User:Zephyr/sandbox: Difference between revisions

(stupid typo in heading. will likely delete stuff I haven't finished later.)
(Imported data for Kinsey Winstead. More on that later.)
(33 intermediate revisions by 3 users not shown)
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{{heading|Drawing Board|blue}}
*'''Cailyn Krystal Sutton''' -- Chythar's 1/2 sister
Name: Cailyn Krystal Sutton
Species: Human/Centauran
T/E Rating: T2/E2
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Occupation: Starfleet cadet pursuing engineering (Rich suggested Enlisted, due to timing)
Place of Birth: Henderson, Louisiana, Earth
Date of Birth: 237312.10
Hair: Auburn
Eye Color: Green
Height: 5’5
Weight: 120lbs
Build: Athletic, Strong
Avatar Credit: To be Announced

{{header|maroon|Cumar projects}}
Immediate Family:
{{Transcript - Preentry 12
Calvin Skyfire (Bio dad) - Deceased
|Name on Transcript= Jonathan Cumar
Thomas Sutton (Stepdad) - Age 55
|Serial Number= JC - 003 - 897
Elliana Maia Sutton (Mom) - Age 52
|Dates of Attendance= 238709.03 - 238712.03
Chythar Skyfire (older half brother) - Age 31
|Campus= San Francisco, Earth, Sol Sector
Hailie Evelin Sutton (Stepsister) - Age 10
|Major Division Color=Red
|Entry Course1 Code= HIST101
|Entry Course1 Title= Birth of the Federation
|Entry Course1 Grade= A
|Entry Course2 Code= XEN101
|Entry Course2 Title= General Xenology
|Entry Course2 Grade= B
|Entry Course3 Code= LANG190
|Entry Course3 Title= Elementary Cardassian
|Entry Course3 Grade= B+
|Entry Course4 Code= BIO101
|Entry Course4 Title= Concepts
|Entry Course4 Grade= B
|Entry Course5 Code= MED101
|Entry Course5 Title= First Aid and Field Medicine
|Entry Course5 Grade= B+
|Entry Course6 Code= ENG221
|Entry Course6 Title= LCARS Programming 1
|Entry Course6 Grade= B-
|Entry Course7 Code= DIPL101
|Entry Course7 Title= General Diplomacy
|Entry Course7 Grade= C
|Entry Course8 Code= ENG231
|Entry Course8 Title= Computer Memory and Personnel Interfaces
|Entry Course8 Grade= B
|Entry Course9 Code= LANG101
|Entry Course9 Title= Federation Standard
|Entry Course9 Grade= B+
|Entry Course10 Code= PHYS101
|Entry Course10 Title= Concepts
|Entry Course10 Grade= B+
|Entry Course11 Code= LAW101
|Entry Course11 Title= General Federation Law
|Entry Course11 Grade= A-
|Entry Course12 Code= MATH101
|Entry Course12 Title= Concepts
|Entry Course12 Grade= B+

