Wes Greaves (talk | contribs) (update) |
Wes Greaves (talk | contribs) (Mission Update) |
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Concerned with the situation, Commodore Kells asks Doctor Toz if there is any possible long term physical damage to the teams due to the temporal radiation and particles with which they have come into contact. Greaves wonders if the creature is malnourished for they are still uncertain as to what it feeds on, and they have found no bodies in the debris. Toz indicates she would need to test the away team members, but doesn’t feel there’s a concern. She also indicates the creature could possibly feed on the radiation and energy from the ships. Greaves assures her he’ll send all the officers to Sickbay for checkups after the mission is over. | Concerned with the situation, Commodore Kells asks Doctor Toz if there is any possible long term physical damage to the teams due to the temporal radiation and particles with which they have come into contact. Greaves wonders if the creature is malnourished for they are still uncertain as to what it feeds on, and they have found no bodies in the debris. Toz indicates she would need to test the away team members, but doesn’t feel there’s a concern. She also indicates the creature could possibly feed on the radiation and energy from the ships. Greaves assures her he’ll send all the officers to Sickbay for checkups after the mission is over. The bridge receives a call from the Contact team. Reid indicates they are monitoring the creature’s vital signs. Greaves asks Doctor Toz if they can get any surface level data on the creature. The first officer then informs the Commodore that the Captains of the two alien ships are on board and headed to the briefing room to meet with Garcia’s team and he suggests they take the opportunity to initiate some passive scans of them in order to gain some understanding of their physiology as Doctor Toz asks to be present with the team that is meeting with the alien captains. Commodore Kells gives her the go ahead to join. | ||
Commodore Kells notes the uniqueness of the situation and they should prepare for any contingencies while hoping for open dialogue with the two captains and the creature without violating the temporal prime directive. Commander Greaves takes up position at a tactical station manned by an ensign and asks about a worst case scenario. Looking over the data, he notes that he is reading exaggerated power levels from both ships, but they aren’t doing anything. Kells tells Greaves to keep an eye on them, then suggests they call up Ensign Isabelle Basilia for another strategic perspective on the situation. After her arrival, he greets the new officer, who enters rather nervously as she is unfamiliar with recent events. Greaves suggests a wide spread of low yield quantum torpedoes could disrupt the aliens’ sensors if they remain close together. | |||
In the briefing room, Garcia replicates coffee and tea for everyone and ponders over the situation as Brodie and De Scheppes enter. He passes them PADDS with Intelligence reports on the two ships, and their commanding officers, that had come forward in time, and those two leaders would arrive in five minutes. De Scheppes inquires as to their position in regards to the creature. | After a quick briefing, she agrees with the assessment but advises caution and a contingency plan while avoiding any actions that might seem offensive in nature. Kells raises the concern about the creature not being as friendly as they hope, and they are eager to determine how the creature lashed out and if there’s any way to counter it. After encouraging Greaves and Basilia to look into it, Kells contacts Katsim down in Engineering to ask if she has an idea and she says she’ll get back to him. Greaves wonders what the energy the creature used was made from as well as whether it is part of how it moves. Basilia suggests if they are able to ascertain when the creature is about to release an energy wave, they can use a pulse from the deflector dish to reinforce the shields. The temporary boost should be enough to mitigate the wave. After Kells closes the line with Katsim, Greaves notes that not only have the alien commanding officers left, but the ships are moving off and something has scrambled short range sensors. That spurred Basilia to recommend they go ahead and reinforce the shields as they would no longer be able to predict any energy waves from the creature. Kells tells her to do it and calls Ensign Jack Kessler to the bridge. He asks Basilia to fill him in on what’s been happening and whether or not they can contact the alien vessels. | ||
Upon his arrival, Kessler suggests they use a Class II probe that can be attached to the outer layer of the creature’s body with a sensor packet designed to pick up the slightest energy increase. Greaves liked the idea and suggested they use the probe that the contact team has already put inside the creature and adjust the sensor parameters to do the same job. He then asks Kessler to confirm the source of the sensor disruption, and notes to Kells that he’s concerned it’s a prelude to an attack. | |||
