Craft assigned to USS Independence-A: Difference between revisions

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== Table of Craft Assignment ==
== Table of Craft Assignment ==
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!<center>Normal Cruise: Warp 5<br>Max. Cruise: Warp 5.5<br>Max. Rated: 6 for 3 hours</center>
!<center>Normal Cruise: Warp 5<br>Max. Cruise: Warp 5.5<br>Max. Rated: 6 for 3 hours</center>
!<center>3x Type IV Phaser Bank<br>2x Micro Photon Torpedo Tube (60 rounds)</center>
!<center>3x Type IV Phaser Bank<br>2x Micro Photon Torpedo Tube (60 rounds)</center>
!''Kennedy,''<br>''Teddy Roosevelt''
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!MIS: 0.01xc<br>Atmos. Cruise (Mach): 2<br>Atmos. Max (Mach): 5  
!MIS: 0.01xc<br>Atmos. Cruise (Mach): 2<br>Atmos. Max (Mach): 5  
!No Weapons
!No Weapons
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== Type M-1 Sphinx Workpods ==
== Type M-1 Sphinx Workpods ==
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==StarFleet Marine Corps FA-150 Fast Attack Space Superiority Gunship (Maul)==
* PRODUCTION BASE: Iwaix Fleet yards, Vulcan sector.
* RATINGS: 199 (2). See below for DITL summary.
* TYPE: Medium short range warp gunship.
* INSERVICE DATE: 2380.  Successor to FA-120 series.
* ACCOMODATION: 1 pilot, 1copilot, can carry up to 8 additional marines or passengers.
* POWER PLANT: Two 22k millicochrane warp engines, twenty DeFl 9200 micro-Fusion RCS thrusters & two 10k impulse engines positioned to the far left and right of the Aft section, for optimum turning velocity.
* DIMENSIONS: Length 13m; beam 7m; height 4m.
* MASS: 9.2m tons.
* PERFORMANCE: Warp 9.4 for 36 hours.
** Four type XV phaser cannons;
** Two type VIII phaser emitters (stern), for a total phaser output 5,600 Terra-watts;
** Two bow-mounted Micro-Quantum torpedo launchers.
* SHIELDS: Type 10 generators capable of deflecting 2.4 x 10 to the 5th kW.
* SENSORS: Standard shuttle sensor package with "TAC-LINK" secure channel to host-starship (can accept tactical and other data from host Starship's CIC on a secure subspace short-range channel).
* SPACE FRAME: Utilizing cutting edge technology in space-frame design the FA-150 is capable of high velocity turns up to and exceeding a massive 41g without compromising the enhanced [[SIF|Structural Integrity Field]]. A Single Duranium-Tritanium Hull with a high-level [[SIF]] and 2cm of ablative armor.
* HISTORY/NOTES: Originally intended as a heavy assault version of the earlier FA-120 space superiority fighter, the FA-150 has become the lander, 'drop ship' and assault gunship of choice for the marine corps.  The fleet has also commissioned many of these for planetary defense.  A wing of 'Mauls' will easily handle a small capital ship without breaking a sweat, pose a capable match for a medium capital ship, and put up a good fight even against a large one.  Mauls are still not as common as other tactical craft.  The SFDI has also ordered them for landing operations.
** Beam Weapons: 112
** Torpedoes: 100
** Weapon Range/Accuracy: 60
** Shields: 89
** Hull/Armor: 400
** Speed: 920
** Combat Agility: 19,000
** Total Strength: 199

===FA-150 R-Variant: Fast Recon Craft (Mongoose)===
== Starfleet Marine Corps Fighters ==
* PRODUCTION BASE: Iwaix Fleet yards, Vulcan sector.
* RATINGS: 127(1). See below for DITL summary.
=== FA-150 Fast Attack Space Superiority Gunship (Maul) ===
* TYPE: Medium short range warp reconnaissance fighter.
* '''Type:''' Medium, short range Warp gunship
* '''Active Service Date:''' 2380.  Successor to FA-120 series.
* ACCOMODATION: 1 pilot, 1 copilot.
* '''Accommodation:''' Pilot & Co-Pilot; Eight Additional Marines/Passengers
* POWER PLANT: Two 30k millicochrane warp engines, twenty-five DeFl 9200 micro-Fusion RCS thrusters & two 10k impulse engines positioned to the far left and right of the Aft section, for optimum turning velocity.
* '''Power:''' 2x 22k Millicochrane Warp Engines, 20x DeFl 9200 Microfusion RCS Thrusters & 2x 10k Impulse Engines (Port Aft, Starboard Aft for turning Velocity)
* DIMENSIONS: Length 13m; beam 7m; height 4m.