Background: Born to Calvin Skyfire and Elliana Sutton following Kyrethia’s departure from Earth, and raised predominantly by Elliana. About a year after she was born, Elliana married Thomas Sutton and the pair raised their daughter in Henderson, Louisiana. No attempt was made to follow up with Calvin due to how ashamed he was that he’d been drinking and honestly thought Elliana looked like Kyrethia. Upon tracing her biological father with no success, when Cailyn read the article in 2393 on the Skyfire Cure, she became inspired to join Starfleet. Further investigation revealed that Chythar was her half brother by Calvin.
{{Academy Diploma
|Name on Diploma=Jonathan Cumar
|Graduation Date=239110.22
|Commandant=Andrus Jaxx
|Training CO=Liam Frost
{{Academy Diploma
|Name on Diploma=Jonathan Cumar
|Graduation Date=239110.22
|Commandant=Andrus Jaxx
|Training CO=Liam Frost
|'''''* Academy Registrar Note:''' Mr. Cumar had gone through the advanced standing program, so had space to fill on his transcript. He desired to become as versatile as possible, resulting in minors in security, <!--engineering-->
|Name on Transcript= Jonathan Cumar
|Serial Number= JC - 003 - 897
|Graduation Date= 239110.22
|Dates of Attendance= 238804.03 - 239110.22
|Campus= San Francisco, Earth, Sol Sector
|Major= Helm/Navigation - Communication/Operations*
|Major Division Color=Red
|Minor= Engineering
|Year1Sem1 Course1 Code= PILOT101
|Year1Sem1 Course1 Title= '''Runabouts & Shuttles'''
|Year1Sem1 Course1 Grade= A-
|Year1Sem1 Course2 Code= ENG233
|Year1Sem1 Course2 Title= '''Sensors, Communications & Helm Systems'''
|Year1Sem1 Course2 Grade= A-
|Year1Sem1 Course3 Code= TAC101
|Year1Sem1 Course3 Title= '''Unarmed Combat'''
|Year1Sem1 Course3 Grade= A
|Year1Sem1 Course4 Code=  TAC110
|Year1Sem1 Course4 Title= '''Small Weapons Combat'''
|Year1Sem1 Course4 Grade= A
|Year1Sem1 Course5 Code= SURV110
|Year1Sem1 Course5 Title= '''Environmental Suits & Zero-G Training'''
|Year1Sem1 Course5 Grade= B
|Year1Sem2 Course1 Code= SURV101
|Year1Sem2 Course1 Title= '''Starship Emergencies'''
|Year1Sem2 Course1 Grade= B
|Year1Sem2 Course2 Code= ENG232
|Year1Sem2 Course2 Title= '''Replicators, Transporters & Holodecks'''
|Year1Sem2 Course2 Grade= A-
|Year1Sem2 Course3 Code= ADMIN110
|Year1Sem2 Course3 Title= '''Chain of Command and General Protocol'''
|Year1Sem2 Course3 Grade= A-
|Year1Sem2 Course4 Code= ADMIN101
|Year1Sem2 Course4 Title= '''Starfleet Operations'''
|Year1Sem2 Course4 Grade= A-
|Year1Sem2 Course5 Code= TAC210
|Year1Sem2 Course5 Title= Marksmanship <!-- Elective -->
|Year1Sem2 Course5 Grade= A
|Year1Sem3 Course1 Code= TAC200
|Year1Sem3 Course1 Title= Combat, Martial Arts, Anbo-Jytsu and Federation Standard <!-- Elective, security minor-->
|Year1Sem3 Course1 Grade= A
|Year1Sem3 Course2 Code= TAC300
|Year1Sem3 Course2 Title= Leadership <!-- Required for Helm/Nav & Comm/Ops majors-->
|Year1Sem3 Course2 Grade= A
|Year1Sem3 Course3 Code= DIPL200
|Year1Sem3 Course3 Title= Hostile Species <!-- Required for Comm/Ops Major, security minor-->
|Year1Sem3 Course3 Grade= C
|Year1Sem3 Course4 Code= ASTRO301
|Year1Sem3 Course4 Title= Stellar Cartography 1 <!-- Required for Helm/Nav Major -->
|Year1Sem3 Course4 Grade= A
|Year1Sem3 Course5 Code= TAC175
|Year1Sem3 Course5 Title= Combat: Phasers and Photon Torpedoes <!-- Required for Comm/Ops Major, security minor -->
|Year1Sem3 Course5 Grade= A
|Year2Sem1 Course1 Code= LANG290
|Year2Sem1 Course1 Title= Intermediate Cardassian <!-- Required for Comm/Ops major-->
|Year2Sem1 Course1 Grade= A-
|Year2Sem1 Course2 Code= TAC220
|Year2Sem1 Course2 Title= Small Units <!-- Required for Comm/Ops major -->
|Year2Sem1 Course2 Grade= A
|Year2Sem1 Course3 Code= ENG201
|Year2Sem1 Course3 Title= Impulse Systems <!-- Required for Helm/Nav major-->
|Year2Sem1 Course3 Grade= A
|Year2Sem1 Course4 Code= ENG202