Kel has remained in the holosuite, working to re-establish the connection that was severed after the creature spit them out. He is successful, then welcomes Reid who arrives to join him, then asks the creature if they can call him Bev. The creature gives a name, but it's unpronounceable to the humanoids’ ears, and the creature then consents to the nickname. Kel states he wants to monitor the creature’s vital signs or metabolism so they can safely remove it from the field it’s trapped in. Reid admits they couldn’t get readings from outside the creature but wonders if they can get it to swallow a modified probe that could transmit vital signs back to the ship, then asks Richards if he has any ideas. As Reid brings up data, there is a call from the bridge and she shares they are preparing a probe to monitor vital signs. | |||
The creature states that it can control its digestive system in a sense. Since the team wants to launch a probe, Reid asks the creature to make sure the device isn’t digested, and Kel also tells the creature they will have it emit energy using an extra power plant on the problem for the cosmozoan to ‘snack’ on. Reid suggests they have the probe rotate the types of particles emitted to offer more variety to the creature. Kel announces the probe is ready and the group informs the creature as to its purpose and warns it of the launch while they continue to work on how to free it. A concern comes to mind and Reid asks the creature what it will do once free, but Kel counters that it doesn’t matter, all life forms have the right to be free. Richards suggests it pick up sports instead of eating people, lightening the mood a bit. Reid indicates to the creature that as a scientist, she is generally curious and requests more information about the creature's species. Kel asks about others of the creature’s kind, then turns to look at incoming data from the probe as Reid indicates it’s coming in and it allows them a better look at the creature’s biological systems. The creature makes a sound which Richards imitates. Reid proceeds to write a message warning that the creature could pose a danger to the ship, Amity outpost, and others. Typing in order to keep the conversation private, Kel asks why she thinks that. Reid indicates it can feed on ships and gives video proof of what had occurred earlier. | |||
While Reid and Kel type messages back and forth, they also continue to speak with the creature. It indicates it was once among others of its kind, but is now alone. Richards suggests it not chew through space and time and it counters by asking if they eat. As Reid and Kel send messages back and forth, the creature senses their concern and mentions it. Keld replies they are simply trying to find somewhere the creature can eat after it’s free. Richards comments that his people don’t particularly like to be eaten, but the creature counters that they are the threat to it, not the other way around. Kel notes that a crystalline structure they saw earlier is actually part of the creature that scans incoming materials to determine how best to digest them. Duranium and tritanium seem to be the most nutritious for it, which is what the Thor is made of, but so are asteroids and some small planetoids. | |||
Reid realises the creature is empathic like her and opens up a little, but fear holds her back from going too far. Kel assures Bev they just need to understand things better. He goes on to explain that because their own ship could be consumed for food, he would understand why they have concern. Reid points out that the creature destroyed the captors' vessels and ate their people, then asks if they, as sentient beings, deserve to be eaten. The creature accuses them of polluting and wasting. Reid does assure the cosmozoan that leaving it locked up was wrong, but it needed to find other food sources that didn’t hurt people. | |||
In the briefing room, Garcia replicates coffee and tea for everyone and ponders over the situation as Brodie and De Scheppes enter. He passes them PADDS with Intelligence reports on the two ships, and their commanding officers, that had come forward in time, and those two leaders would arrive in five minutes. De Scheppes inquires as to their position in regards to the creature and Brodie responds that it’s unknown, but they’re both aware of it, and they have an advantage of more knowledge of the cosmozoan. He also suggests that because they are enemies, they might see sense but not wish to make concessions in front of one another. He then suggests they try to make the plan sound like their idea and that it’s a good one. | |||
The doors to the room open, but it is Doctor Toz who arrives to participate in the talks. Only a moment after, both commanding officers of the alien vessels join them. Neither Jorah nor Styvix are keen on the Starfleet Officers’ idea to release the creature, but the officers insist that something with sentience that requested aid would be given aid, and had rendered help to them. After going back and forth, the two commanding officers are in complete disagreement with the Starfleet officers, and they leave, nothing resolved. The group converse about the failed negotiations, and Brodie wonders if the creature can truly manipulate time and space and if so, could it help send the Huxarians and Gamarians back to their own time, an idea supported by de Scheppes who thinks the creature might come to their aid if they are indeed attacked. | |||
Down in Engineering, Katsim approaches Corelli, but the Engineer has to run and take care of a problem before he is able to give her an assignment. Commander Rouiancet joins her, and the two begin to run over some of the systems to see how being inside the creature has affected hull integrity as well as go over some calibrations. Rouiancet asks if Katsim has heard of anything like this, and while the science officer admits to knowing of documentation, she shares her theory of the particles involved, and how she suspects the verterons are acting like a conduit or door frame for the chronitons. | |||
