeny]] ({{age|2368|8|27}})]]
! style="background:#ffffff;" | Crewmate/Crush
! style="background:#ffffff;" align="left" |Dial was one of the first crew mates Dial got to know while being aboard the [[Deep  Space 5]]. Both of  them waited for the [[USS Apollo]] to return from its current mission and pick them up (not knowing that it would be destroyed). Therefore they spend some of their free time together. From the beginning Dial liked his exotic appearance a lot, but when she learned him better, she realized that his character seemed even more attractive to her.
! style="background:#ffffff;" | [[File:KalaMaddox zps25e4beff.png|150px|thumb|center|link=Maddox, Kala|[[Maddox, Kala|Kala Maddox]] ({{age|2369|4|4}})]]
! style="background:#ffffff;" | Colleague/Potential of becoming a close friend
! style="background:#ffffff;" align="left" |Dial met Kala Maddox before she had even set a foot upon the [[USS Aegis]]. While they took a walk together in the Arboretum of Deep Space 5, she took very good care of Dial. It's been heartwarming to Dial when Kala offered her to come over when she needs to talk again.

<h2 style="margin:0; background:#19646a; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #000000; text-align:center; color:#ffffff; padding:0.2em 0.4em;">Personal History</h2>
<h2 style="margin:0; background:#19646a; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #000000; text-align:center; color:#ffffff; padding:0.2em 0.4em;">Personal History</h2>

Dial was born in 2363 on Bolias. It was the typical life of a Bolian child born on the small colony. At the age of 4 she started to be educated in general. When she was 10, it was the first time for her to decide of her own what she wanted to study next. She discussed for a quite long time with her parents about what would be the consequences of her decision. As her interests were ranging far, she wanted as many courses as possible. She didn't have much free time during these years and felt soon isolated. When she had the chance to change her selection of courses, she exchanged some courses for extracurricular activities where she found new friends.
Dial was born in 2365 on [[Bolias]]. It was the typical life of a [[Bolian]] child born on the small colony. At the age of 4 she started to be educated in general. When she was 10, it was the first time for her to decide of her own what she wanted to study next. She discussed for a quite long time with her parents about what would be the consequences of her decision. As her interests were ranging far, she wanted as many courses as possible. She didn't have much free time during these years and soon felt isolated. Since the [[Bolian education system]] allowed her to change courses easily, Dial made a decision. She replaced some courses for extracurricular activities where she found new friends.

During her teenage years she found her interest in medicine and rather sooner than later a very special interest in medicine of alien peoples. Therefore Starfleet became a goal in her life. She knew all about how Starfleet Academy chose its recruits. Therefore she studied hard in all the subjects that she could be tested in before she would be allowed to enter Academy. But in the meanwhile her parents had become sick and old. She and Boe had to care for all her siblings. Dial realized that she wouldn't be able to apply for Starfleet Academy at the age of 18.
During her teenage years she found her interest in [[Medical Officer Resources|medicine]] and sooner than later a very special interest in medicine of alien peoples. At that moment becoming a [[Starfleet]] officer became a goal for the first time in her life. She didn't know too much how [[Starfleet Academy]] chose its recruits, yet. When she learned that among [[Terrans|Humans]] education was sort of a competition, she started to study harder all the subjects that she might prove neccessary to enter Academy. But in the meanwhile her parents had become sick and old. She and her older brother, [[Boe]], had to care for all their siblings and the parents. Dial realized that she wouldn't be able to apply for Starfleet Academy at the age of 18. But Dial hoped, she might go next year.

At the age of 19 she demanded of both her brother, Boe, as well as her parents to leave. All of them neglected her wish saying that there was too much work to be done. Dial stayed one year but felt constantly more blue and unhappy. When her parents saw how much she suffered from not being allowed to leave they had a talk with her. It was just in time for if she wanted to join Academy with 20 years she needed leave still in 2382. Elsewise she wouldn't have made it in time to reach Earth. At the end of the discussion her parents allowed her to leave with their permission. They agreed that Boe, Saja and Taja were old enough to care for themselves and ther little brother, Oak.