|Year2Sem1 Course4 Title= Introduction to Warp Systems <!--Required for Helm/Nav major-->
|Year2Sem1 Course4 Grade= A
|Year2Sem1 Course5 Code= ENG234
|Year2Sem1 Course5 Title= Deflectors, Weapons & Security Systems <!--Required for both Comm/Ops & Helm/Nav Majors, security minor-->
|Year2Sem1 Course5 Grade= A
|Year2Sem2 Course1 Code= ENG121
|Year2Sem2 Course1 Title= Colossal Failures in Engineering <!-- Elective -->
|Year2Sem2 Course1 Grade= B-
|Year2Sem2 Course2 Code= TAC260
|Year2Sem2 Course2 Title= Combat: Minor Starships <!-- Required for Helm/Nav major-->
|Year2Sem2 Course2 Grade= B+
|Year2Sem2 Course3 Code= TAC270
|Year2Sem2 Course3 Title= Combat: Major Starships <!-- Required for Helm/Nav major-->
|Year2Sem2 Course3 Grade= B+
|Year2Sem2 Course4 Code= TAC170
|Year2Sem2 Course4 Title= Introduction to Starship Combat <!-- Required for Comm/Ops major-->
|Year2Sem2 Course4 Grade= A-
|Year2Sem2 Course5 Code= ENG332
|Year2Sem2 Course5 Title= Life Support Systems <!-- Required for Com/Ops major-->
|Year2Sem2 Course5 Grade= A-
|Year2Sem3 Course1 Code= TAC301
|Year2Sem3 Course1 Title= Strategy of Battle 1 <!-- Required for Com/Ops major-->
|Year2Sem3 Course1 Grade= A-
|Year2Sem3 Course2 Code= ENG331
|Year2Sem3 Course2 Title= Operations & Command Functions <!-- Required for Com/Ops major-->
|Year2Sem3 Course2 Grade= B
|Year2Sem3 Course3 Code= ENG203
|Year2Sem3 Course3 Title= Advanced Warp Systems <!-- Required for Helm/Nav major-->
|Year2Sem3 Course3 Grade= A-
|Year2Sem3 Course4 Code= ENG111
|Year2Sem3 Course4 Title= Intermediate Electronics 1 <!-- Required for Helm/Nav Major-->
|Year2Sem3 Course4 Grade= C
|Year2Sem3 Course5 Code= TAC250
|Year2Sem3 Course5 Title= Combat: Shuttles & Runabouts <!-- Required for Helm/Nav Major-->
|Year2Sem3 Course5 Grade= A
|Year3Sem1 Course1 Code= ASTRO101
|Year3Sem1 Course1 Title= General Astrophysics <!-- Required for Helm/Nav-->
|Year3Sem1 Course1 Grade= B-
|Year3Sem1 Course2 Code= ASTRO302
|Year3Sem1 Course2 Title= Stellar Cartography 2 <!-- Required for helm/nav-->
|Year3Sem1 Course2 Grade= C+
|Year3Sem1 Course3 Code= ASTRG101
|Year3Sem1 Course3 Title= Navigation of Starships, Sublight <!-- required for both com/ops & helm/nav -->
|Year3Sem1 Course3 Grade= A-
|Year3Sem1 Course4 Code= ASTRG102
|Year3Sem1 Course4 Title= Navigation of Starships, Warp Speeds <!-- required for both com/ops & helm/nav-->
|Year3Sem1 Course4 Grade= A-
|Year3Sem1 Course5 Code= ADMIN200
|Year3Sem1 Course5 Title= Starfleet Starships <!-- required for com/ops major-->
|Year3Sem1 Course5 Grade= B
|Year3Sem2 Course1 Code= TAC302
|Year3Sem2 Course1 Title= Strategy of Battle 2 <!-- required for com/ops major-->
|Year3Sem2 Course1 Grade= A
|Year3Sem2 Course2 Code= ASTRO200
|Year3Sem2 Course2 Title= Advanced Astrophysics <!-- Required for helm/nav major-->
|Year3Sem2 Course2 Grade= B-
|Year3Sem2 Course3 Code= PHYS400
|Year3Sem2 Course3 Title= Warp Theory <!-- Required for helm/nav major-->
|Year3Sem2 Course3 Grade= A-
|Year3Sem2 Course4 Code= ENG322
|Year3Sem2 Course4 Title= Base Mode Operations <!-- required for comm/ops major-->
|Year3Sem2 Course4 Grade= C+
|Year3Sem2 Course5 Code= ADMIN210
|Year3Sem2 Course5 Title= Starfleet Bases and Outposts <!-- required for comm/ops major-->
|Year3Sem2 Course5 Grade= C+
|Year3Sem3 Course1 Code= ADMIN300
|Year3Sem3 Course1 Title= Deployment <!-- required for comm/ops major-->
|Year3Sem3 Course1 Grade= B-
|Year3Sem3 Course2 Code= ARM101
|Year3Sem3 Course2 Title= Introduction to Weapons <!-- required for security minor-->
|Year3Sem3 Course2 Grade= A
|Year3Sem3 Course3 Code= PSY302
|Year3Sem3 Course3 Title= Psychology: Hostilities <!-- Required for security minor-->
|Year3Sem3 Course3 Grade= B-
|Year3Sem3 Course4 Code=LANG390
|Year3Sem3 Course4 Title=Conversational Cardassian
|Year3Sem3 Course4 Grade= B+
<nowiki>[[Category:Academy Transcripts]]</nowiki>