Rouiancet asks if there is a way to do something and prevent the Thor from getting dragged back in time. The question sparks an idea, and Katsim theorizes that the particles can be used to create a repellent layer over the shields, then modifies that to using the particles with the gravitons of the shields and modify them directly to prevent unwanted time travel rather than a layer. Katsim then receives a call from the Commodore who asks if she has an idea how to protect the ship once the creature is free if it decides to turn on him. Without an immediate answer, she says she’ll get back to him and presents the problem to her team. | |||
Back on the Shiximan, Captain Styvix calls to his people to understand that they need to fight against the release of the creature, and the only way to do so is by joining forces with a common enemy of the strange aliens - the Gamarians. For once, the two warring species are now united. As soon as Admiral Jorah’s crew scrambles the Thor’s sensors, Styvix orders his own to fire upon the Starfleet vessel. | |||
In Engineering, Corelli tells his crew to keep the shields up as well as main power. He also prioritises getting sensors back up and asks if there’s a way to help the creature without sensors. Katsim suggests they get a visual, but then turns to the problem of how to actually release the creature. | |||
On the bridge, Kessler feels he’s found the source of the interference in the briefing room and attempts to erect a dampening field. Basilia notes a buildup of energy but because of the interference, can’t determine what’s causing it. Suddenly weapons fire hits the ship, causing it to rock. He finds Styvix’s ship heading forward the creature and now their long range sensors are out. The ships are hailed, but they do not answer. Kessler is able to determine that the Huxarians are headed toward the creature, and Kells tells them to move the ship between them and the cosmozoan. Basilia does her best to find out what’s happening as the ship is hit again and she states there was some sort of energy discharge from the creature. The Gamorians join in the fight and Greaves calls for them to target their antagonists’ weapons, cautioning to keep their fire to the port side, away from the creature lest it think they are attacking it as well. As they try to figure out how to see the cosmozoan better, Greaves realizes the Proud Mary is also moving on a collision course with the creature. | |||
In the holosuite with the creature, everyone feels the attack as well. Reid discovers the sensors are scrambled, but they are still receiving data from the probe. Reid contacts Engineering to tell them they need to prioritise power to the holodeck so they can remain in contact with the creature even as the images flashes, then the creature is disconnected from the hologram. Kel asks if Reid can reach out telepathically to the cosmozoan. | |||
In the briefing room, the group realizes they are being fired upon by the aliens. Garcia contacts the holosuite, indicating they need to get in touch with the creature ASAP, that they will free it, but need help. Toz suggests the contact team to ask the creature if it can sense what the Gamarians and Huxarians are up to. Kel indicates they’ve lost communication with it but they told it not to attack. Richards attempts to fix the connection. It is then that the creature manages to return to the holographic form and asks if the prey are hunting and Kel asks if the creature can tell what the other two crews are planning. DeScheppes, still communicating through the coms, wonders what the creature thinks of the two other peoples. Reid asks the creature to help them, but only by disabling the ships rather than destroying them. The briefing room receives the messages that there is a device causing the problem with the scanners present. DeScheppes takes a tricorder and finds the device and, asking for either a phaser or hammer, suggests they might be able to use the aliens’ tech against them. The device is destroyed and the sensors come back online. | |||
On the bridge, Kells tells the crew to put themselves between the aliens and the creature, asks the contact team to let the creature know they’re trying to protect it, then sends a warning message to the other ships that the Thor and its crew will disable their ships if they don’t cease hostilities. He then orders to tractor the Proud Mary and put it between the alien ships and the cosmozoan to act as a barrier. Admiral Jorah’s response is clear - they will not back down. | |||
And as everyone scrambles, they all realize that the Huxarians and Gamorians have disappeared - supposedly returned to their own time. | |||
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*Security Officer, Lieutenant JG [[Anton Richards]] | *Security Officer, Lieutenant JG [[Anton Richards]] | ||
*Tactical Officer, Ensign [[Jaxon Fargo]] | *Tactical Officer, Ensign [[Jaxon Fargo]] | ||
*Tactical Officer, Ensign [[Jack Kessler]] | |||
*Acting Chief Engineer, Ensign [[Kammus Corelli]] | *Acting Chief Engineer, Ensign [[Kammus Corelli]] | ||
*Science Officer, Lieutenant JG [[Peri Katsim]] | *Science Officer, Lieutenant JG [[Peri Katsim]] | ||
*Science Officer, Lieutenant JG [[Kizanna Reid]] | *Science Officer, Lieutenant JG [[Kizanna Reid]] | ||
*Medical Officer, Ensign [[V'Len Kel]] | *Medical Officer, Ensign [[V'Len Kel]] | ||
*Medical Officer, Ensign [[Toz]] | |||