At the age of 19 she asked her brother, Boe, as well as her parents to be allowed to leave for [[Earth]]. All of them neglected her wish saying that there was too much work to be done. Dial stayed one year but felt constantly more unhappy with her situation. When her parents saw how much she suffered from not being allowed to leave they had a talk with her. It was just in time because if she wanted to join Academy with 20 years she would need to leave still in 2384. Elsewise she would not have made it in time to reach Earth. At the end of the discussion her parents allowed her to leave with their permission. They agreed that Boe, [[Saja]] and [[Taja]] were old enough to care for themselves and ther little brother, [[Oak]].

Only Boe was angry at her for the decision. He found it a bit selfish to leave him with so much to worry about. He couldn't attend any kind of school any more for he had to tidy up the family's home, be Oak's nanny and do all repairments in the house. Boe had thought about a Starfleet Career for himself, but now all these hopes were crushed. He didn't even bid farewell to her sister when she left for Starfleet Academy.
Only Boe was angry at her for the decision. He found it selfish to leave him with so much to worry about. Even when Dial left for Starfleet Academy Boe did not bid farewell to her sister being still angry. After Dial had left, he was unable to attend any kind of school any more for he had to tidy up the family's home, be Oak's nanny and do all repairments in the house. He did that so the twins could attend medical school and get a job in the [[Bolian health system]] afterwards. By staying at home, he buried his dream of becoming a Starfleet Officer one day himself which he had since he was a little child. But it was his Bolian nature that made him think to  be responsible for all his sisters. That is the reason why he let them put their dreams into practice. Subconciously he started to be angry at all of his sisters and keet good working relationships with his brothers.

Dial's arrival on Earth was weird. All the different species in San Fransisco were new to her and though she had studied their anatomy and illnesses, she realized for the first time how many species were part of the Federation. Although it was strange and new to her, she was amazed. At Academy she learnt even more species and became friends with Efrosians, Humans, Denobulans and many others. As during her teenage years she enjoyed many extra curricular activities with her friends and even started to have fun in sport. But her main interest laid still in interesting debates about history, politics and literature. She also joined some sort of Academy press that collected excellent Students' essays and published them. Dial herself wrote some essays in her free time but she was most proud of an article about the interstellar postwar society after the Dominion War.
Dial's arrival on Earth was weird. All the different species in [[San Fransisco]] were new to her and though she had studied their anatomy and illnesses, she realized for the first time how many species were part of the [http://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/United_Federation_of_Planets Federation]. Although it was strange and new to her, she was amazed. At Academy she learnt even more species and became friends with [[Efrosians]], Humans, [[Denobulans]] and many others. As during her teenage years she enjoyed many extra curricular activities with her friends and even started to have fun in sport. But her main interest laid still in interesting debates about history, politics and literature. She also joined some sort of Academy press that collected excellent Students' essays and published them. Dial herself wrote some essays in her free time but she was most proud of an [[Difficulties of the reestablishment of Starfleet as an institution of research|article]] about an aspect of interstellar postwar society after the [http://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/Dominion_War Dominion War].

While she studied in San Fransisco, she spent her first semester breaks at a medical facility in Florence. Although she did her best, she dropped this after the 3rd Semester because she wanted to spend more time with her friends. In the end, the offer of the Florentine Institute was gone. Now she had no chance to promote with a PhD and was forced to start her career as a Nurse. At least, she spent the Cadet Cruise with her Academy friends.

<h2 style="margin:0; background:#19646a; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #000000; text-align:center; color:#ffffff; padding:0.2em 0.4em;">Professional History</h2>
While she studied in San Fransisco, she spent her first semester breaks at a [[Medici school of pharmacology and applied ethics of medicine|medical facility]] in [[Florence]]. Although she did her best, she dropped this after the 3rd Semester because she wanted to spend more time with her friends. In the end, the opportunity of studying at the Florentine institute was gone. Without a chance to promote with a PhD within the next couple of years, Dial was forced to start the career as a [[Academy Majors and Minors/Nursing|nurse]]. She had studied nursery to be a become a doctor close to the patients. Now it caused her some frustration that she didn't consider [[science]]. At least, she could spend the [[Cadet Cruise]] with her Academy friends before saying good-bye to most of them.