Personality: I haven’t really gotten here yet, but I’m thinking like Kaylee from Firefly in the eternally cheerful regard.
(Jayne: Can’t you just put duct tape over her mouth or somethin’ ta shut her up?
(M. Reynolds: Ain’t no power in the ‘verse can stop Kaylee from being cheerful.)

{{Medical Record LCARS
|SERIAL NUMBER= EZ - 123 - 456
Reading SCE articles
Fixing things
|SEX= Female
|SPECIES= [[Human]]
|HEIGHT= 161 cm (5'3")
|WEIGHT= 56 kilos (123 lbs)
|ALLERGIES & REACTIONS= Strawberries (hives)
*'''2388:''' Tarkalean flu
*'''SD 238911.12:''' Knee surgery
**'''Surgeon:''' {{n|Niccolò|del Vedova}}, MD
**'''OR Site:''' {{USS|Mercury}}
**'''Op Note:''' Link to sim
|ALCOHOL USE= 2 glasses of wine per week
|FATHER MEDICAL HISTORY= Cardiovascular disease
|MARITAL STATUS & SPOUSE= Married to Elliot Smith
|CHILDREN= 1 son
|DIET= Vegetarian
|EXERCISE= Running, 3 times a week
*'''SD 239004.23 - Medical Officer:''' {{n|Niccolò|del Vedova}}, MD, {{USS|Mercury}}
*'''Medical Assessment:''' Ensign Smith is a 27-year-old human female who presents with abdominal pain and generalized weakness. She states the symptoms began last Thursday after eating a bowl of Commander McLaughin's "Sweet Chili Surprise" at the ship's annual cook off contest. I've started her on an intense bowel cleansing therapy which should be followed to completion through next week.
*'''SD 239004.27 - Medical Officer:''' {{n|Niccolò|del Vedova}}, MD, {{USS|Mercury}}
*'''Addendum:''' Ensign Smith returned to sickbay today stating she felt much better, insisting that her cleansing therapy was no longer necessary. I told her nonsense and sent her on her way.
*'''SD 239004.28 - Counselor:''' Lt. Rachel Simmons, {{USS|Mercury}}
*'''Counseling Assessment:''' Ensign Smith came to my office today in tears. It seems her recent medical illness due to her unfortunate encounter with McLaughlin's chili has left her feeling vulnerable and alone. I have advised her to continue daily therapy sessions with me until further notice.

<nowiki>[[Category:Medical Records]]</nowiki>
Cajun French
Federation Standard (English)

{{header|darkgoldenrod|Peters Project}}
Science documentaries

Dislikes: Haven’t gotten to this point yet.
{{Academy Diploma
|Name on Diploma=Ricky Redshirt
|Graduation Date=239103.14
|Commandant=Andrus Jaxx
|Training CO=Leo Handley-Page
|Name on Transcript= Ricky Redshirt
|Serial Number= EZ - 123 - 456
|Graduation Date= 239103.14
|Dates of Attendance= 238709.21 - 239103.09
|Campus= San Francisco, Earth, Sol Sector
|Major= Science - Chemistry
|Major Division Color=Blue
|Minor= Xenobiology

|Year1Sem1 Course1 Code= HIST101
{{heading|Drawing board|blue}}
|Year1Sem1 Course1 Title= Birth of the Federation
*'''New Concept:'''
|Year1Sem1 Course1 Grade= A
**Name: Skyler Harrison
|Year1Sem1 Course2 Code= XEN101
**Avatar: To Be Announced
|Year1Sem1 Course2 Title= General Xenology
**Species: Human / Bajoran hybrid
|Year1Sem1 Course2 Grade= B
**Gender: Female
|Year1Sem1 Course3 Code= ENG221
**Division: Science Cadet; determine field later
|Year1Sem1 Course3 Title= LCARS Programming 1
**Romance Option: N/A
|Year1Sem1 Course3 Grade= B-
**Rank: Cadet 4th
|Year1Sem1 Course4 Code= ADMIN101
**Notes: Responds to both human and Bajoran naming conventions, having adapted to both. Prefers Bajoran.
|Year1Sem1 Course4 Title= Starfleet Operations
|Year1Sem1 Course4 Grade= A-