* '''Dimensions:''' Length 13m | Beam 7m | Height 4m
* MASS: 9.9m tons.
* '''Mass:''' 9.2m tonnes
* PERFORMANCE: Warp 9.9 for 36 hours.
* '''Performance:''' Warp 9.4 for 36 hours
* ARMAMENT: One type V phaser emitter (stern) for a total phaser output 500 Terra-watts.
* '''Armament:'''
* SHIELDS: Type 8 generator capable of deflecting 1.9 x 10 to the 5th Kw.
** 4x Type-XV Phaser Cannons;
* SENSORS: Crew compartment swapped out for high-performance, long range passive and active sensor package including GAD, TSS and jammers (see [[USS Titan]] specs for these sensor packages).  
** 2x Type-VIII Phaser Emitters (stern), for a total phaser output 5,600 Terra-watts;
* SPACE FRAME: Same as the Maul, except that the Mongoose leaves off the armor standard to the former and reduces the [[SIF]] to standard levels in exchange for higher speed.
** 2x bow-mounted Micro-Quantum torpedo launchers.
* HISTORY/NOTES: The Mongoose uses the same EM-deadening tiling and stealth systems which is used on certain capital ships such as PROMETHEUS, SOVEREIGN and NEBULA stealth destroyers.  The Mongoose's function is purely to be unseen and to see everything else, not to fight.
* '''Shields:''' Type-10 generators capable of deflecting 2.4 x 10 to the 5th kW.
** Beam Weapons: 10
Standard shuttle sensor package with "TAC-LINK" secure channel to host-starship (can accept tactical and other data from host Starship's CIC on a secure subspace short-range channel). Utilizing cutting edge technology in space-frame design the FA-150 is capable of high velocity turns up to and exceeding a massive 41g without compromising the enhanced [[SIF|Structural Integrity Field]] with a single Duranium-Tritanium Hull with a high-level [[SIF]] and 2cm of ablative armor.
** Torpedoes: 0
** Weapon Range/Accuracy: 60
Originally intended as a heavy assault version of the earlier FA-120 space superiority fighter, the FA-150 has become the lander, 'drop ship' and assault gunship of choice for the marine corps.  The fleet has also commissioned many of these for planetary defense.  A wing of 'Mauls' will easily handle a small capital ship without breaking a sweat, pose a capable match for a medium capital ship, and put up a good fight even against a large one.  Mauls are still not as common as other tactical craft.  The SFDI has also ordered them for landing operations.
** Shields: 70
** Hull/Armor: 50
Produced in the Iwaix Fleet yards, Vulcan sector.
** Speed: 1075
** Combat Agility: 19,000
** Total Strength: 127
* '''Beam Weapons''': 112
* '''Torpedoes''': 100
* '''Weapon Range/Accuracy''': 60
* '''Shields''': 89
* '''Hull/Armor''': 400
* '''Speed''': 920
** '''Combat Agility''': 19,000
* '''Total Strength/Rating''': 199
=== FA-150 R-Variant: Fast Recon Craft (Mongoose) ===
* '''Type:''' Medium short range warp reconnaissance fighter.
* '''Active Service Date:''' 2380
* '''Accommodation:''' Pilot & Co-Pilot
* '''Power:''' 2x 30k Millicochrane Warp Engines, 25x DeFl 9200 Microfusion RCS Thrusters & 2x 10k Impulse Engines (Port Aft, Starboard Aft for turning Velocity)
* '''Dimensions:''' Length 13m | Beam 7m | Height 4m
* '''Mass:''' 9.9m tonnes
* '''Performance:''' Warp 9.9 for 36 hours
* '''Armament:'''
** 1x Type-V Phaser Emitter (stern) for a total phaser output 500 Terra-watts.
* '''Shields:''' Type-8 Generator capable of deflecting 1.9 x 10 to the 5th KW
Crew compartment swapped out for high-performance, long range passive and active sensor package including GAD, TSS and jammers (see [[USS Titan]] specs for these sensor packages). The space frame is the same as the Maul, except that the Mongoose leaves off the armor standard to the former and reduces the [[SIF]] to standard levels in exchange for higher speed.
The Mongoose uses the same EM-deadening tiling and stealth systems which is used on certain capital ships such as PROMETHEUS, SOVEREIGN and NEBULA stealth destroyers.  The Mongoose's function is purely to be unseen and to see everything else, not to fight.
Produced in the Iwaix Fleet yards, Vulcan sector.
* '''Beam Weapons''': 10
* '''Torpedoes''': 0
* '''Weapon Range/Accuracy''': 60
* '''Shields''': 70
* '''Hull/Armor''': 50
* '''Speed''': 1075
** '''Combat Agility''': 19,000
* '''Total Strength/Rating''': 127