* '''Date Graduated from Starfleet Academy''': Stardate 239008.01
* '''Current Rank''': Cadet (Ensign)
<h2 style="margin:0; background:#19646a; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #000000; text-align:center; color:#ffffff; padding:0.2em 0.4em;">Chronological Events</h2>
* '''Current Assignment''': Starfleet Academy
* '''Duty Post''': Medical Officer
{| class="wikitable" style="margin: 1em auto 1em auto;" border='3' cellspacing='0'
!  colspan="1" style="background:#19646a; width:500px;" |<font color=#ffffff>'''Timeline'''</font>
{| border='1' cellspacing='0'
! style="background:#19646a; width:150px;" |<font color=#ffffff>'''Date'''</font>
! style="background:#19646a; width:350px;" |<font color=#ffffff>'''Event'''</font>
! style="background:#ffffff;" |'''236608.09'''
! style="background:#ffffff;" |Birth, [[Aoay]], [[Bolias]]
! style="background:#ffffff;" |'''236809.12'''
! style="background:#ffffff;" |Birth of [[Illiya]]
! style="background:#ffffff;" |'''237507.29'''
! style="background:#ffffff;" |Birth of [[Saja]] and [[Taja]], Aoay, Bolias
! style="background:#ffffff;" |'''238203.19'''
! style="background:#ffffff;" |Birth of [[Oak]], Aoay, Bolias
! style="background:#ffffff;" |'''238509.01'''
! style="background:#ffffff;" |Admission to [[Starfleet Academy]], [[San Fransisco]], [[Earth]]
! style="background:#ffffff;" |'''238907.31'''
! style="background:#ffffff;" |Graduation from Starfleet Academy, San Fransisco, Earth
! style="background:#ffffff;" | '''238903.15'''
! style="background:#ffffff;" |Begin of [[Cadet Cruise]]
! style="background:#ffffff;" | '''239103.15'''
! style="background:#ffffff;" |End of Cadet Cruise and official Enlistment to [[Starfleet Medical]]
! style="background:#ffffff;" | '''239103.16'''
! style="background:#ffffff;" |Promotion to the Rank of an Ensign
! style="background:#ffffff;" |'''239103.17'''
! style="background:#ffffff;" |Appointment to [[USS Apollo]]
! style="background:#ffffff;" |'''239103.30'''
! style="background:#ffffff;" |Arrival at [[Deep Space 5]]
! style="background:#ffffff;" |'''239105.09'''
! style="background:#ffffff;" |Begin of Service aboard the [[USS Aegis]]
<h2 style="margin:0; background:#19646a; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #000000; text-align:center; color:#ffffff; padding:0.2em 0.4em;">Education</h2>
{{Academy Diploma
|Name on Diploma=Dial
|Graduation Date=239103.14
|Commandant=[[Jaxx, Andrus|Rear Admiral Andrus Jaxx]]
|Training CO=[[Blair, Alex|LtCmdr Alex Blair]]
|Name on Transcript= Dial
|Serial Number= none yet
|Graduation Date= 239103.14
|Dates of Attendance= 238709.21 - 239103.09
|Campus= San Francisco, Earth, Sol Sector
|Major= Nursery
|Major Division Color= teal
|Minor= Medicine
|Year1Sem1 Course1 Code= ADMIN101
|Year1Sem1 Course1 Title=Starfleet Operations
|Year1Sem1 Course1 Grade= B
|Year1Sem1 Course2 Code= PHYS101
|Year1Sem1 Course2 Title=Concepts
|Year1Sem1 Course2 Grade= C
|Year1Sem1 Course3 Code= HIST101
|Year1Sem1 Course3 Title=Birth of the Federation
|Year1Sem1 Course3 Grade= A-
|Year1Sem1 Course4 Code= LAW101
|Year1Sem1 Course4 Title=Federation, General
|Year1Sem1 Course4 Grade= C+
|Year1Sem1 Course5 Code= MED101
|Year1Sem1 Course5 Title=Concepts
|Year1Sem1 Course5 Grade= B+