|Year1Sem2 Course1 Code= ADMIN110
{{heading|Kinsey Winstead|blue}}
|Year1Sem2 Course1 Title= Chain of Command and General Protocol
**Name: Kinsey Winstead
|Year1Sem2 Course1 Grade= B+
**Avatar: Whitney Hoy
|Year1Sem2 Course2 Code= DIPL101
**Species: Human
|Year1Sem2 Course2 Title= General Diplomacy
**Division: Operations
|Year1Sem2 Course2 Grade= A
**Romance Option: N/A
|Year1Sem2 Course3 Code= ENG231
|Year1Sem2 Course3 Title= Computer Memory and Personnel Interfaces
|Year1Sem2 Course3 Grade= B
|Year1Sem2 Course4 Code= LANG101
|Year1Sem2 Course4 Title= Federation Standard
|Year1Sem2 Course4 Grade= B+

|Year1Sem3 Course1 Code= PHYS101
|Year1Sem3 Course1 Title= Concepts
Height: 5’2"
|Year1Sem3 Course1 Grade= B+
Hair: Auburn
|Year1Sem3 Course2 Code= LAW101
Eyes: Blue-Grey
|Year1Sem3 Course2 Title= General Federation Law
Handedness: Left
|Year1Sem3 Course2 Grade= A-
Species: Human
|Year1Sem3 Course3 Code= ENG232
|Year1Sem3 Course3 Title= Replicators, Transporters and Holodecks
|Year1Sem3 Course3 Grade= B+
|Year1Sem3 Course4 Code= SURV101
|Year1Sem3 Course4 Title= Starship Emergencies
|Year1Sem3 Course4 Grade= B

|Year2Sem1 Course1 Code= MATH101
Family and Friends
|Year2Sem1 Course1 Title= Concepts
Mother: Botanist
|Year2Sem1 Course1 Grade= B+
Father: Respected Painter
|Year2Sem1 Course2 Code= PILOT101
|Year2Sem1 Course2 Title= Runabouts and Shuttles
|Year2Sem1 Course2 Grade= A-
|Year2Sem1 Course3 Code= ENG233
|Year2Sem1 Course3 Title= Sensors, Communications and Helm Systems
|Year2Sem1 Course3 Grade= A-
|Year2Sem1 Course4 Code= TAC101
|Year2Sem1 Course4 Title= Combat, Unarmed
|Year2Sem1 Course4 Grade= B

|Year2Sem2 Course1 Code= TAC110
|Year2Sem2 Course1 Title= Combat, Small Weapons
If there is one thing that can be said about Kinsey it’s that she is curious. From an early age she has been interested in anything new that she could find, and she wasn’t afraid to get dirty to find it. As a child she would do things like come home covered in mud with a frog (or worse) in her hand, elated that she had discovered a new animal. As an adult she has not changed much. Always eager to learn and not only explore new things, but discover how they work. Kinsey can often be found exploring the mountains of her home, either with her Mountain Bike, her Hiking shoes, or her rope and harness. It is her lifelong dream to make it to the stars, the ultimate exploration.
|Year2Sem2 Course1 Grade= A-
|Year2Sem2 Course2 Code= SURV110
|Year2Sem2 Course2 Title= Environmental Suits and Zero-G Training
|Year2Sem2 Course2 Grade= B
|Year2Sem2 Course3 Code= LANG130
|Year2Sem2 Course3 Title= Elementary Andorian
|Year2Sem2 Course3 Grade= B+
|Year2Sem2 Course4 Code= BIO101
|Year2Sem2 Course4 Title= Concepts
|Year2Sem2 Course4 Grade= B

|Year2Sem3 Course1 Code= MED101
|Year2Sem3 Course1 Title= First Aid and Field Medicine
Talks too fast when excited. Usually when discovering something new, or explaining a ‘super interesting’ (often just to her) scientific topic.
|Year2Sem3 Course1 Grade= B+
|Year2Sem3 Course2 Code=
She grew up in Grand Junction, Colorado. After graduating from Starfleet Academy, she spent nine months on Mars Colony as an ensign doing colonial operations tasks.
|Year2Sem3 Course2 Title=
|Year2Sem3 Course2 Grade=
|Year2Sem3 Course3 Code=
|Year2Sem3 Course3 Title=
|Year2Sem3 Course3 Grade=
|Year2Sem3 Course4 Code=
|Year2Sem3 Course4 Title=
|Year2Sem3 Course4 Grade=

|Year3Sem1 Course1 Code=
|Year3Sem1 Course1 Title=
Lael Rosek: Most of her knowledge of Lael thus far has been in letter form, since they only exchanged letters while Kinsey was stationed on Mars Colony. Kinsey wants to learn more about Lael once time allows.
|Year3Sem1 Course1 Grade=
|Year3Sem1 Course2 Code=
|Year3Sem1 Course2 Title=
Starry Messenger & Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems by Galileo Galilei
|Year3Sem1 Course2 Grade=
Cosmos by Carl Sagan
|Year3Sem1 Course3 Code=
A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking
|Year3Sem1 Course3 Title=
|Year3Sem1 Course3 Grade=
Mountain Biking
|Year3Sem1 Course4 Code=
|Year3Sem1 Course4 Title=
|Year3Sem1 Course4 Grade=
Dual Major: Helm/Navigation & Operations/Communications

|Year3Sem2 Course1 Code=
Known Interests
|Year3Sem2 Course1 Title=
Architecture, specifically of castles
|Year3Sem2 Course1 Grade=
|Year3Sem2 Course2 Code=
|Year3Sem2 Course2 Title=
|Year3Sem2 Course2 Grade=
|Year3Sem2 Course3 Code=
|Year3Sem2 Course3 Title=
|Year3Sem2 Course3 Grade=
|Year3Sem2 Course4 Code=
|Year3Sem2 Course4 Title=
|Year3Sem2 Course4 Grade=

|Year3Sem3 Course1 Code=
Posting History:
|Year3Sem3 Course1 Title=
USS Belfast xxxx - xxxx
|Year3Sem3 Course1 Grade=
Current Rank: Lt. JG
|Year3Sem3 Course2 Code=
|Year3Sem3 Course2 Title=
|Year3Sem3 Course2 Grade=
|Year3Sem3 Course3 Code=
|Year3Sem3 Course3 Title=
|Year3Sem3 Course3 Grade=
|Year3Sem3 Course4 Code=
|Year3Sem3 Course4 Title=
|Year3Sem3 Course4 Grade=