|Year1Sem2 Course1 Code= LANG101
|Year1Sem2 Course1 Title=Federation Standard
|Year1Sem2 Course1 Grade= B-
|Year1Sem2 Course2 Code= MATH101
|Year1Sem2 Course2 Title=Concepts
|Year1Sem2 Course2 Grade= C+
|Year1Sem2 Course3 Code= PILOT101
|Year1Sem2 Course3 Title=Runabouts and Shuttles
|Year1Sem2 Course3 Grade= C
|Year1Sem2 Course4 Code= SURV101
|Year1Sem2 Course4 Title=Starship Emergencies
|Year1Sem2 Course4 Grade= C-
|Year1Sem2 Course5 Code= TAC101
|Year1Sem2 Course5 Title=Combat, Unarmed
|Year1Sem2 Course5 Grade= C-
|Year1Sem3 Course1 Code= BIO101
|Year1Sem3 Course1 Title=Concepts
|Year1Sem3 Course1 Grade= A-
|Year1Sem3 Course2 Code= XEN101
|Year1Sem3 Course2 Title=General
|Year1Sem3 Course2 Grade= B+
|Year1Sem3 Course3 Code= DIPL101
|Year1Sem3 Course3 Title=General
|Year1Sem3 Course3 Grade= A-
|Year1Sem3 Course4 Code= SURV110
|Year1Sem3 Course4 Title=Environmental Suits and Zero-G Training
|Year1Sem3 Course4 Grade= B-
|Year1Sem3 Course5 Code= LANG1_0
|Year1Sem3 Course5 Title=Level 100, Elementary
|Year1Sem3 Course5 Grade= C+
|Year2Sem1 Course1 Code= ENG221
|Year2Sem1 Course1 Title=LCARS Programming 1
|Year2Sem1 Course1 Grade= B
|Year2Sem1 Course2 Code= ENG231
|Year2Sem1 Course2 Title=Computer Memory and Personnel Interfaces
|Year2Sem1 Course2 Grade= A-
|Year2Sem1 Course3 Code= ENG232
|Year2Sem1 Course3 Title=Replicators, Transporters and Holodecks
|Year2Sem1 Course3 Grade= B
|Year2Sem1 Course4 Code= ENG233
|Year2Sem1 Course4 Title=Sensors, Communications and Helm Systems
|Year2Sem1 Course4 Grade= B+
|Year2Sem1 Course5 Code= TAC110
|Year2Sem1 Course5 Title=Combat, Small Weapons
|Year2Sem1 Course5 Grade= C+
|Year2Sem2 Course1 Code= ADMIN110
|Year2Sem2 Course1 Title=Chain of Command and General Protocol
|Year2Sem2 Course1 Grade= A-
|Year2Sem2 Course2 Code=  NURS101
|Year2Sem2 Course2 Title=Health Assessment & Promotion
|Year2Sem2 Course2 Grade= A
|Year2Sem2 Course3 Code= NURS200
|Year2Sem2 Course3 Title=Pharmacotherapeutics
|Year2Sem2 Course3 Grade= B+
|Year2Sem2 Course4 Code= MED111
|Year2Sem2 Course4 Title=Bedside Manner
|Year2Sem2 Course4 Grade= B-
|Year2Sem2 Course5 Code= MED150
|Year2Sem2 Course5 Title=Medical Ethics
|Year2Sem2 Course5 Grade= A
|Year2Sem3 Course1 Code= NURS301
|Year2Sem3 Course1 Title=Adult & Elder Nursing 1
|Year2Sem3 Course1 Grade= A-
|Year2Sem3 Course2 Code= NURS310
|Year2Sem3 Course2 Title=Pediatric Nursing
|Year2Sem3 Course2 Grade= B
|Year2Sem3 Course3 Code= MED175
|Year2Sem3 Course3 Title=Epidemiology and Medical Statistics
|Year2Sem3 Course3 Grade= B+
|Year2Sem3 Course4 Code= MED201
|Year2Sem3 Course4 Title=Clinical Fundamentals
|Year2Sem3 Course4 Grade= B-
|Year2Sem3 Course5 Code= CHEM450
|Year2Sem3 Course5 Title=Biochemistry
|Year2Sem3 Course5 Grade= C+
|Year3Sem1 Course1 Code= NURS401
|Year3Sem1 Course1 Title=Elective Clinical Placement 1 (Surgery)
|Year3Sem1 Course1 Grade= A-
|Year3Sem1 Course2 Code= NURS330
|Year3Sem1 Course2 Title=Acute Care Psychiatric Nursing
|Year3Sem1 Course2 Grade= A-
|Year3Sem1 Course3 Code= MED202
|Year3Sem1 Course3 Title=Diagnosis, Major Species
|Year3Sem1 Course3 Grade= C
|Year3Sem1 Course4 Code= MED203
|Year3Sem1 Course4 Title=Diagnosis, Minor Species
|Year3Sem1 Course4 Grade= A
|Year3Sem1 Course5 Code= BIO201