|Year4Sem1 Course1 Code=
|Year4Sem1 Course1 Title=
|Year4Sem1 Course1 Grade=
|Year4Sem1 Course2 Code=
|Year4Sem1 Course2 Title=
|Year4Sem1 Course2 Grade=
|Year4Sem1 Course3 Code=
|Year4Sem1 Course3 Title=
|Year4Sem1 Course3 Grade=
|Year4Sem1 Course4 Code=
|Year4Sem1 Course4 Title=
|Year4Sem1 Course4 Grade=
|Year4Sem2 Course1 Code=
|Year4Sem2 Course1 Title=
|Year4Sem2 Course1 Grade=
|Year4Sem2 Course2 Code=
|Year4Sem2 Course2 Title=
|Year4Sem2 Course2 Grade=
|Year4Sem2 Course3 Code=
|Year4Sem2 Course3 Title=
|Year4Sem2 Course3 Grade=
|Year4Sem2 Course4 Code=
|Year4Sem2 Course4 Title=
|Year4Sem2 Course4 Grade=
|Year4Sem3 Course1 Code=
|Year4Sem3 Course1 Title=
|Year4Sem3 Course1 Grade=
|Year4Sem3 Course2 Code=
|Year4Sem3 Course2 Title=
|Year4Sem3 Course2 Grade=
|Year4Sem3 Course3 Code=
|Year4Sem3 Course3 Title=
|Year4Sem3 Course3 Grade=
|Year4Sem3 Course4 Code=
|Year4Sem3 Course4 Title=
|Year4Sem3 Course4 Grade=
Category:Academy Transcripts
{{heading|Greyson Projects|Darkgoldenrod}}
<br clear=all>
|width=170 rowspan=2|[[File:AcademyLogo2390.png|150px|center|link=Starfleet Academy Curriculum]]
|colspan=2 style="text-transform:uppercase"|<font size="4" color=#336699>'''Academic Transcript - Official Copy'''<br>'''Starfleet Academy Office of the Registrar'''<br>'''School of Graduate Studies'''</font>
|valign=top|'''Student Name:''' Carter Greyson <br>'''[[StarFleet Serial Number Register|Student ID]]:''' AZ - 159 - 930
|valign=top|'''Transcript Issued:''' {{Stardate-of-LastEdit}}
<!--Major Division Color = Gold -->
|width=290 valign=top|
* '''Dates of Attendance''': 239111.26 - Present
* '''Campus''': Distance Learning
* '''Program''': Engineering
|width=170 valign=top|
* '''Cumulative GPA''': {{GPA
|Total Credits={{TotalCredits
* '''Total Credit Hours''': {{TotalCredits
{| border=0 cellspacing=1 style="background:black" width=700
!style="background:{{Color|Darkgoldenrod}}; color:white" colspan="100%"|Postgraduate Coursework
!style="background:#343434; color:white" colspan="100%"|{{USSwhite|Garuda}}
!style="background:#C0C0C0" width=100|Course Code
!style="background:#C0C0C0" |Course Name
!style="background:#C0C0C0" |Grade
!style="background:#C0C0C0" |Credit Hours
!style="background:#C0C0C0" |Grade Points
|style="background:#F0F0F0" align=center|ENG121
|style="background:#F0F0F0"|Colossal Failures in Engineering
|style="background:#F0F0F0" align=center|A-
|style="background:#F0F0F0" align=center|{{CreditHours|1.0}}
|style="background:#F0F0F0" align=center|{{GradePoints|3.7}}
|style="background:#F0F0F0" align=center|ENG111
|style="background:#F0F0F0"|Intermediate Electronics 1
|style="background:#F0F0F0" align=center|B+
|style="background:#F0F0F0" align=center|{{CreditHours|1}}
|style="background:#F0F0F0" align=center|{{GradePoints|3.3}}
|style="background:#F0F0F0" align=center|ENG112
|style="background:#F0F0F0"|Intermediate Electronics 2
|style="background:#F0F0F0" align=center|B+
|style="background:#F0F0F0" align=center|{{CreditHours|1.0}}
|style="background:#F0F0F0" align=center|{{GradePoints|3.3}}
!style="background:#343434; color:white" colspan="100%"|{{USSwhite|Invicta}}
!style="background:#C0C0C0" width=100|Course Code
!style="background:#C0C0C0" |Course Name
!style="background:#C0C0C0" |Grade
!style="background:#C0C0C0" |Credit Hours
!style="background:#C0C0C0" |Grade Points
|style="background:#F0F0F0" align=center|
|style="background:#F0F0F0" align=center|
|style="background:#F0F0F0" align=center|{{CreditHours|}}
|style="background:#F0F0F0" align=center|{{GradePoints|}}
|style="background:#F0F0F0" align=center|
|style="background:#F0F0F0" align=center|
|style="background:#F0F0F0" align=center|{{CreditHours|}}
|style="background:#F0F0F0" align=center|{{GradePoints|}}
|style="background:#F0F0F0" align=center|
|style="background:#F0F0F0" align=center|
|style="background:#F0F0F0" align=center|{{CreditHours|}}
|style="background:#F0F0F0" align=center|{{GradePoints|}}
|style="background:#F0F0F0" align=center|
|style="background:#F0F0F0" align=center|
|style="background:#F0F0F0" align=center|{{CreditHours|}}
|style="background:#F0F0F0" align=center|{{GradePoints|}}
|style="background:#F0F0F0" align=center|
|style="background:#F0F0F0" align=center|
|style="background:#F0F0F0" align=center|{{CreditHours|}}
|style="background:#F0F0F0" align=center|{{GradePoints|}}
|style="background:#F0F0F0" align=center|
|style="background:#F0F0F0" align=center|
|style="background:#F0F0F0" align=center|{{CreditHours|}}
|style="background:#F0F0F0" align=center|{{GradePoints|}}
{{header|blue|Drawing Board}}
*Avatar: Eric Szmanda
*Concept: Surfer from Honolulu - Marine biologist
*Romance: Yes - Dassa Alexander
*Dept: Science
[[Category:Chythar Skyfire|User]]

Latest revision as of 21:35, 17 November 2024

Drawing Board

  • Cailyn Krystal Sutton -- Chythar's 1/2 sister

Name: Cailyn Krystal Sutton Species: Human/Centauran T/E Rating: T2/E2 Gender: Female Age: 22 Occupation: Starfleet cadet pursuing engineering (Rich suggested Enlisted, due to timing) Place of Birth: Henderson, Louisiana, Earth Date of Birth: 237312.10 Hair: Auburn Eye Color: Green Height: 5’5 Weight: 120lbs Build: Athletic, Strong Avatar Credit: To be Announced

Immediate Family: Calvin Skyfire (Bio dad) - Deceased Thomas Sutton (Stepdad) - Age 55 Elliana Maia Sutton (Mom) - Age 52 Chythar Skyfire (older half brother) - Age 31 Hailie Evelin Sutton (Stepsister) - Age 10

Background: Born to Calvin Skyfire and Elliana Sutton following Kyrethia’s departure from Earth, and raised predominantly by Elliana. About a year after she was born, Elliana married Thomas Sutton and the pair raised their daughter in Henderson, Louisiana. No attempt was made to follow up with Calvin due to how ashamed he was that he’d been drinking and honestly thought Elliana looked like Kyrethia. Upon tracing her biological father with no success, when Cailyn read the article in 2393 on the Skyfire Cure, she became inspired to join Starfleet. Further investigation revealed that Chythar was her half brother by Calvin.

Personality: I haven’t really gotten here yet, but I’m thinking like Kaylee from Firefly in the eternally cheerful regard. (Jayne: Can’t you just put duct tape over her mouth or somethin’ ta shut her up? (M. Reynolds: Ain’t no power in the ‘verse can stop Kaylee from being cheerful.)

Hobbies/Interests: Reading SCE articles Fixing things

Languages: Cajun French French Federation Standard (English)

Likes: Seafood Science documentaries Meditation

Dislikes: Haven’t gotten to this point yet.

Drawing board

  • New Concept:
    • Name: Skyler Harrison
    • Avatar: To Be Announced
    • Species: Human / Bajoran hybrid
    • Gender: Female
    • Division: Science Cadet; determine field later
    • Romance Option: N/A
    • Rank: Cadet 4th
    • Notes: Responds to both human and Bajoran naming conventions, having adapted to both. Prefers Bajoran.

Kinsey Winstead

    • Name: Kinsey Winstead
    • Avatar: Whitney Hoy
    • Species: Human
    • Division: Operations
    • Romance Option: N/A

Appearance Height: 5’2" Hair: Auburn Eyes: Blue-Grey Handedness: Left Species: Human

Family and Friends Mother: Botanist Father: Respected Painter

Personality If there is one thing that can be said about Kinsey it’s that she is curious. From an early age she has been interested in anything new that she could find, and she wasn’t afraid to get dirty to find it. As a child she would do things like come home covered in mud with a frog (or worse) in her hand, elated that she had discovered a new animal. As an adult she has not changed much. Always eager to learn and not only explore new things, but discover how they work. Kinsey can often be found exploring the mountains of her home, either with her Mountain Bike, her Hiking shoes, or her rope and harness. It is her lifelong dream to make it to the stars, the ultimate exploration.

Quirks: Talks too fast when excited. Usually when discovering something new, or explaining a ‘super interesting’ (often just to her) scientific topic. Background She grew up in Grand Junction, Colorado. After graduating from Starfleet Academy, she spent nine months on Mars Colony as an ensign doing colonial operations tasks.

Relationships Lael Rosek: Most of her knowledge of Lael thus far has been in letter form, since they only exchanged letters while Kinsey was stationed on Mars Colony. Kinsey wants to learn more about Lael once time allows. Favorites Books: Starry Messenger & Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems by Galileo Galilei Cosmos by Carl Sagan A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking Hobbies/Talents Mountain Biking Hiking Climbing Reading Education Dual Major: Helm/Navigation & Operations/Communications

Known Interests Architecture, specifically of castles Reading

Posting History: USS Belfast xxxx - xxxx Current Rank: Lt. JG