|Year3Sem1 Course5 Title=General Physiology
|Year3Sem1 Course5 Grade= B
|Year3Sem2 Course1 Code= NURS302
|Year3Sem2 Course1 Title=Adult & Elder Nursing 2
|Year3Sem2 Course1 Grade= B+
|Year3Sem2 Course2 Code= NURS402
|Year3Sem2 Course2 Title=Elective Clinical Placement 2 (Critical care)
|Year3Sem2 Course2 Grade= C
|Year3Sem2 Course3 Code= MED211
|Year3Sem2 Course3 Title=Pharmacology 1
|Year3Sem2 Course3 Grade= B-
|Year3Sem2 Course4 Code= MED301
|Year3Sem2 Course4 Title=Surgery, Major Humanoid Species
|Year3Sem2 Course4 Grade= B
|Year3Sem2 Course5 Code= BIO202
|Year3Sem2 Course5 Title=Physiology, Major Species
|Year3Sem2 Course5 Grade= B
|Year3Sem3 Course1 Code= NURS320
|Year3Sem3 Course1 Title=Maternity Nursing
|Year3Sem3 Course1 Grade= B+
|Year3Sem3 Course2 Code= NURS500
|Year3Sem3 Course2 Title=Leadership & Management in Nursing
|Year3Sem3 Course2 Grade= A
|Year3Sem3 Course3 Code= MED212
|Year3Sem3 Course3 Title=Pharmacology 2
|Year3Sem3 Course3 Grade= C+
|Year3Sem3 Course4 Code= MED302
|Year3Sem3 Course4 Title=Surgery, Non-Humanoid Species
|Year3Sem3 Course4 Grade= C-
|Year3Sem3 Course5 Code= BIO203
|Year3Sem3 Course5 Title=Physiology, Minor Species
|Year3Sem3 Course5 Grade= A
|Year4Sem1 Course1 Code= MED600
|Year4Sem1 Course1 Title=Internal Medicine
|Year4Sem1 Course1 Grade= B
|Year4Sem1 Course2 Code= MED610
|Year4Sem1 Course2 Title=General Practice
|Year4Sem1 Course2 Grade= B-
|Year4Sem1 Course3 Code= MED620
|Year4Sem1 Course3 Title=General Surgery
|Year4Sem1 Course3 Grade= A
|Year4Sem1 Course4 Code= MED630
|Year4Sem1 Course4 Title=Obstetrics/Gynecology
|Year4Sem1 Course4 Grade= C
|Year4Sem1 Course5 Code= MED640
|Year4Sem1 Course5 Title=Pediatrics
|Year4Sem1 Course5 Grade= D
|Year4Sem2 Course1 Code= MED650
|Year4Sem2 Course1 Title=Psychiatry & Mental Health
|Year4Sem2 Course1 Grade= B-
|Year4Sem2 Course2 Code= MED660
|Year4Sem2 Course2 Title=Medical Specialties
|Year4Sem2 Course2 Grade= C+
|Year4Sem2 Course3 Code= MED670
|Year4Sem2 Course3 Title=Surgical Specialties
|Year4Sem2 Course3 Grade= A
|Year4Sem2 Course4 Code= MED680
|Year4Sem2 Course4 Title=Critical Care
|Year4Sem2 Course4 Grade= B+
|Year4Sem2 Course5 Code= MED690
|Year4Sem2 Course5 Title=Aerospace Medicine
|Year4Sem2 Course5 Grade= C
|Year4Sem3 Course1 Code= MED701
|Year4Sem3 Course1 Title=Clinical Elective 1 (Surgery)
|Year4Sem3 Course1 Grade= A
|Year4Sem3 Course2 Code= MED702
|Year4Sem3 Course2 Title=Clinical Elective 2 (Critical care)
|Year4Sem3 Course2 Grade= B-
|Year4Sem3 Course3 Code= ENG430
|Year4Sem3 Course3 Title=Medical Systems and Equipment
|Year4Sem3 Course3 Grade= C
|Year4Sem3 Course4 Code= ENG332
|Year4Sem3 Course4 Title=Life Support Systems
|Year4Sem3 Course4 Grade= C-
|Year4Sem3 Course5 Code= ENG330
|Year4Sem3 Course5 Title=Bio-Neural Components
|Year4Sem3 Course5 Grade= D
<h2 style="margin:0; background:#19646a; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #F0E68C; text-align:center; color:#ffffff; padding:0.2em 0.4em;">Professional History</h2>
{| class="wikitable" style="margin: 1em auto 1em auto;" border='3' cellspacing='0'
!  colspan="3" style="background:#19646a; width:800px;" |<font color=#ffffff>'''Starfleet Service'''</font>
{| border='1' cellspacing='0'
! style="background:#19646a; width:120px;" |<font color=#ffffff>'''Insignia'''</font>
! style="background:#19646a; width:120px;" |<font color=#ffffff>'''Rank'''</font>
! style="background:#19646a; width:150px;" |<font color=#ffffff>'''Dates'''</font>
! style="background:#19646a; width:220px;" |<font color=#ffffff>'''Posting'''</font>
! style="background:#19646a; width:190px;" |<font color=#ffffff>'''Assignment'''</font>
! style="background:grey;" |[[Image:001-Cadet4th-White.png]]
! style="background:#ffffff;" |Cadet, 4th Class
! style="background:#ffffff;" |238509.01 - 238607.31
! style="background:#ffffff;" rowspan=4 |Starfleet Academy,<br>San Francisco, Earth
! style="background:#ffffff;" rowspan=5 |Student<br><sub>''Majors: Nursery&Medicine''<br>''Specialization: Surgery''</sub>
! style="background:grey;" |[[Image:002-Cadet3rd-White.png]]
! style="background:#ffffff;" |Cadet, 3rd Class
! style="background:#ffffff;" |238609.01 - 238707.31
! style="background:grey;" |[[Image:003-Cadet2nd-White.png]]
! style="background:#ffffff;" |Cadet, 2nd Class
! style="background:#ffffff;" |238709.01 - 238807.31
! style="background:grey;" |[[Image:004-Cadet1st-White.png]]
! style="background:#ffffff;" rowspan=2 |Cadet, 1st Class
! style="background:#ffffff;" |238809.01 - 238907.31
! style="background:#000000;" |[[Image:004-Cadet1st-Teal.png]]
! style="background:#ffffff;" |238903.15 - 239103.15
! style="background:#ffffff;" |[[USS Centris-A]]
! style="background:#000000;" |{{Pips|Ensign|Teal|Slanted}}
! style="background:#ffffff;" |Ensign
! style="background:#ffffff;" |239103.30 - present
! style="background:#ffffff;" |[[USS Aegis]]
! style="background:#ffffff;" |Nusery
<h2 style="margin:0; background:#19646a; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #F0E68C; text-align:center; color:#ffffff; padding:0.2em 0.4em;">Awards received during Starfleet Service</h2>
{| border='2' cellspacing='0'
!  colspan="1" style="background:#19646a; width:1200px;" |<font color=#ffffff>'''Service Ribbons & Awards'''</font>
{| border='1' cellspacing='0'
! style="background:#19646a; width:200px;" |<font color=#ffffff>'''Ribbon/Award'''</font>
! style="background:#19646a; width:1100px;" |<font color=#ffffff>'''Explanation for bestowal of the Ribbon/Award'''</font>
! style="background:#ffffff;" |[[File:|100px]]
! style="background:#ffffff;"
<h2 style="margin:0; background:#19646a; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #000000; text-align:center; color:#ffffff; padding:0.2em 0.4em;">Notable sims</h2>

<h2 style="margin:0; background:#19646a; font-size:120%; font-weight:bold; border:1px solid #000000; text-align:center; color:#ffffff; padding:0.2em 0.4em;">Timeline</h2>
* 236608.09 Birth, Aoay, Bolias
* 236909.12 Birth of Noam, Aoay, Bolias
* 237507.29 Birth of Saja and Taja, Aoay, Bolias
* 238203.19 Birth of Oak, Aoay, Bolias
* 238609.01 Admission to Starfleet Academy, San Fransisco, Earth
* 239008.01 Graduation from Starfleet Academy, San Fransisco, Earth
* 239003.15 Cadet Cruise
* 239103.15 End of Cadet Cruise/ Official Enlistment to Starfleet Medical
* 239103.16 Promotion to the Rank of an Ensign
* 239103.20 Arrival at Deep Space 5 (Nurse)


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